My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 869: Exposed
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Chapter 869: Exposed

Chapter 869: Exposed

Camille immediately denied it and told Talia, "Of course not. I just don't have any fantasies about the

wedding. I can't imagine what it would be like, so I think the one you picked is the best, and I'll definitely

like it!"

After hearing Camille's explanation, Talia stopped pushing further and just looked at Camille with

concern written on her face.

Seeing Talia's expression, Camille quickly explained in a low voice, "Mom, I'm really fine. It's just that

work has been busy lately, and I'm afraid I won't be able to focus on the wedding preparations. That's

why I want to leave everything to you."

Talia's doubts and worries gradually faded after hearing Camille's explanation.

Nodding gently, Talia gladly agreed to Camille's request. She said, "I'll handle everything for you, but

you have to promise me that you'll make the final decision by yourself. I'll take care of all the details,

but the final decision on whether you like it or not will be yours."

"Okay, I'll decide," Camille nodded, not wanting to worry Talia any further or reveal her true feelings.

During lunch, Ayan called, but Camille didn't answer as she was eating. She decided to call him back


After finishing the meal, the old Simpson's voice came up, and he asked, "Cami, have you thought

about where to hold the wedding? Is there any place you like?"

Camille looked at the old Simpson and shook her head slightly, saying, "Grandpa, I haven't really

thought about it. I think it's best to have the wedding in Hance so that it can be more convenient for


Her main considerations were Timmy, who was still so little, and the old Simpson, who was getting old.

Additionally, they would need to invite many guests, so holding the wedding too far away wouldn't be

very convenient.

However, the old Simpson meant, "The wedding is between you and Ayan. As long as you both like it,

you don't need to consider others too much. This is a major event in your lives."

"I know, Grandpa. Don't worry, I won't compromise myself. I just feel more comfortable having the

wedding in Hance. If we hold it elsewhere, everything will be unfamiliar, and it might not be as good.

So, I prefer to make it in Hance," Camille explained.

"All right, since that's what you think, then go with your choice," the old Simpson nodded, and it was

evident that he was in a good mood as he ate more for dinner.

After lunch, the old Simpson talked privately with Camille for a while.

The old Simpson asked with concern, "Are you agreeing to remarry Ayan out of your own free will and

not because he forced you, right?"

Camille was briefly stunned by the question, but then she smiled lightly and replied, "Grandpa, did you

misunderstand? Of course, I agreed willingly. If he really could force me, would we have divorced in the

first place?"

Camille found it a bit funny, especially the way the old Simpson was so protective of her, which was

both touching and amusing. He seemed like a mother hen protecting her chick in front of an eagle.

Camille was deeply moved by what he did for her.

She wondered how many good deeds she must have done in her previous life to have such a

grandfather in this life.

The old Simpson said, "I'm just worried that you're not doing this willingly. If that's the case, even if you

remarry, you won't be happy. Since you're single now, I don't want you to fall into the same trap again.

But if you're doing this willingly, then I'm relieved. After you remarry, take good care of each other, and

if you need anything, just come to me. I'll always be on your side unconditionally."

Camille nodded, "Thank you, Grandpa."

"You're my family. Why be so polite? Rest assured, no matter when, we will always be on your side."

The reassuring look in the old Simpson's eyes made Camille feel his love for her, which was even

greater than his love for Ayan.

After chatting with the old Simpson, Camille spent some time with Timmy before letting the driver take

her back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

By the time she returned, it was almost time for work, so she headed straight to the museum.

It was a busy afternoon.

As she was occupied, Camille didn't answer Ayan's call, and his mood was not good throughout the


The entire office seemed to be filled with a cold atmosphere, and the subordinates reporting to Ayan

were hesitant to breathe.

They couldn't help but ask Kian privately, "Kian, is Mr. Simpson in a bad mood?"

Kian had also sensed it, but he couldn't casually talk about it, so he said, "The Simpson Group has a lot

of things to handle, and Mr. Simpson is very busy, so naturally, his mood isn't great. So, everyone

should just focus on work and try not to bother him with unnecessary matters."

Everyone found this reasonable and didn't continue probing.

After seeing off a few executives who had reported their work, Kian brought some documents into

Ayan's office and put them on his desk. He quietly reminded Ayan that these documents needed his

signature before preparing to leave.

At that moment, Ayan spoke up, "Has Preston returned to Hance?"

Kian hesitated for a moment but still replied, "Not yet. The matter with the Walker family hasn't been

resolved. The Walker family's parents are still unwilling to let them get married, but Molly insists on

having this child. Even though she knows about the other women around Preston, she still sticks to her

decision. So, things are still at a standstill."

Ayan had already settled most of the matters with Austin, and it was no longer related to him. However,

Cora was still in his hands, and Austin wouldn't give up trying to obtain information from him.

After a brief silence, Ayan told Kian indifferently, "Since Molly insists on getting married, there's no need

to inform the Walkers about Preston's other woman for now. Haven't you already established a close

relationship with the Uthmans, who are also close to the Walker family? Use the Uthmans as

intermediaries to make Luke demand sincerity from Preston and see if Preston is willing to give up the

chance to tie himself to the Walker family."

The Uthmans and the Walker family have been close for many years, maintaining a friendly

relationship. However, even in such close relationships, there can be hidden conflicts. The Uthmans

envy the Walker family for having only one daughter, Molly, yet their business thrives. In contrast, the

Uthmans have two sons who are engaged in a bitter power struggle over the control of their family


Ayan wanted to know how much capital Preston had, as he would eventually confront Preston.

Therefore, he needed to be fully prepared for that day, and he wouldn't be restricted or threatened in

any way.

This also included ensuring that the Simpson family wouldn't be involved. Dealing with Preston only

required one person, and Preston wasn't worth the entire Simpson family's involvement.

Kian nodded and was about to arrange everything as requested, but before he could speak, Ayan's

voice sounded again. He said, "Contact the people responsible for handling marriage certificates and

inform them that I might bring Camille there anytime."

"Mr. Simpson, going directly to the civil affairs office might expose the plan. Why don't I ask them to

come to Simpson Group to handle the paperwork for you? Or should I go with Mrs. Simpson on your

behalf?" Kian suggested.

After all, they hadn't actually divorced, they were just going through the motions. If they were to go

directly to the civil affairs office, even with prior arrangements, there would still be some risks.

Ayan looked serious, and so far, he hadn't come up with a completely risk-free plan, which made him

unsure how to explain Camille's cold attitude toward him last night.

He understood Camille's thoughts. He had initiated the idea of remarriage several times, and after a lot

of effort, he had finally convinced her to agree. However, now that she had agreed, he seemed

reluctant to go through the legal proceedings. Camille must have some thoughts about it. And she must

be a bit angry now, since she didn't answer his calls.novelbin

Kian's suggestion that he could handle the procedures on his behalf wasn't something Camille would

agree to. She would definitely want him to be personally involved.

So, what should he do?

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