My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 855: Powerful Tactic
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Chapter 855: Powerful Tactic

Chapter 855: Powerful Tactic

Ayan accepted Dan's invitation. After ending the call, he said to Camille, "We're having lunch with Dan

and Sophia. They're on their way to the hotel. Let's go down to the restaurant first!"

Camille was a bit surprised. "Dan came back here?"

Ayan grunted and said calmly, "Let's go down first."

The two of them arrived at the restaurant and placed their orders. Soon, Sophia and Dan arrived.

Camille and Ayan sat on one side, while Sophia and Dan sat on the other. They exchanged greetings,

and Camille spoke up, asking Dan, "Why didn't you mention that you were coming back? Were you

intentionally avoiding treating me to a dinner?"

Dan laughed. "You're really accusing me wrongly. I just returned last night. I contacted Mr. Simpson

immediately, didn't I?"

Camille said, "Well, I won't hold it against you then."

Later, Sophia brought up tomorrow's opening ceremony, but Ayan interrupted directly, saying, "This is

our private time. Don't discuss about work."

"It's just us here. Why can't we talk about it?" Sophia huffed.

Camille interjected, "Maybe I'm just a bystander, so it wouldn't be appropriate for me to join in." She

was just trying to lighten the atmosphere and knew well that Ayan didn't actually feel that way.

Sophia smiled and said, "You should come along tomorrow. The opening ceremony has many

activities, and it'll be fun."

"Me? I think I'll pass." After all, she wasn't involved in the project, so it wouldn't be quite suitable for her

to attend.

Sophia insisted, "Come on, come on." She looked at Ayan and asked, "Ayan, you'll bring Camille with

you, right?"

"Guess!" Ayan glanced at Sophia indifferently, not planning to directly tell her his answer.

Sophia was left speechless, but she couldn't do anything about Ayan.

During the meal, Dan talked about Mr. and Mrs. Bell's project. It had been a year since the project

started, and everyone had put a lot of effort into it. Once the project was officially completed and

publicly announced, they would gradually put it into use.

The reason Mr. and Mrs. Bell hadn't been seen in Hance City recently was because they were handling

publicity related to the project in their home country. They were at the top tier when it came to charity,

with abundant financial resources and connections.

Although Mr. and Mrs. Bell had gone back to their home country, they maintained contact with Ayan.

However, the project's finalization work was no longer as intense as before, and with no news from Mr.

and Mrs. Bell for a long time, Dan naturally had some concerns.

Dan proactively asked Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, everything is all right with Mr. and Mrs. Bell, right?"

He was referring to any unexpected issues with the project, such as many real estate projects that

would halt just before completion.

Ayan understood what Dan meant. He raised his gaze to look at Dan and said in a warm and calm

voice, "There haven't been anything unexpected. Even if Mr. and Mrs. Bell have any other plans for this

project, it won't affect its completion. Simpson Group won't allow any projects to be abandoned."

Once a project starts, neither Simpson Group nor Ayan would allow it to be abandoned due to external

factors or the actions of individuals or other companies.

After Camille's words, Dan nodded in reassurance.

The meal lasted for about an hour, mostly in a quiet atmosphere. Even when they talked, it was mostly

work-related matters, which didn't interest Ayan much, so he didn't speak much.

After finishing their meal, Dan paid the bill and then suggested, "Miss Camille and Mr. Simpson, if you

have time, you can visit Tucker Group. Just let me know in advance, and I'll make arrangements to give

you a good impression."

Dan intended to establish a long-term partnership with Ayan. After all, Simpson Group's position in

Hance City was unshakable. Besides that, he also wanted to learn from Ayan's style and approach to

handling business.

Both Camille and Ayan nodded in agreement with his invitation but didn't specify when they would go.

Later, the four of them left the restaurant. Sophia had work to attend to, and Dan didn't want to bother

them any longer, so they left first.

Camille and Ayan went upstairs to their hotel room.

Once in the room, Camille looked at Ayan, whose expression had remained somewhat emotionless.

She asked, "Are you fine?"

Camille didn't know what was going on with him, but she could sense that something was off. There

was a feeling that he was unhappy, even though it couldn't be clearly expressed.

She waited for his response, her eyes fixed on him.

Ayan didn't reply immediately. He simply lowered his gaze and met her inquisitive look. After a few

seconds, he calmly said, "I'm fine, just thinking about something."

Camille followed up, "What then?"

"Other people."

"Other people?"

"Yeah, other people."

"Okay." Camille didn't pursue the matter further as she wasn't particularly interested. She was the type

of women who didn't need every detail to be explained clearly by the man. So, most of the time, Ayan

would voluntarily tell her, or else she wouldn't inquire further.

The topic seemed to end there, but Ayan suddenly called Camille's name.


His clear eyes looked incredibly serious, harboring complex emotions. His handsome face showed a

hint of wanting to say something but struggling to find the words.

Camille softly hummed, her voice gentle as she asked, "What's wrong?"

Ayan thought for a moment and then spoke up, "Do you know about Preston and Eileen's situation?"

"Yeah, I know a little. You told me that Eileen and Preston have some sort of partnership, and they

seem to have some secrets between them!"

Camille also knew that Preston and Eileen were more acquainted and familiar with each other than she

had imagined. However, Preston had always avoided revealing it, and she didn't have the right to

inquire further. So when she heard Ayan mention them, she subconsciously asked, "Why did you

suddenly bring it up?"

"I've been investigating Preston. I discovered that he and Eileen were raised up in the same

orphanage." Ayan had received a message from Kian before they went out for dinner. Kian had beennovelbin

provoking Preston according to Ayan's arrangement. First, he publicly disclosed what Sean was up to

and then had Jenson lay out the evidence they had received, approaching Preston as a partner to elicit

a reaction. But Preston, who was always cautious and careful, naturally wouldn't easily reveal anything

suspicious. However, Ayan had anticipated this, so when he had Kian arrange for people to provoke

Preston, he had used a powerful tactic.

Although Preston was gradually distancing himself from Austin's support and establishing his own

confidence and power, he still relied on the Walker family. Molly was carrying his child, and so far, there

had been no movement from Molly's side, nor had Preston made any moves. They were both waiting

for each other's response.

That's why Ayan made a move against Molly and the Walker family, letting the Walker family express

their dissatisfaction toward Preston and mention adopting Preston. Preston had no choice but to take


Rex, who was conducting a covert investigation, took this opportunity to observe Preston's every move.

Preston had already rushed to Flento. He had to deal with the matter of Molly's pregnancy with the

Walker family. Only by settling this issue could he avoid further trouble and unexpected situations.

But what Preston didn't expect was that Eileen, due to Austin's incident, couldn't stay anymore and had

also gone to Flento City to hide. When she found out that Preston was there too, she naturally wouldn't

let it go. As for how Eileen knew so much, it was naturally because Ayan had orchestrated things

behind the scenes, pushing them together. Otherwise, how could they have met?

When Eileen contacted Preston, he was accompanying Molly for her check-up at the hospital. It was

the first thing he did after returning to Flento.

But Eileen's call disrupted everything.

Their conversation resulted in an ugly scene with Molly getting angry. Kian sent Ayan a video showing

Molly questioning Preston, "What is your relationship with Eileen, really?"

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