My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 867: No Need
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Chapter 867: No Need

Chapter 867: No Need

Mario's deep gaze revealed a clear coldness as he stared fixedly at his mother, showing no sign of

backing down.

Especially the indifference and chill on his face even made Mrs. King shudder.

She had always known that Mario had his own opinions and plans, so she didn't dare to do something

too openly, so as not to cause any unpleasantness between them, and she definitely didn't want their

relationship to become too strained.

But now, Mario's words made it impossible for her to control her emotions. Mr. King passed away early,

and she faced the rumors and pressure from the King family alone until now, all for Mario. Mario had

never made her worry about anything, but now he treated his mother, who he had always shown great

respect, like this just for Sienna.

Mrs. King couldn't bear and accept it.

She looked at Mario and asked, "Is she really that important to you? Mario, don't you know who she

really is? She was adopted by me, your nominal sister. Do you think the outside world will support you?

Will the rest of the King family support you? Your actions will bring endless trouble upon yourself, and


"Enough," Mario coldly interrupted, his expression extremely grim. He fixed his gaze on Mrs. King and

said, "I will handle this matter myself. You should rest since you're not feeling well."


Mrs. King wanted to make a final plea, but Mario simply didn't listen.

The secretary gestured for her to leave, but Mrs. King refused to accept it and continued to question

Mario, "Mario, don't you consider the consequences of your actions? Are you willing to give up

everything you've worked so hard for because of a woman?"

"There is absolutely no conflict, so you don't need to worry. The King family won't take anything away

from me, and no one has the ability or courage to do so. You can rest assured. If you're trying to stop

me from keeping Sienna in the King family because you're afraid of the King Group falling into the

hands of others, then there's no need. I'll handle everything."

Mario's decisions have always been like this; once he's made up his mind, no one can change it.

So no matter what Mrs. King said, he remained unshaken.

Until Mrs. King asked, "Aren't you concerned about yourself or even her? She's just a young girl. If you

burden her with so much public opinion, how do you think she'll be able to show up in front of others in

the future? Does she not want anything? Not even the most basic freedom and social circle? Mario, are

you really helping her or harming her?"

Mario didn't respond; his face was extremely gloomy.

Mrs. King's words kept echoing in his ears, but in the end, he didn't say anything more.

The secretary escorted Mrs. King out, leaving the untouched food she brought here on the coffee table.

Mario sat silently on the sofa, unmoving.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Mario maintained his position without any reaction.

After the secretary took Mrs. King away from the hospital, she couldn't help but ask, "Is he still unwilling

to give up on Sienna?"novelbin

The secretary was Mario's man, naturally, he wouldn't gossip about anything related to Mario. He only

spoke softly, "I'm sorry, Mrs. King, I don't know."

Mrs. King naturally didn't believe the secretary's words. After all, he was Mario's man; how could he not

know anything?

She looked at her niece beside her, and she immediately understood, wearing a sweet smile on her

face and speaking in a pleasing tone, "You've worked for my cousin for many years, right? You've been

by his side since before he officially took over King Group. You should also want what's best for him,


The secretary looked at Mrs. King with a troubled expression, not knowing how to respond.

After all, the reason he had been able to stay by Mario for so many years was the most important thing:

keeping his mouth shut and understanding the importance of right and wrong in his actions.

If he were to break this principle, there would be no reason for him to continue staying by Mario's side.

He remained silent, carefully considering his words before speaking softly, "Mrs. King, I truly don't

know. I'm only responsible for Mr. King's work-related matters. As for Mr. King's personal affairs, I have

no right to interfere or inquire."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. King's face immediately darkened.

Her cousin chimed in, "My aunt is his mother, and now she's having a disagreement with him, but

they're still family. We just hope you won't stand on the wrong side. If you want to continue staying at

King Group and by his side, you should know what you need to do, right?"

The secretary nodded, but whether he would act accordingly was uncertain.

After leaving the hospital, Mrs. King and her niece got into the car Seeing Mrs. King's unsightly

expression, her niece tentatively asked, "Aunt, what should we do now? We can't just stand by and

watch Sienna hurt Mario, can we?"

Mrs. King didn't answer the question directly, saying instead, "Let's go home first."


"We'll talk about it at home."

Then Mrs. King fell silent, her expression consistently gloomy.

After returning to the King family's residence, Mrs. King went straight to her bedroom. Soon, Jenna

came in with milk and knocked on the door. Jenna was Mrs. King's childhood friend and had always

been the most loyal person to her in the entire King family.

Seeing Mrs. King looking troubled, Jenna placed the milk on the table in front of her and asked softly,

"What's wrong, Mrs. King? Are you still upset about Sienna?"

Mrs. King sighed silently and glanced at Jenna before saying, "There's nothing to be upset about.

Since I've already decided to let her leave the King family, there's nothing to be upset about."

"Are you really willing to let her go?"

"What is there to be unwilling about?"

"If it weren't for Mario, would you be willing to let her go?"

Jenna asked softly, but Mrs. King didn't respond to this question.

She remained silent for a long time before whispering, "I know that Mario has always been the one

pursuing her, but I have no choice. I must find a suitable wife for him, someone who can help him

strengthen the King Group's position. Only then will the others in the King family completely give up

their thoughts. Otherwise, if things go on like this, Sienna will become someone used as a threat to

Mario by the rest of the King family. I won't allow that to happen."

Seeing her emotions getting stirred up again, Jenna quickly reached out and gently patted her

shoulder, saying, "Mrs. King, please eat something. Mario will understand your arrangements."

Mrs. King didn't speak and had no appetite for food.

She sat like this for a long while before saying, "Give her a call and take something to her on my



Jenna immediately complied and called Sienna, who had just woken up.

Having slept late last night, she couldn't get up in the morning. Her whole body felt as if it would fall

apart, and even breathing felt like a strenuous task. However, the man who had worked the whole night

was full of energy.

Was life really so unfair?

It was a bit too heartbreaking.

Sienna felt angrier the more she thought about it. She didn't even want to look at Rex more than

necessary. Turning around, she prepared to sit up and have some water when her phone rang.

She recognized Jenna's number and had it saved as a contact.

She frowned slightly and said to Rex, "I have to take this call. Can Mr. Ward give me some private


Rex didn't inquire further and said, "I've ordered breakfast. Come out to eat after the call, okay?"


Sienna readily agreed, and Rex left the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

She took a deep breath and answered the call, "Hello, Jenna?"

Jenna spoke very politely, "Yes, it's me. Are you busy, Sienna?"

"Not at all. I just woke up. Is there something you need?"

"Nothing important. Mrs. King asked me to bring something for you. Should I go directly to your

apartment, or do you want to meet somewhere?"

Sienna furrowed her brow and asked in a low voice, "Jenna, what does Mom want to give me?"

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