My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 868: Perspective
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Chapter 868: Perspective

Chapter 868: Perspective

"I'm not sure either. Mrs. King hasn't given it to me yet. She just asked me to schedule a meeting with

you," Jenna said, glancing at Mrs. King sitting on the side.

Sienna fell silent for a moment before replying, "Let's meet at the coffee shop we went to before!"

"Okay, see you in an hour."


After ending the call, Sienna sat on the bed, staring blankly out of the window. Jenna's words left her

emotions in turmoil, and her face turned as cold as ice.

She narrowed her eyes, and the indifference on her face lingered for quite a while before gradually

fading away. She got up from the bed and went to freshen up and change clothes.

During breakfast, Sienna mentioned to Rex, "I need to go out for a while. Will you stay here and wait

for me to come back, or do you have other plans?"

"I'll wait for you," Rex replied calmly, not asking where she was going.

Sienna nodded and finished breakfast before leaving the apartment.novelbin

She drove to the agreed location, where Jenna was already waiting. When she saw Jenna, Sienna's

face softened into a faint smile, and her voice was gentle, "Jenna, have you been waiting long?"

Jenna shook her head, "Not too long. I just arrived a little while ago. Let's sit down and talk."

Sienna sat across from Jenna, ordered a cup of water from the waiter, and then asked, "Jenna, what

did Mom prepare for me?"

Although Mrs. King said she was no longer part of the Kings and had no relationship with the King

family, Sienna still addressed her as "Mom." In her heart, Mrs. King would always be her mother,

regardless of the circumstances.

That would never change.

Seeing Sienna looking a bit tired, Jenna mistakenly thought it was because of Mrs. King's attitude, so

she explained, "Sienna, don't blame Mrs. King. She had no other choice. She still cares about you a lot;

after all, she raised you like her own daughter."

"I know. How could I blame her? Of course not."

"That's good." Jenna took out a folder from her pocket and handed it to Sienna, saying, "This is from

Mrs. King. It contains your official records in the King family. Now, you can choose whether to leave the

King family and settle elsewhere. Mrs. King knows your what you think of Mario, but you must

understand Mario's feelings toward you as well. This is the only thing she can give you."

Besides the official records and legal documents, there was also a bank card. Jenna said it was Mrs.

King's gift to her, and Mrs. King used Jenna as the intermediary to tell Sienna that she no longer

needed to have any dealings with the King family.

Looking at these things, Sienna's emotions became complicated.

She couldn't find an appropriate word to describe how she felt at this moment.

Jenna called her name softly, "Sienna? What do you think?"

Sienna looked up at Jenna and said, "I agree, Jenna. Please thank Mom for me. I'll handle the the

procedures as soon as possible. As for Mario, I won't contact him anymore."

Jenna nodded, satisfied with this answer. It would be easy to report back to Mrs. King now.

But Jenna really liked Sienna. Despite being an adopted daughter, Sienna was kind, good to her, and

very likable. However, Jenna was on Mrs. King's side. Still, after hesitating for a moment, Jenna

couldn't help but say, "Sienna, take care of yourself. If you ever need anything, just let me know. I will

always be there for you."

Sienna nodded and replied, "Of course, Jenna. Thank you."

She smiled and exchanged a glance with Jenna.

After chatting for a while, they each went their separate ways. Sienna drove directly back to her

apartment, but she didn't immediately go upstairs. Instead, she sat in the car for a while, opened the

folder Jenna had given her, and looked at the documents inside.

Now, Mrs. King had prepared the necessary documents to cut off her bond with this family,.

Looking at the documents in her hand, Sienna's emotions were complicated. There was joy, of course,

but there was also an indescribable sense of loss.

Sienna sat in the car for a long time until someone knocked on the window. She snapped out of her

thoughts and looked outside. It was Rex.

She immediately rolled down the window and asked, "Why did you come down?"

"Bought some cigarettes. You've been sitting here for quite a while. Were you bullied when you went

out? Why does you look so gloomy?" Rex squinted, his eyes probing as if he wanted to see through

her heart.

Sienna suppressed a smile and replied, "Probably because I'm too happy. I'm so happy that I can't

even tell the directions anymore."

"Oh? What makes you so happy? Share it with me," Rex said, pretending to be nonchalant.

Sienna raised the folder in her hand, and Rex reached out to take it, scanning through its contents. A

hint of concealed amusement appeared on his face, and he said, "Who gave this to you?"

"Mom did." Sienna said softly, "I'm planning to buy a house in Hance City and register my residence


"Buying a house?" Rex snorted. "So, you don't plan to rely on me?"

Sienna couldn't help but laugh at his words. She grinned, "It depends on your performance. If you

perform well, I'll definitely rely on you. But if you don't, I don't know whether I should rely on you or not!"

Rex's expression remained calm as he continued, "So, when do you plan to return to Hance?"

"In the next two days."

"Alright, then you have two days to handle everything here. We'll go back to Hance together after that."

"Okay." Sienna nodded and then asked, "Does Cami know that I'm going back?"

"I don't know. If you want to tell her, just give her a call."

"I won't tell her. I want to give her a surprise." After all, Rex's arrival at Camille's place had been

stealthy without any hint of information, which had caused her to feel sore all over.

If she had known Rex was coming, she would have prepared herself properly.

At the same time, in Hance City, Camille sneezed. She rubbed her nose, wondering if she caught a

cold from staying in the baby room with Timmy.

Camille stayed at the Simpson's mansion in the afternoon to keep Timmy company while he played.

Ayan had left early in the morning for work, and since their conversation last night, they hadn't seen

each other or had any contact.

After playing with Timmy for a while, he went out fishing with Fletcher, leaving Camille with some free

time. Talia had already started contacting wedding planners, and she had been busy since last night,

asking experienced wives for advice and recommending reliable and outstanding wedding planning


Talia saw Camille coming downstairs and motioned for her to sit down. She immediately opened her

phone and showed Camille some promotional videos of several wedding planning companies. She

said, "Cami, see if there's anything you like here. I've narrowed it down from over a dozen options. I'll

contact them again after you take a look. We'll choose the one you like."

Camille cooperatively looked through the videos and said, "Mom, you can decide. I trust your


"But it's your wedding, and you have to like it!" Talia put down her phone and looked at Camille. "Cami,

is there something on your mind? You seem a little absent-minded."

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