My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 862: Heartache
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Chapter 862: Heartache

Chapter 862: Heartache

Camille smiled faintly, looking at everyone. Her expression seemed serious, as if she was

contemplating something. Her voice followed slowly, "I'm on the same page as all of you."

Summer rested her chin on her hand and continued, "So you also think Mr. Evans is a bit more gentle,



"What about Mr. Simpson? Compared to Mr. Simpson?"

"There's no comparison between them. I don't think they can be compared." Camille explained


Summer immediately nodded, "Seems like it. After all, one is a husband and lover, while the other is

like a friend and leader. My bad."

"It's fine." Camille shook her head, but added, "If you want to compliment Mr. Evans, it might be better

to do it in front of him next time. Who knows, he might treat you to a meal!"

"Do you think so too? Did you hear that? I told you Camille would agree. She wouldn't think we're just

trying to butter up the boss for free food!"

Summer happily nodded. They had discussed this topic privately during Camille's rest days. They

wanted to tease Jenson a little to get him to treat them to a meal. But they were afraid Camille would

think they were just taking advantage of free food. They couldn't act behind Camille's back since they

were all working for the same project. Even though Camille was Ayan's wife, they genuinely enjoyed

spending time with her.

Hearing everyone's explanation, Camille couldn't help but laugh.

She said, "In the future, you can just ask me directly. Otherwise, there might be misunderstandings,


They chatted and joked with each other, and time passed quickly.

As it was almost time to leave work, Ayan called.

Others couldn't help but joke, "Mr. Simpson can't wait to seeCamille. He's calling right on time. They

don't seem like a couple with a child; they're acting like a couple madly in love."

Camille just smiled. "Maybe he just wants to tell me he won't be able to have dinner with me tonight?"

Camille got up from her office and answered the call.


"Are you ready to leave work?"

"Yes, I'm ready."

"I'm downstairs. As soon as we're done, come down, and we'll go to the airport." Ayan said casually.

Camille was slightly taken aback, a little puzzled. She asked, "Why are we going to the airport?"

"Grandpa and the others are coming back with Timmy. We're going to pick them up."

"Really?" Camille's eyes instantly widened, revealing her surprise and obvious excitement.

Ayan also felt her joy and said, "Yes, so you're happy now?"

"Yes, of course. Aren't you happy?"

"I'm not that happy."


"Timmy's back, and all your attention is on him. Will you have any left for me?" Ayan sarcastically

asked, and even through the phone, Camille could feel his jealousy and displeasure.

Camille had already witnessed Ayan's jealousy, even over their own child, so there was nothing much

to say. She let out a light sigh and calmly said, "You can be jealous, but you can't act like this in front of

Timmy. Otherwise, it will hurt his feelings. And I won't let it go."

But Ayan didn't agree. He squinted his eyes, his voice low and hoarse, "He's a boy, and a boy should

have a strong heart. He shouldn't get hurt over trivial matters. We can't protect him forever, right? He

will have to protect his own wife and children in the future!"

"But he's still a child now."

"We have to start from a young age."

"Ayan, you've gone too far. I don't want to listen to you anymore. So just shut up."

Camille interrupted Ayan, her tone filled with annoyance and displeasure. She really didn't want to

continue this conversation with him.

Although children should be raised to be independent and have a stronger mindset, Timmy was still an

under two-year-old child. Was it necessary for him to be like this?

So she abruptly ended the call, completely ignoring Ayan.

But her emotions calmed down in just half a minute. She stood in the corridor, holding her phone, and

her expression seemed somewhat stiff. She whispered to herself softly, "Am I overreacting a bit?"

Ayan was doing it for Timmy's good. It was normal for Camille to feel concerned as a mother, so neither

of them was really at fault, right?

Camille blinked gently, took a silent breath, and then turned back to the meeting room.

It was already time to leave work. Camille had been on a few days' break, and she needed to upload all

the graphics from today to the project email for archiving. So, everyone else had left, and she was the

only one left.

Almost half an hour later, she finished archiving the files and then grabbed her bag and took the

elevator downstairs.

As she emerged from the museum's side entrance, she immediately saw Ayan standing by the car. He

leaned against the passenger side door, arms crossed in front of his chest, calmly gazing forward.

Their eyes met, and he maintained that posture, waiting for her to approach.

When Camille reached him, he finally looked down at her, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He asked,

"Did you hang up on my call just now?"

His tone carried no emotions, and his eyes remained fixed on her the whole time.

Camille was slightly taken aback and calmly replied, "No, it just got disconnected because of low



"Of course."

Ayan chuckled lightly and then took her hand, leading her into the car. After closing her door, he went

around the front of the car and got into the driver's seat.

Ayan drove a business car because they were going to pick up Fletcher, Talia, the old Simpson, and

Timmy. A small car wouldn't be able to fit so many people.

After getting in the car, they set off for the airport.

Camille, sitting in the passenger seat, took the initiative to ask him, "Why didn't Mom tell me they were

coming back and instead told you?"

"Because she wanted to surprise you, or maybe she didn't want you to go through the trouble of picking

them up. By telling me, she simply wanted me, as the driver, to pick them up. Otherwise, do you think

they love me more?"

Ayan laughed self-deprecatingly. He knew his position in the Simpson family.

His tone was somewhat amusing, and Camille's lips curved up noticeably. She said, "It's best if you

think that way. I'm just worried that you're so self-centered, thinking Mom loves you more, so she told

you and not me. In that case, please fulfill your role as our chauffeur, Ayan!"

After Camille's words, Ayan burst into laughter. A tender look filled his eyes as he lightly held her cheek

with one hand and said in a gentle voice, "So you don't feel sorry for me at all?"novelbin

"No, because I'm happy. After all, who made Mom love me more?" Camille raised an eyebrow and

looked at Ayan, clearly showing off her satisfaction.

Ayan glanced at the condition of the car in the rearview mirror, then squeezed her cheeks with a little

force, gently rubbing them. He smiled and said, "Are you intentionally making me jealous?"

"Well, yes, I want you to be jealous. But you must also be envious." Her tone carried a slight command.

He chuckled, "So bossy?"

"Yes, so will you promise?" Camille's tone involuntarily softened, sounding a bit coquettish. The man

driving the car felt a slight tremor in his throat, and his gaze became even more profound. He asked in

a low voice, "Do you think I dare not promise?"

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