My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 866: Urgent
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Chapter 866: Urgent

Chapter 866: Urgent

"Stay in the car for one night?"novelbin


Sienna laughed inwardly. Even if it was past midnight, he could still check into a hotel. After all, hotels

don't close just because of the time.

But she knew very well that he was saying it on purpose.

As for why he was doing this, she was well aware, but she didn't want to expose him.

Pretending not to understand his intention, Sienna casually replied, "Alright, then thank you for driving

me back."

She looked at him, turned her head, fastened her seatbelt, and a faint smile appeared on her lips,

hidden from his view. This was how Sienna and Rex were. They had a thousand and eight schemes up

their sleeves.

After a half-hour drive, they arrived at Sienna's apartment building. The car came to a smooth stop, and

there was no sound or movement from either of them. They sat quietly in their seats, maintaining a

serene silence.

They sat like this for almost a minute until Sienna finally unfastened her seatbelt, raised her head, and

looked at Rex in the driver's seat. "Shall I go up now?"

"Mmm," Rex replied in a deep voice, his face expressionless. He appeared displeased.

But Sienna didn't inquire further; she pretended not to see through him. She simply said softly, "Are you

going to sleep in the car or find somewhere else?"

"You go upstairs first, I'll take care of myself."

"If you sleep in the car here, you might be woken up in the morning, so I suggest..."

"Sienna, do you know you talk too much? If you're leaving, then hurry up and go. Don't disturb my rest."

Rex interrupted Sienna directly, his tone filled with anger, and his face expressionless as he stared at


Sienna's words came to an abrupt halt. She pressed her lips, controlling the urge to laugh, and simply

nodded her head with lowered eyes. "Okay, I'll go upstairs then."

She opened the car door and got out, closing it behind her. Under Rex's watchful gaze, she walked

directly into the apartment building.

Rex's eyes followed her figure, his displeased gaze fixed upon her until she disappeared without a

trace. He couldn't help but mutter, "Heartless woman."

Rex leaned against the car, absentmindedly rolling a cigarette. He took a deep drag, and the

stimulating taste of tobacco filled his mouth, but his displeasure showed no signs of diminishing.

He looked up at the night sky through the window, knowing that the woman he longed for was near but

emotionally distant.

Didn't she understand his intention?

Rex scoffed lightly, extinguished the cigarette butt, and his phone suddenly rang. He leisurely picked it

up and glanced at the screen, his eyes narrowing slightly. He had no intention of answering, but the call

persisted, as if it wouldn't stop until he picked up.

After snuffing out the cigarette, he reluctantly answered the call.

However, he remained silent, waiting for the other person to speak. "Are you still downstairs?" the voice

on the other end finally broke the silence.

"Do you need something?"

"It seems like I left my bag in your car. Can you bring it up for me? It's cold outside, and I don't want to

come down."

Rex huffed lightly and said indifferently, "Tomorrow, then."

"No, I have something important in it. Please bring it up for me. Thank you so much." Then the call

abruptly ended.

Rex's displeasure and anger dissipated with that phone call. He didn't rush upstairs; instead, he sat in

the car for a few more minutes before finally grabbing the bag and getting out.

He took the elevator to Sienna's floor and pressed the doorbell. Sienna opened the door, and their eyes

met. She smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for coming all the way up. You've been a great help."

She extended her hand, waiting for him to hand over the bag. However, Rex didn't move; he simply

said calmly, "I'm too tired. Come and get it yourself."

Sienna didn't show any reaction, but she took the initiative to step out of the apartment. She stood in

front of him, in a position that seemed as if she had walked right into his embrace.

She bent down slightly, reaching out to take the bag, and her head lightly brushed against his chest.

She looked up at the man before her, her voice soft as she said, "Thank you for the trouble. How about

I treat you to dinner tomorrow?"

A faint smile appeared on her face, but it felt piercing to Rex, so he had no intention of responding to

her words.

Sienna didn't continue speaking either; she simply said, "Well, I'll go inside now. Goodnight!"

After speaking, she turned around and walked towards the apartment, while Rex remained motionless.

He watched her step inside, and as she was about to close the door, Rex's narrowed gaze suddenly

widened. He swiftly approached her, grabbed her outstretched hand, and pressed her against the wall

as he closed the door firmly.

Rex gritted his teeth and said, "Was it intentional?"

Sienna, however, remained calm and didn't struggle. She let him be and simply smiled, "What are you

talking about? What did I do intentionally?"

Rex turned her around to face him, gripping her chin tightly as he questioned her with a displeased

tone, "Are you satisfied now? Are you happy?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Did you intentionally leave your bag behind, waiting for me to come up?"

Rex scoffed lightly, then carried her and walked towards the bedroom.

As for the bag he had been specially asked to bring up, it was left abandoned in the hallway, ignored by


This night was destined to be anything but peaceful, as the sounds from the bedroom continued until


After all, after not seeing each other for so long, there were many things that needed to be done.

News of Rex's arrival in Flento reached Mario the next morning. Mario had his secretary check what

Sienna had been up to in the past few days. The result revealed that Rex was at Sienna's apartment,

and anyone could guess what would happen when the two of them were alone together.

The secretary cautiously relayed this information to Mario, who didn't immediately respond. His face

turned extremely grim, and the secretary tentatively asked, "Mr. King, should I personally go to the

apartment or give Miss King a call? After all, you'll be discharged tomorrow, and it would be better for

Miss King to come and pick you up."

Mario didn't respond, he simply asked with a calm and indifferent face, "When did Rex arrive?"

"Last night. As for the exact time he arrived in Flento, we need to check to know for sure. But he met

Miss King last night."

"Hmm." Mario remained silent with a composed expression on his face.

Mario's words were followed by the opening of the hospital room door, revealing Mrs. King and Mario's

cousin. Mrs. King had brought fruits. Mrs. King had been coming almost every day, sometimes even

twice a day. Mario had repeatedly told her that she didn't need to come, but Mrs. King had said, "You're

my son. How can a mother not come?"

Mario didn't want to say much, so he let her be.

But as soon as Mrs. King and his cousin entered, they joined the conversation between Mario and his

secretary. Mrs. King's attitude was extremely agitated and forceful as she said, "You want Sienna to

come and pick you up? Mario, let me tell you, I disagree. She's no longer one of us, and she has no

right to come and pick you up. She can go with whomever she wants, but she has no relationship with

the King family anymore. Don't contact her."

Mrs. King's emotions were running high, and her words were filled with indignation. Her own health was

already fragile, and her passionate outburst left her gasping for breath. Mario's cousin quickly tried to

calm her down, saying, "Aunt, please calm down and don't get too agitated. You need to take care of

your health. Brother knows what to do."

Mario's face was grim as he looked at Mrs. King, but he didn't respond to her words. He simply looked

at his secretary impassively and said, "Escort my mother back. Her health is not good, and it's better

for her to stay at the King's mansion and go out less."

After Mario spoke, Mrs. King looked at him with an incredulous expression and said, "Mario, what do

you mean by that? Are you trying to restrict my freedom for that woman, Sienna?"

"Sienna's surname is King, then she is part of our family. It's what you said, right?" Mario's face

remained cold.

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