My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 859: Letting Go
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Chapter 859: Letting Go

Chapter 859: Letting Go

"Well, I'll take it as you're complimenting me!" Camille couldn't help but laugh.

Dan smiled and asked, "Don't you pretend to be modest?"

While they were talking, Ayan and Sophia also approached. The sound of their laughter naturally

reached their ears. Ayan walked directly to Camille's side and sat down. He glanced at the two of them

and asked in a low voice, "What are you chatting about that makes you so happy?"

Dan chuckled and briefly repeated their previous conversation. This made Sophia unable to hold back

her laughter as well.

Only Ayan turned to Camille and said, "If you don't like socializing, then don't. If there's something that

can only be resolved through socializing, leave it to Kian. He's good at it."

Camille responded without hesitation, "Then thank you, Mr. Simpson."

The other two also smiled along, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

At this moment, Camille whispered, "Are you done with your schedule?"

Ayan nodded, and Sophia sat beside Dan. She took the opportunity to say, "Mr. Simpson isn't busy at

all. He's delegated all the work to me. Camille, you have to talk nicely to Mr. Simpson for me.

Otherwise, I'm really worried that I'll be exhausted under this kind of pressure."

Camille looked at Ayan to see how he would respond.

After a moment of silence, Ayan spoke in a calm and unhurried manner, "Those who are capable

should work more. Ms. Rapace has good abilities, so we'll have to rely on you."

Once Ayan finished speaking, Sophia clicked her tongue twice and said, "Listen to this! He's

completely brainwashing me!"

Dan chuckled and said, "Is there a possibility that you actually enjoy hearing these compliments and,

after listening to them, you feel an uncontrollable desire to do even better?"

"So you're saying it's my own problem?"

"I didn't say that."

"But that's clearly what you mean!"


Sophia and Dan started a direct dispute, arguing back and forth. But it wasn't a real argument.

Ayan sat across from them, silently watching all of this. Although there weren't many people in the

lounge area, both Ayan and Sophia were there, so quite a few eyes turned their way. Some were

looking for reasons to come over and greet them, to establish connections.

Ayan leaned in and whispered in Camille's ear, "Are you tired? If you're tired, let's leave!"

Camille looked at him and asked, "Don't we need to calm them down?"

"Let them be," he couldn't be bothered to intervene, especially since there wasn't really any issue.

Moreover, there was no chance of a real dispute between Sophia and Dan.

Before either of them could react, Ayan had already stood up with Camille, pulling her away from the


Sophia and Dan fell silent, their gaze shifting to Ayan and Camille. Ayan, expressionless, didn't pay

them any attention as he led Camille away. Camille waved goodbye before leaving.

Ayan and Camille left the venue, and Kian was already waiting by the hotel entrance in the car. Once

they got in, they headed straight for the hotel.

On the way, Sophia called Ayan and asked, "Ayan, are you and Camille heading back to Hance City


"Yes," Ayan replied in a low voice.

"So soon? You're leaving just like that?"

"What else?"

"I haven't had a chance to entertain Camille properly!"

"There's no need for you to entertain her. I'll take care of her. Your most important task now is to take

charge of this project and try to avoid any unexpected issues."

"I know, but even though you've handed over the entire project to me, it doesn't mean you can just

ignore everything, you know!"

Sophia genuinely felt a lot of pressure because the investment for this project exceeded that of every

other project at Rapace Group. Ayan entrusted her with such a large project without batting an eye,

and she understood that it was meant to challenge and improve her abilities. However, she still couldn't

help but feel nervous.

If Ayan were there, she would feel more confident. But he also had his own tasks to attend to, and he

couldn't abandon Simpson Group to oversee every step of this project.

The only thing she could count on was that he might visit from time to time.

Ayan didn't retort Sophia's words. Instead, he told her, "You've already involved Dan in this, right? If

there's something you can't decide, you can discuss it with him. The only condition is that you can't

pass the responsibility to others. It must be approved by you and someone you trust. Otherwise, it'll be

difficult to handle any issues that arise later."

Ayan patiently advised her while also telling her that after he returned to Hance City, he would arrange

for an assistant to come over. This assistant would essentially be his representative and would be

involved in the project from start to finish.

Sophia was immensely grateful to hear this, but Ayan didn't want to hear those words. He simply told

her, "If you really want to show gratitude, then being responsible for this project is the best way to repay

me. There's no need to say anything else."

After ending the call, Ayan put away his phone. Camille, who had listened attentively to their

conversation, couldn't help but speak softly, "Do you really trust Sophia to handle such a big project on

her own?" She stared at Ayan as she spoke, then quickly added, "It's not that I don't trust Sophia. Her

ability to shoulder the responsibility of Rapace Group alone shows that she's definitely capable. I'm just

worried that the other partners in the project and the future collaborating companies will deliberately

make things difficult because she's a woman."

Camille had a great impression of Sophia. She was outspoken and decisive, which made her suitable

for a managerial role.

But when faced with certain situations, women were still at a disadvantage compared to men. Most

business leaders were men, and Sophia would truly encounter challenges in such a circle. Could she

smoothly navigate her way through?

After Camille finished speaking, Ayan had already reached out and held her hand. He gently squeezed

her palm and looked at her with a gentle gaze. "Why do you care so much about Sophia?"

Camille furrowed her eyebrows slightly and asked, "Are you even jealous for women?"

Ayan couldn't help but laugh. He curved his lips and his eyes were filled with indulgent amusement. Henovelbin

said, "Well, maybe. So it's best for you not to care about anyone other than me. Otherwise, I can't

guarantee how I'll respond."

Camille lightly tapped his arm with her hand and her voice carried a hint of coquetry. "I'm serious, stop


Ayan chuckled softly and replied, "I have considered your concerns before the project even started.

Rapace Group, whether now or in the future, will be led by Sophia alone. So this project is the best

opportunity for her to meet the challenge and become more mature. As long as she can successfully

complete it, she will be more than capable of handling Rapace Group in the future, and no one will be

able to undermine her."

"So you're doing this to train her? Have you already made preparations on both fronts?"

"Yes, I have arranged for the assistant to be more than just an assistant. He's the head of the Project

Department at Simpson Group, with experience in projects far more valuable than the Dane City


Ayan had indeed thought about the questions Camille raised from the very beginning, and he had

prepared and taken measures accordingly.

However, since no one asked, he naturally didn't mention it.

Camille nodded gently. "I was overthinking it, I guess."

"How can it be considered overthinking? The questions you raised were not thought of by others. So

it's like we had a telepathic connection. But I did this not just for Sophia, but also for the long-standing

relationship between the our families." Ayan patiently explained, not wanting Camille to overthink his

intentions or misunderstand his relationship with Sophia.

Camille smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I didn't misunderstand your reasons for doing this. I just think your

arrangement is well thought out. It allows Sophia to develop while also allowing you to have complete

freedom in overseeing the project, right?"

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