My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 872: Cherishing Life
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Chapter 872: Cherishing Life

Chapter 872: Cherishing Life

The news spread quickly, causing a wave of shocked reactions.

Since Sienna didn't capture the content of the marriage certificate in the photo, many thought it was

fake, and some even joked that she was celebrating April Fools' Day early.

Camille was one of the first to see it and immediately messaged her, "Is this real?"

Sienna played coy, "Guess."

Camille replied, "So it's real?"

"Come on, can't you at least make a guess? You're like a mind-reader to me," Sienna sighed in

frustration. It seemed that she had never provided any challenge to Camille.

Sienna's response confirmed the authenticity of the news. She wasn't particularly surprised and asked,

"When are you coming back to Hance? Treat me to a meal, or you'll be in trouble."

"Just a meal, I promise. You can choose whatever you want. Rex will pay for our dinner, so don't

hesitate to have an expensive one," Sienna replied.

Camille sent an OK emoji and then received another message from Sienna, "What about you? How's it

going with Mr. Simpson? Has he won you over yet?"

Knowing their situation, Sienna felt anxious.

She hoped that Ayan would quickly win Camille back and remarry her so she wouldn't have to worry

about this situation all the time. She was afraid she might slip up in conversations since Ayan had told

her about their fake divorce to protect her from Mario's threats. She couldn't betray Ayan after all he'd

done for her.

Of course, she was on Camille's side, and she didn't want to pry into the reasons why Ayan and

Camille decided to have a fake divorce. It was their private matter. As Camille's best friend, as long as

Ayan didn't hurt Camille, she was willing to cooperate.

After Sienna's message, Camille took quite a while to respond.

After waiting for several minutes, Sienna sent her a voice message, "Why aren't you saying anything?

Did you remarry Mr. Simpson without telling me?"

"I was busy just now, working. We haven't remarried," Camille replied.

"???" Sienna asked, "Then what's going on with you two?"

"Let's talk about it when you come back."

"Cami, are you feeling down?" Sienna asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, just a bit busy lately, feeling tired," Camille replied.

Sienna sent a hugging emoji and chatted with Camille for a while. Since Camille was still working, she

didn't want to disturb her too much.

After finishing the chat with Camille, Sienna sighed silently while holding her phone. Camille didn't

seem to be in a good mood, and that worried her.

Rex noticed Sienna's actions and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sienna said, "Is there a problem between Camille and Mr. Simpson?"

"How could that be?" Rex denied it immediately, saying, "My mom just told me this morning that the

Simpson family is already preparing for their wedding. They are crazily in love. Where would there be

any issues?"

The relationship between the Simpson family and the Ward family started with their grandfathers and

has spanned many years. Ayan and Sienna grew up together as childhood friends, and Talia couldn't

wait to tell Rex's mother about their wedding plans on the night they got engaged.

Their relationship was excellent, and both families were experiencing this for the first time, so they were

exchanging experiences frequently. Madison, in particular, informed Rex immediately, hinting heavily

about Ayan, who was the same age as him, having a child already and now preparing for a wedding.

But what about Rex?

Until now, there was still no good news from him, probably because Rex was not the reliable type,

which led to him not having a girlfriend.

Rex had withheld the news about his marriage before. Instead, he playfully asked Sienna, "What gift

will you give your future daughter-in-law when I bring her back to meet you?"

"As long as you bring her back, I'll immediately give her a gift. I've prepared it a long time ago. It's up to

you if you can take it from me," Madison responded.

Rex just smiled and told Madison to prepare properly. He might bring someone back anytime.

So when the topic of Ayan and Camille's wedding came up, he seized the opportunity to ask Sienna,

"After we return to Hance City, will you come with me to meet my parents at the Ward family?"

Still immersed in Camille's wedding plans, Sienna absentmindedly nodded, "Sure."

"Okay then," Rex replied.

Only later did Sienna snap out of it, looking at Rex with disbelief, "What did you just say?"

Rex chuckled, "You already agreed, no backing out."

Sienna hurriedly said, "I'm not prepared yet."

"You don't need to prepare anything. Just come with me, and trust me, everyone in the Ward family will

like you."

Rex and Sienna had been together for quite a while, and although their relationship wasn't completely

public, the Ward family had heard rumors. However, they didn't meddle too much because of the

previous engagement, and they understood Rex's temperament.

Worried about Sienna's insecurities, Rex reiterated firmly, "Trust me, okay?"

He would arrange everything, ensuring no one would dare to mistreat her or give her any trouble.

His determination made Sienna refrain from refusing. After all, they were already married, and shenovelbin

would have to face this sooner or later.

But she was starting to feel nervous and worried. Would Rex's parents really like her?

She envied how Ayan's parents treated Camille. They had no typical mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

conflicts, which she believed was the best example of such kind of a relationship. Maybe she could

achieve that too?

Mario soon received the news after Sienna's posts.

Yesterday morning, he had just been discharged from the hospital and hadn't returned to the King

family yet. Instead, he stayed at his villa.

He still hadn't contacted Sienna, not because he planned to continue like this, but because he wanted

to give her a chance to see the truth for herself.

However, he got word of Sienna's post from his secretary. Though the secretary's tone seemed

dismissive, he treated it as a casual report. His initial reaction was subdued, but his face soon turned

ice-cold as he repeatedly read the content. He picked up his phone and opened Sienna's Facebook.

A photo of the marriage certificate and one word: "Married!"

His brow furrowed, and his expression turned extremely chilly. The secretary, seeing Mario's demeanor,

cautiously said, "Mr. King, maybe Miss King is just playing a game with her friends, or it's some internet


Mario remained silent, his face growing even colder.

"Do you think she'd do something so trivial?" he asked in a tone laced with coldness.

The secretary felt a chill down his spine and dared not breathe heavily.

Mario's face slightly narrowed, his voice filled with coldness as he said, "Investigate the true meaning

behind her post."

The secretary didn't dare to procrastinate and quickly conducted the investigation.

However, the results he found were something he didn't dare to report to Mario. He was too afraid of

the consequences.

But dragging it out was also not feasible since they'd eventually have to face it.

With great trepidation, the secretary informed Mario of the results. Mario's first reaction was, "Are you

sure you've investigated thoroughly? It's not a fake message that Sienna deliberately spread?"

"Mr. King, I checked the surveillance footage from the Civil Affairs Bureau. Miss King did indeed

register her marriage with Rex," the secretary said.

Upon hearing this, the room fell silent, and a chilling atmosphere filled the air.

Time seemed to stand still, and the air was filled with tension. Mario's face became veiled in frost, and

his voice was laced with coldness, "Sienna, do you think this kind of move can completely sever our


He picked up his phone and dialed Sienna's number.

But Sienna didn't answer; she hung up right after it got through.

Mario didn't redial; instead, he stared out the window, his face showing no emotion. He then sent a

message, and within a minute, Sienna called him back.

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