My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 854: Invitation
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Chapter 854: Invitation

Chapter 854: Invitation

Camille was taken aback by the question. She looked at Jordan, sizing him up for a moment, and

immediately responded, "Mr. Bailey, have you misunderstood? We haven't discussed or gossiped

about you and the Bailey family. After all, that's your private matter, and we wouldn't casually gossip

about it."

Camille hurriedly explained, her tone a bit rushed, and her emotions showing a hint of excitement.

Jordan chuckled at her action and said, "Don't worry, I'm not blaming or questioning you. I just wanted

to know if you have known about it."

Camille blinked gently, not fully understanding the meaning behind Jordan's words, so she didn't know

how to respond.

Seeing Camille's silence, Jordan casually continued, "The Bailey family is complicated, and anyone

who is even remotely involved with me could be seen as someone who helped me. They might become

targets. So when it comes to meeting my mother, let me arrange it. I don't want to create trouble for you

because of the favor you did for me."

This was Jordan's response after careful consideration. He was no longer the peaceful Jordan of the

past. The more people watched him and his mother on behalf of the Bailey family, the more he realized

he couldn't involve innocent people.

Jordan's frankness made Camille nod. She said, "I understand what you mean. Let's go with your

suggestion then."

Camille wasn't afraid of trouble; it was just that both Rex and Ayan had mentioned how complicated the

Bailey family had been, and considering what she had been through before, she felt it was better to

avoid unnecessary complications. She didn't want her family to be affected.

During their conversation, they soon arrived at the hotel entrance.

Both of them stopped, and Camille turned to face Jordan. She politely smiled and said, "Mr. Bailey,

thank you for accompanying me back. Since we're at the hotel, there's no need for me to invite you up

for tea."

"It's nothing, no need to be polite." Jordan nodded gentlemanly, his gaze towards Camille warm and

gentle. He said, "Go ahead; I should be going too."

"Alright, goodbye!" Camille raised her hand and waved, then turned and walked into the hotel.

Jordan watched Camille enter before taking out his phone and making a call. Soon, a car arrived at the

hotel entrance to pick him up.

Jordan sat in the passenger seat, and the driver kept his eyes fixed on the opposite direction of the

hotel entrance, not seeing anything except a faint figure. It was impossible to make out anything.

Curious, the driver asked Jordan, "Who was that? Why did you leave me behind and specially

accompany her back, but only to stop at the hotel entrance? You really have a crush on her?"

Jordan glanced at him indifferently and said, "Don't speak nonsense. She's just a friend who helped me

when my mother was in the hospital. She's already married, so don't speak recklessly, got it?"

"Married? That's a shame. You're the kind of person who keeps a great distance from women, and now

you personally escorted a married woman back. Tsk!"

"Your mouth is useless. After all, you never speak good words." Jordan coldly glanced at him, his mildnovelbin

face showing a hint of displeasure.

The man simply smiled in agreement and didn't say anything further.

After Camille entered the hotel and Jordan left in the car, a group of people standing near the café next

to the hotel stopped in their tracks and didn't continue walking forward.

Ayan, dressed in a black suit, exuded an aloof aura, his face expressionless and calm, devoid of any

unnecessary emotions. Sophia, on the other hand, stared at Ayan as if watching a play. She lightly

said, "Ayan, do you also have a sense of crisis? He pursued Cami all the way to the hotel entrance. I

wonder if Cami will be moved?"

Ayan's gaze turned cold as it shot towards Sophia, but she showed no fear. Instead, she smiled and

casually said, "Don't be angry. I'm just talking casually. Don't get angry, don't get angry. Maybe they just

encounter each other by chance, who knows?"

"Are you that idle?" Ayan coldly questioned. He lifted his foot and walked towards the hotel entrance,

leaving only his aloof back for Sophia.

Sophia had her secretary by her side, and the secretary whispered softly, "Ms. Rapace, Mr. Simpson

will be angry if you speak like that."

Sophia just snorted and showed a spoiled expression. "He should taste a bit of bitterness too."

After all, she had pursued him for many years without getting any results. Although she knew it wasn't

anyone's fault, as emotions couldn't be forced, she couldn't miss the opportunity to taunt Ayan when it

presented itself.


Sophia couldn't keep up with Ayan's pace and only said to the people behind her, "For now, let's leave

it at that. Everyone should return to the company. We'll notify everyone of the afternoon arrangements

through the group chat. Let's give it our all at tomorrow's opening ceremony."

After saying that, Sophia left with her secretary.

Ayan returned to the hotel lobby, with Kian walking quickly behind him.

Kian whispered, "Mr. Simpson, should I investigate why Jordan came here?"

Ayan had no expression on his face as he replied, "No need. Why would you investigate him?"

"His relationship with Mrs. Simpson?"

Kian hesitated to speak.

Ayan simply said, "No need. There's nothing between them. Don't investigate. In the afternoon, go to

the opening ceremony site and supervise everything. Make sure there are no mistakes, understood?"

Kian nodded in response. He then handed the documents to Ayan and left the hotel.

Ayan took the elevator back to his room floor. He walked slowly, stopping for several seconds before

raising his hand to knock.

The door was quickly opened, and Camille had just returned a short while ago. She hadn't even

changed her clothes yet. She looked at Ayan and casually asked, "Are you done with your work?"

Ayan's deep voice responded with a grunt. He glanced at Camille and the milk tea on the coffee table

behind her, and he asked, "Did you go out?"

"Yeah, I took a walk outside and almost got lost." Camille took a sip of her bubble milk tea she had

opened, then handed it to Ayan. "Try it."

Ayan took it from her without drinking it, as he didn't like overly sweet things. His deep gaze remained

fixed on Camille, and he asked, "Where did you get lost? Why didn't you call me?"

"I walked straight from the hotel and went to a nearby mall entrance to buy milk tea. Then I got a bit

confused with the directions. I thought you were in a meeting, so I didn't want to bother you and just

used the navigation directly."

"You came back on your own?"

"I was originally planning to come back on my own, but I ran into Jordan unexpectedly. He's familiar

with here, so he walked with me and brought me back to the hotel."

Camille casually mentioned the situation with the different entrances of the hotel that Jordan had

mentioned. Her response was calm and she didn't hide anything from Ayan.

After she finished speaking, Ayan remained silent for a long time, just staring at her without blinking.

Camille tilted her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Next time you get lost, call me right away. Don't bother others."

"Okay, I understand."

Seeing her obedient appearance, the gloom and displeasure in Ayan's heart dissipated.

He certainly wouldn't tell Camille how bitter he felt just now, especially when he saw the two of them

standing at the hotel entrance with smiles on their faces. It was difficult for him to feel happy in that


So every word he said just now was filled with probing.

He put down the milk tea and changed the topic directly, "Let's go out for dinner later."


However, they didn't end up having that meal only themselves because Sophia had made a reservation

and invited Dan as well. Dan had just returned to Dane City to handle other matters for the Tucker

Group, as the project with Mr. and Mrs. Bell was nearing completion.

Knowing that Camille and Ayan were also here, Sophia naturally wanted to invite both of them to


Dan had a relatively good relationship with Camille because, apart from the project, he had also

provided her with assistance on the company affairs.

So Dan personally called Ayan to extend the invitation. Ayan didn't immediately respond and

instinctively looked at Camille by his side. He heard Dan's low voice in his ear, "Mr. Simpson, you

wouldn't refuse my invitation, right?"

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