My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 871: Marriage Certificate
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Chapter 871: Marriage Certificate

Chapter 871: Marriage Certificate

Ayan's expression turned extremely sour, and his eyes squinted into a tight knot. He spoke heavily, "Do

you even know what you're saying?"

"Of course. If you can't even remember what I said, how can you remember anything else?" Camillenovelbin

chuckled lightly, her face icy and expressionless. A faint trace of coldness appeared at the corner of her

lips, making her demeanor even more aloof. She continued, "If you don't want to remarry, you could

have just told me. I don't have to keep pestering you."

Ayan's behavior was puzzling to her, and it only made her emotions more chaotic. At times, she even

felt like this was all a dream, and everything would return to normal once the dream was over.

Yes, she used the word "normal" to describe their current situation.

She didn't like this state, but her heart couldn't bear any distance between them. She preferred to

resolve all matters cleanly.

However, after speaking those words, she gradually realized that they might have been too harsh,

especially the part about not pestering him.

These words instantly darkened Ayan's expression, making his face even more unsightly. He furrowed

his brows tightly and spoke in a low, hoarse voice, "You think I don't want to remarry? Then what were

all the efforts I made for? Camille, your words are hurtful."

Camille's gaze turned vacant, and she stood there motionless, not knowing what to say.

The atmosphere grew even more tense. Camille felt like something was blocking her heart, making it

hard for her to speak. She remained silent for a long time without any response.

Once again, both of them fell silent.

At that moment, Ayan's phone rang, breaking the brief silence.

He walked to the balcony to answer the call, and Camille went back to the bedroom to blow-dry her


It was Rex calling.

Rex said, "I'll be back in Hance City in a couple of days, and Mario will probably make a move soon

too. Keep an eye on him for me."

Ayan asked indifferently, "Are you starting to boss me around now?" There was no hint of displeasure

in his tone; it was just a typical banter between friends.

Rex chuckled and said, "Oh, I just want to bask in Mr. Simpson's glory. After all, Mr. Simpson is thriving

in both love and career. I need to learn from him, right?"

Ayan snorted lightly and replied, "Stop teasing me."

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not teasing you. I'm being sincere. So, could you please keep an eye on

Mario for me? He was discharged from the hospital today and probably knows that I'm in Flento. I

guess he'll be watching Sienna's every move closely. If he finds out that we're heading back to Hance,

he'll definitely take action."

Rex wasn't afraid of Mario, but he was worried that Mario's actions might trouble Sienna. He didn't want

anyone to make her unhappy.

Rex also mentioned to Ayan about Sienna totally cutting ties with the King family. He asked, "Can you

handle transferring Sienna's registration to Hance today? Just to avoid any unnecessary trouble."

Ayan remained calm, his brows slightly furrowed. After a moment, he calmly said, "Do you think Mario

cares about it?"

To Ayan, it wasn't a real issue. Even if Sienna's registration was in Hance, so what?

Rex realized from Ayan's words that the idea was not that useful. His voice became slightly hoarse as

he asked, "Ayan, what should I do then, if I want to guard against Mario?"

As someone directly involved, Rex didn't think as clearly as Ayan, the bystander.

Ayan chuckled lightly, his voice calm as he said, "The best way is to make her your woman legally."

Ayan's meaning was clear and straightforward, laying out all the issues in front of them.

Rex was taken aback for a moment, then quickly understood.

He smiled faintly, "Ayan, you're truly a married man. When I have my wedding with Sienna, you'll be

our officiant."

He didn't believe that Mario could still have his way with Sienna, even if there were a hundred ways to

make her yield.

If Sienna's identity changed, there would be nothing Mario could do, right?

The next morning, Rex took Sienna to the civil affairs bureau in Flento.

They were in and out in less than an hour, holding some documents in their hands.

Sienna was still in a daze; she went in as a single woman and came out as a wife.

It wasn't until they got into the car that Rex reached out to take the marriage certificate from her hand,

and she finally came back to her senses. Rex said, "I'll keep the marriage certificate for now. After we

return to Hance, I'll get a customized frame for it and hang it in the most prominent place at home."

Sienna frowned slightly, looking incredulous. "Mr. Ward, this is a marriage certificate, not a trophy to be


"This is worth much more than a trophy." Rex chuckled lightly, extremely satisfied with the marriage

certificate in his hand. Although the photo on the certificate was taken hastily, Sienna looked beautiful,

and he looked handsome. They looked perfect together in the picture.

He couldn't wait and immediately took out his phone, snapped a photo, and promptly posted it in a few

friends' group chats without saying anything. After securing the marriage certificate, he hopped into the

car with Sienna and drove off.

He asked, "Shall we celebrate tonight?"

"I can't believe you got me without even a proper proposal. Shouldn't you prepare a fancy dinner for me

on my wedding day?" Sienna grumbled, feeling a bit regretful for agreeing to his request so easily. After

all, there wasn't even a proper proposal; he just casually said, "Let's get married," and she simply

nodded after a brief moment of silence.

At first, Sienna thought he was just joking, but when he changed into a white shirt and asked her to

wear something in the same color, she realized he wasn't kidding.

From the moment he said, "Let's get married," to when he drove her to the Civil Affairs Bureau, it had

only been forty minutes. Then, they went in and came out, and their identities had undergone a

complete transformation.

Looking back now, it was truly impulsive!

Rex seemed to read her mind, but he didn't get angry; instead, he smiled lightly, "It's too late to regret

now. We're already on board, and I won't give you a chance to regret. As for everything else, I'll slowly

provide for you; you won't be lacking anything others have."

Although Rex didn't overly insist or make grand promises to Sienna, his response and attitude were

much more reliable than those who only made empty commitments.

Sienna couldn't help but think about Rex's sudden marriage proposal. He had Ward Group and so

many properties and funds under his name. Was he really that sure?

Sienna couldn't help but laugh, "Mr. Baxter, aren't you afraid I'll covet Ward Group and everything under

your name?"

Rex was completely indifferent and just smiled lightly, saying, "Will you?"

"It's not certain." Sienna raised an eyebrow.

Rex responded, "Do you want Ward Group and everything under my name? Although it might seem

considerable at the moment, you should broaden your horizons and not be tempted by these petty

gains. If you want everything I own to bear your name, the best way is to give birth to my child and let

our child take over everything. Isn't that better?"

He referred to what he owned as petty gains, making Sienna roll her eyes unconsciously.

Was he bragging about his wealth?

Sienna hummed lightly without saying anything else.

Back at the apartment, Sienna took a photo of the marriage certificate and posted it on her Facebook.

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