My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 870: Tumbling
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Chapter 870: Tumbling

Chapter 870: Tumbling

In the evening, Camille returned to Maple Leaves Mansion after having dinner with her colleagues from

the museum project.

It was already 7:30 pm.

When she entered the house, it was pitch-black with no light in sight. Ayan hadn't returned yet.

Camille didn't think much about it and simply turned on the lights. Everything inside was just as it was

before she left yesterday, indicating that Ayan hadn't been back.

She checked the time. Ayan would usually be back by this time, but he was nowhere to be seen today.

Without asking or dwelling on it, Camille drank a glass of water and rested for a while before heading to

take a shower and wash her hair.

Unbeknownst to Camille, Ayan had actually returned earlier than her. But he didn't come back home

until seeing Camille enter the building.

After all, Jenson worked for him, and he naturally knew every move Camille made.

After Camille went to take a shower, Ayan remained seated on the sofa in the living room.

At that moment, Camille's phone, which was left on the coffee table, started ringing.

Ayan casually picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was Jordan calling.

With a slight squint, Ayan hesitated for a moment before answering the call. Jordan's voice came from

the other end, "Miss Armstrong, good evening. Have you had dinner?"

"It's me, Ayan. Camille is taking a shower. Do you need anything from her?" Ayan's expression

remained emotionless, and his voice was cold, devoid of any warmth.

After hearing Ayan's voice, Jordan fell silent for a couple of seconds before speaking again, "Oh, Mr.

Simpson, there's nothing urgent. I just arranged to have dinner with Miss Armstrong after she returns

from Dane to Hance. Please let her know."

Jordan's tone and attitude remained mild, and his words were simply expressing the purpose of the call

without any other intentions.

Although Ayan understood this, he still felt dissatisfied.

His face remained calm, but his expression was cold as he had no desire for Camille to have too much

contact with other men, especially considering the mess behind the Bailey family. He didn't want

Camille to be involved and certainly didn't want them targeting her because of her relationship with


After hesitating for a moment, Ayan decided to speak up.

He said, "Jordan, Camille might not know what kind of people the Bailey family is, but we both do. If

you truly consider her a friend and are grateful for her unintentional help to your mother, it would be

best to minimize your contact with her. Although I can protect her, you know better than I do how the

Bailey family are like. If they find out that Camille is close to you, they might do something. You should

know, right?"

Ayan's candid words made Jordan slightly taken aback, and he immediately understood the meaning

behind them. Ayan didn't want innocent people, especially Camille, to be affected by his problems. This

had happened to him many times before, and he couldn't let it happen again.novelbin

Jordan responded, "Ayan, I understand what you mean. You're right, and I appreciate your concern. I'll

be mindful of my interactions with Camille. If that's the case, there's no need to tell her about this call."

"Good," Ayan acknowledged.

Jordan then said, "Alright, if there's nothing else, should I hang up now?"

"Yeah," Ayan replied.

Jordan hung up the phone, and Ayan deleted the call log, not wanting Camille to know about it.

Meanwhile, Jordan stood by the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room for a long time without

moving. Mrs. Bailey saw him standing there without reacting and couldn't help but ask, "Jordan, what

are you doing there?"

Only then did Jordan react. He walked towards Mrs. Bailey, who had been chatting with him about his

meeting Camille in Dane City and inviting her to dinner after returning to Hance City. He told her that

Camille was busy with work and might not be available for dinner.

Mrs. Bailey looked at him and asked, "What did Camille say?"

"She's busy with work and won't be able to make it for dinner at the moment," Jordan explained


Mrs. Bailey didn't overthink it and simply nodded with a hint of disappointment, saying, "Well, that can't

be helped. We'll have to reschedule for another time. It's just that I'm bored and wanted to chat with

her. I really enjoy her company."

Mrs. Bailey liked Camille a lot because she treated her like a friend rather than an elder. Although

Camille was respectful and polite, she made Mrs. Bailey feel comfortable and at ease, as if they were

the same age.

Observing Mrs. Bailey's smile, Jordan's expression turned complicated. Ayan was right; the Bailey

family had too many troubles and complicated relationships. He couldn't involve innocent people

because of his problems.

Such situations had occurred before, and Jordan understood Ayan's concern.

Looking at Mrs. Bailey, Jordan maintained his gentle demeanor and said, "Let's try to have less contact

with Miss Armstrong in the future."

Mrs. Bailey looked puzzled, "Why?"

"The Bailey family is watching us closely. If we have too frequent contact with Camille, it might affect

her. So, it's better to minimize our interactions," Jordan explained.

Mrs. Bailey's expression turned serious too. She didn't respond immediately but seemed deep in

thought. After a while, she said, "You're right. Let's not cause trouble for good people. I didn't consider

everything thoroughly this time."

Jordan's gaze was serious, and his emotions were low. He didn't want to put Mrs. Bailey in a difficult

position. He responded, "It's getting late. Why don't you watch TV for a while and then rest? I need to

go out for a bit."

Mrs. Bailey nodded and made no further comments. It was only when Jordan was about to leave the

house through the foyer that she spoke again, saying, "Jordan, you should find a suitable time to visit

your father. The strain between you two won't do any good. You don't need to sacrifice yourself for my

sake, you know?"

Jordan didn't want to burden Mrs. Bailey, so he agreed and left the house.

He drove away alone, aimlessly wandering the roads without a destination in mind.

Meanwhile, after finishing her shower, Camille came out of the bedroom. She didn't know that Ayan

had returned, so she was casually wearing a bathrobe, her hair still dripping wet. Upon seeing Ayan

sitting on the sofa, his face inscrutable, she greeted him, "You're back."

Her tone was indifferent, devoid of any emotions.

Ayan raised his gaze to look at her, and his emotions were warm and gentle. He asked in a low, hoarse

voice, "Why didn't you answer my call?"

"I didn't hear it," she quickly came up with an excuse and avoided looking at Ayan.

Her response came naturally, catching Ayan's attention. He squinted slightly, his expression showing a

hint of stiffness as he asked, "Cami, are you angry with me?"

"No," Camille denied immediately, though her face remained devoid of any extra expression. It was

evident that she was upset, but she wouldn't admit it, and Ayan couldn't do anything about it.

Ayan furrowed his brow, his voice husky as he continued, "Do you think I'm just going through the

motions with this remarriage?"

Camille stayed silent.

He went on, "I have never thought that way, nor would I act that way. Remarrying was something I

fought hard for, and there's no way I wouldn't treasure it."

Camille lightly pressed her lips together, her face calm as she looked at him. She asked, "Is that so?

But the way you make me feel doesn't seem like you genuinely want to remarry with me. Ayan, do you

really want to remarry me, or do you feel challenged because I haven't given in and you want to feel

accomplished by making me agree?"

As Camille's words landed, the air seemed to hit the pause button.

The atmosphere became tense, and their gazes locked, the emotions in their eyes swirling like

turbulent waves.

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