My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 861: Progress
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Chapter 861: Progress

Chapter 861: Progress

Ayan walked towards her with a gentle gaze fixed on her. There was a hint of a smile in his eyes as he

said, "But you're not just anyone. Didn't you say earlier that I had already had you? So you are my wife,

naturally one of us!"

"Don't make random claims," Camille lowered her gaze and stopped looking at him. Her voice was faint

as she said, "At most, we can consider ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend."

"So, are you implying that I can take you to remarry?" He let out a low chuckle, walked directly to

Camille, and pulled her into his arms. While doing it, he accidentally touched a voice message from


Sienna said, "If you think it's too deliberate, I'll prepare a few sets of revealing sleepwear for you later. I

guarantee Mr. Simpson won't be able to let go of you. Not to mention going out, he won't even want to

leave the room."

"The relationship between you and Mr. Simpson is heating up, and what you need most now is a little

spice. If you use some tactics, Mr. Simpson will be so attached to you that he won't even want to go to

the company."

"You should seriously consider what I'm saying. I think it suits you quite well. If I were a man, honestly, I

wouldn't let you go, especially your waist and legs. Tsk!"

Camille didn't even have time to react before all three voice messages were played.

By the time she wanted to stop it, it was already too late. Camille pursed her lips, her expression blank,

and she avoided looking at Ayan, but his voice quietly sounded in her ears, "Revealing?"

He said it with a husky voice, his magnetic voice echoing in Camille's ears as if it had been enhanced.

His deep eyes continued to stare at Camille without wavering, as if he could see right through her


Camille remained silent, keeping her gaze down, unwilling to look at him. But Ayan reached out and

gently lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. There was a faint curve at the corner of his lips, but

his voice clearly carried amusement as he said, "Is this how you usually chat with each other? Isn't this

a bit too bold?"

Camille furrowed her brow, her voice low as she said, "We don't usually talk like this. She was just


"Just joking?"

"Of course."

Camille's gaze evaded his as she desperately tried to find another topic, but her mind seemed to have

paused, unable to come up with the next subject.

Ayan smiled and didn't continue with the topic, knowing that it wouldn't benefit him to anger Camille. He

took the initiative and said to her, "I came back late last night and didn't want to wake you up, so I

rested in the guest room."

Camille nodded lightly, her facial expression gradually returning to normal. She picked up her phone,

feeling more at ease holding it. Who knows what else messages might be heard later that shouldn't be

heard by others?

After all, there's a saying online that if the conversations between best friends were made public, they

could be socially dead.

Ayan naturally didn't expose her little secrets. He simply asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to ask

where I went?"

Camille met his gaze and said, "I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to ask, so I didn't know if I should

ask or not."

"What's inappropriate about it? As long as you want to ask, I'll answer. Hmm?" He looked at Camille

and saw her nod in agreement. Then he continued, "I met with Rex. He's going to Flento today to seenovelbin


"See Sienna?" Camille was excited, and a joyful smile appeared on her face. She asked, "Is he going

to snatch Sienna back?"

As she spoke, vivid images of the scene appeared in her mind. It was quite thrilling to imagine. She

added, "I should quickly inform Sienna in advance so she can prepare herself. Otherwise, if Rex sees

her looking so down when he arrives, it would be a huge shock to him!"

After all, they haven't seen each other for so long, so it's only natural to dress up nicely.

But Ayan raised his hand to stop Camille's actions. He said, "Don't tell her yet. Maybe Rex wants to see

Sienna directly when he goes there. Perhaps he wants to dress up before meeting her. Besides, it's

better for them to personally tell each other their feelings. Also, let Sienna find out when Rex is

standing in front of her. Wouldn't that be more surprising?"

Ayan's reasoning made sense, and Camille dismissed her thoughts of informing Sienna. She was

genuinely happy to see Sienna and Rex back together, so she agreed that it would be better for them

to handle it personally. However, a trace of worry still lingered in her mind. She said, "I wonder if Sienna

will follow him back. After all, Mario is a tricky person, and once he makes a decision, no one can

change it. Who knows what else might happen?"

Camille sighed silently, and Ayan reached out and gently touched her head. He spoke in a comforting

tone, "Don't worry. As long as Rex needs it, the Simpson family's resources are at his disposal. If things

really come to the worst, Mario doesn't stand a chance. But there's a condition behind all of this."

"What condition?"


Ayan's deep gaze met Camille's eyes, and he spoke in a low, resonant voice. Camille understood what

he meant immediately. Even though the situation seems complicated and challenging, there is always a

solution to every problem. It's just a matter of how perfectly it can be resolved. But while there are

solutions to all the problems, people's hearts can't be controlled.

As long as Sienna's heart remains with Rex, Mario doesn't stand a chance.

Camille understood Sienna's thoughts, so she knew who would ultimately win.

But this process probably won't be easy, right?

Camille was lost in thought, until Ayan lifted her face and furrowed his brows slightly. He said, "Stop

thinking about it. It's their business. Rex will handle it well. He's more anxious than you or me, so

there's no need to worry."

Camille nodded in agreement, and then the breakfast Ayan ordered arrived.

After having breakfast, he drove Camille to the museum first. After resting for so many days, it was time

for her to officially return to work.

After dropping off Camille, Ayan drove directly to the Simpson Group.

Camille brought some local snacks from Dane to share with everyone and reviewed the design drafts

of the other team members over the past few days. Then, she began a busy day of work.

Since Preston wasn't in Hance City at the moment, Jenson was the one managing the project. Unlike

Preston, he would come over to the office every day, considering himself as a supervisor. In reality, he

wanted to participate in the project to fully understand it and keep track of the progress.

What Jenson was doing was highly responsible in the eyes of all the architects. In the afternoon, he

even treated everyone to afternoon tea. Summer and Sophie sweetly expressed their gratitude, almost

coaxing Jenson to take out his wallet and treat them to dinner.

Others also expressed their appreciation, and Camille was no exception. Enjoying the afternoon tea

and snacks, she was able to take a short break from her work.

Jenson sat at the conference table and had a friendly conversation with everyone about work-related

matters. He was easy to get along with and made everyone feel at ease.

After Jenson left, Sophie couldn't help but exclaim, "Although Mr. Baxter is quite handsome, he's

difficult to approach. He seems gentle, but in reality, it's hard to get along with him. On the other hand,

Mr. Evans is a great leader who doesn't put any pressure on us. When you compare the two, I feel like

Mr. Evans is much more attractive!"

Everyone laughed at her words, agreeing with her opinion. Although they were all responsible for this

project, the impression they got was that Jenson was easier to get along with, while Preston seemed

distant and aloof, purely a boss. But Jenson could be treated like a friend.

Everyone expressed their thoughts, except Camille, who had remained silent.

Summer asked, "Miss Camille, what do you think? Do you have anything to say?"

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