My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 860: Voluntary
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Chapter 860: Voluntary

Chapter 860: Voluntary

Ayan made a shushing gesture with his hand. "Let's not expose what we know. It's better if only you

and I know about this, or else Sophia might go on strike."

Camille was taken aback for a moment, and her gaze followed Kian, who was driving, with a slightly

helpless smile.

Kian, of course, had heard everything clearly, but he dared not speak up.

However, upon hearing Ayan's words, a sense of frustration filled his heart. Mr. Simpson clearly didn't

pay attention to him at all, did he?

But Ayan was completely unaware of this and continued to chat with Camille in a low voice.

This time, the two of them had come out alone. Although the purpose was for work, they also had a lot

of fun. Camille could clearly feel that their relationship was growing closer during this outing.

Today, they were returning to Hance, so Camille wouldn't forget what she had said, would she?

A question emerged in her mind. Was Ayan going to take her to the civil affairs bureau right away for


After this thought arose, she couldn't help but look at Ayan. In fact, she didn't find it impossible,

considering that there was nothing Ayan couldn't do.

With this thought, nervousness also welled up within her.

At around 6 p. m., Camille, Ayan, and Kian landed in Hance. The driver was already waiting for them

and drove Camille and Ayan back to Maple Leaves Mansion first before taking Kian home.

Since there was no one at home today, but the housekeeper had cleaned up, it was no different from

before they left.

It was getting late, and they simply had a simple dinner of noodles.

After finishing it, Ayan said to Camille, "You're tired today. Take a shower and rest early. I have to go

out for a while."

"Now?" Camille asked.

"Yes, there's something I need to take care of. If you're tired, go to sleep early, okay?"

Camille nodded.

Ayan personally drove away from Maple Leaves Mansion. He had made plans to meet with Rex for a

drink, and both of them arrived at the club almost at the same time.

The way men interact with each other is completely different from how women do. Ayan and Rex sat on

the sofa in a private room, raising their glasses and clinking them together. Then, Rex spoke first,

"Preston has gone to Flento, and I've gathered some information about the Walker family. Molly is

pregnant now, and the Walker family doesn't intend to let her keep the baby. However, Molly insists on

having the child, but it seems that the decision still lies with Preston."

"Well, considering his current situation and his attitude towards the Walker family, he probably doesn't

want the child. But he also doesn't want to hurt Molly completely because of this. So he'll try to find a

compromise," Ayan calmly took over the conversation. He lightly held the wine glass with his slender

fingers, and his deep eyes were warm and calm. He said, "I'll have Kian arrange for someone to keep

an eye this. And you should be prepared to confront Mario at any time."

Rex didn't immediately respond upon hearing this. He simply looked at Ayan for a moment.

Ayan had naturally told Rex about what happened in Flento. When Rex first heard that Mario was

injured, his first concern was Sienna. Mario had been injured in the apartment where Sienna lived. Why

would he get hurt in Sienna's apartment?

And it was at night, in such a place and at such a time. It was hard not to imagine what might have


Ayan could sense Rex's somber mood, and he spoke in a calm tone, saying, "She told Camille that

there's nothing to worry about, so it's likely that everything is fine. However, judging from the current

situation, it's unlikely that Mario will let go. His intentions have been too obvious. If he manages to win

over the King family and gets them to accept Sienna, he will easily keep Sienna by his side. If their

relationship is legally recognized, do you think there will still be time for you to intervene?"

"What does that matter? Are you saying that even if she doesn't agree, Mario can force her?" Rex's

eyes reddened slightly, filled with displeased anger.

Even if Mario was highly powerful in Flento City, he couldn't force others to do things they didn't want

to, could he?

Ayan's smile remained indifferent as he looked into Rex's eyes with a serious expression. He said, "So,

do you believe that Sienna's return to Flento City was truly voluntary? That she left when your

relationship was at its best just to handle things with Mario?"

Rex furrowed his brow tightly, his face stiffening. He asked, "Ayan, what are you implying?"

"What did Sienna say to Camille? Did Camille tell you that Sienna went to Flento City for reasons other

than dealing with Mario? Why do you think she could resolve things with Mario now if she could have

done it earlier? Why wait until now?"

Rex fell silent completely, his face devoid of emotion. His deep gaze remained frozen and stiff. He

looked at Ayan and asked, "So, her return to Flento wasn't voluntary but due to Mario's threats?"

Ayan nodded slowly but didn't immediately affirm that it was a threat. Instead, he shared the details of

his phone conversation with Sienna during his trip to Flento with Rex.

He said to Rex, "Mario wanted to use my divorce with Camille to threaten Sienna. And there's no

guarantee he won't use other things in the future to coerce her into marrying him. So you need to be


"I understand." Rex picked up his glass and finished it in one gulp. His mood seemed to be in a terrible


Ayan said in a calm voice, "If you need anything, just let me know. You can use any resources of mine."


Ayan poured him another half glass of wine, and the two lightly clinked their glasses. After taking a sip,

Rex suddenly made a decision. He said, "I'm going to Flento tomorrow. Like you said, waiting any

longer won't be beneficial."

"Good. You can use my people in Flento as you see fit."

Ayan raised his glass again and clinked it with Rex.

They finished their drinks, and it was already close to dawn.

Rex was in a bad mood, so he was practically drunk. Ayan called for a designated driver to take him

home first before returning to Maple Leaves Mansion himself.novelbin

When Ayan arrived home, Camille was already asleep.

Not wanting to wake her up, he took a shower and went straight to the guest room to sleep.

He had a dreamless night, and the next morning, Camille woke up to find no one by her side. Her

immediate reaction was that Ayan hadn't come back all night.

She was slightly startled and sat up, quickly scanning the entire bedroom but found no trace of Ayan.

The spot next to her was cold, clearly indicating that he hadn't slept here. So he really didn't come


Camille washed up and came out of the bedroom. Ayan was indeed nowhere to be found.

She lazily slumped onto the sofa, picked up her phone, and started complaining to Sienna. She said,

"We just came back from Flento City, can you believe he said he had something to do, had dinner, and

then left? And now he hasn't returned or sent any messages. Does he think that once he has me, I'm

not important anymore?"

Camille was displeased, and although she didn't have any wild thoughts in her mind, she was openly

stating the facts in front of her best friend.

Sienna responded with a voice message, saying, "Didn't you wake up in the middle of the night?"


"You should set an alarm. That way, you can send him a message saying you can't sleep without him,

and he'll immediately come back."

"Is that the point right now?" Camille expressed her discontent and said, "Shouldn't the focus be on

where Ayan went?"

"I'm here!"

As soon as Camille finished speaking, a gentle voice suddenly rang out in the room.

Camille was startled, and her whole body stiffened. She turned her head to see Ayan standing upright

at the entrance of the guest room, looking at her with a just-awoken expression. His eyes still held a

faint smile, and it was evident from his eyes that he had heard every word she had just said.

In fact, Ayan had woken up when he heard the sound of Camille opening the room door. Originally, he

wanted to see what she was doing, but he didn't expect her to be complaining about him not coming

back all night while talking to Sienna.

He found it amusing, so he continued to listen without making a sound.

Camille was so shocked that she couldn't even hold her phone properly, and it fell onto the sofa. And

Sienna's voice message was just sent over.

But Camille didn't have time to listen to what Sienna had said at the moment. She just looked at Ayan

somewhat uneasily and asked, "Why... why aren't you saying anything? It's impolite to eavesdrop on

other people's conversation."

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