My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 853: On My Mind
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Chapter 853: On My Mind

Chapter 853: On My Mind

Camille asked curiously, "Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Bailey?"

Jordan chuckled softly and replied warmly, "No, there's nothing."

Camille hesitated for a moment. Why would he ask if there was nothing?

Not sure what to say, Camille found herself in an increasingly silent atmosphere. She wasn't good at

handling such situations, so she took the initiative and asked, "Did Mr. Bailey want to see me for any


"Don't be nervous. I didn't come to see you for any particular reason. I just thought it was a coincidence

that we met again."

"A coincidence!" Camille was slightly surprised. Was he referring to their encounter at the airport?

Camille tightened her grip on the bubble tea in her hand and whispered, "Indeed, it's quite a

coincidence. After all, Dane is so big, and I didn't expect to meet you at the airport."

Although she felt like he had already said that before, out of politeness, Camille still responded politely.

The next moment, she heard Jordan say, "Yes, we met in the airport. It's indeed a coincidence, but I

didn't mean the airport."

"Not the airport?" Camille instinctively looked around, but there was no sign of Jordan. She said, "Mr.

Bailey, I'm having trouble understanding what you mean."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Jordan's voice coming from the phone receiver and

echoing in her ear, "Miss Armstrong."

Camille turned around and saw Jordan coming towards her from the building in front of her. He was

walking a bit faster, with a gentle expression and a faint smile. He quickly put down his phone.

He looked at Camille and said, "Isn't this a coincidence?"

Camille also put down her phone, still holding the bubble tea. She had changed into a simple casual

outfit when she came out of the hotel, which seemed a bit out of place compared to Jordan's suit. But

she still smiled slightly and nodded, "Indeed, it's quite a coincidence. How come you're here, Mr.


"I came here to handle some work. I just finished and saw you upstairs. At first, I felt like I had seen you

somewhere before, but I didn't expect it to be you." Jordan saw her alone upstairs, looking around as if

she was lost, so he took the initiative to call her.

He didn't have any ulterior motives. He just wanted to repay Camille for helping his mother.

As for any other material rewards, she probably didn't need them because the man behind her wasnovelbin


He wasn't aware of this until yesterday.

Now that he knew, it didn't come as a surprise. After all, Camille was outstanding both in appearance

and talent, so it was natural that she would be with someone who matched her.

Of course, all of this didn't matter.

Jordan took the initiative to ask Camille, "Are you alone? Are you lost?"

Camille shook her head. "I was just strolling around. I wouldn't say I'm lost. I checked the navigation

and know the direction to the hotel now."

Jordan nodded. "Do you want to go back to the hotel now?"

"Yeah," Camille nodded as well. She wasn't good at interacting with unfamiliar people and was rather

slow to warm up. This often led to awkward and uncomfortable moments.

Jordan said, "The traffic here can be complicated. Let me give you a ride!"

Camille hesitated and quickly said, "No, it's fine. I can manage on my own. The hotel is not far, so

there's no need to go through the trouble."

But Jordan insisted. He said, "Is this your first time in Dane? I'm familiar with here, so I can drop you off

at the hotel, just at the entrance. If you're worried about causing any misunderstandings, you can walk

ahead, and we can maintain some distance."

Jordan voiced all his concerns directly. His intention was simple: because Camille was unfamiliar with

here, he wanted to make sure she got back to the hotel safely.

But for Camille, it was still broad daylight, and there was no need for his escort. If she really got lost,

she could just take a taxi.

Camille said, "Mr. Bailey, you really don't have to escort me. I was planning to explore other places!"

Camille insisted multiple times, and Jordan didn't want to press further.

However, he directly mentioned the hotel Camille was staying at and honestly told her, "We might be

staying at the same hotel. This hotel has four entrances, facing north, south, east, and west. Because

it's a large hotel, each entrance is in a different location. Do you know which entrance you came out


With Jordan's words, Camille was immediately stunned.

Honestly, she had no idea.

Why would a hotel have so many entrances?

Wasn't that misleading for guests?

Camille didn't reveal her confusion and just smiled faintly. "It's okay; I think I'll manage."

Jordan smiled, unaffected, and asked gently, "Miss Armstrong, am I some kind of terrifying monster?"

"Of course not, I didn't mean that."

"If that's the case, why do you seem reluctant to have any interaction with me? The reason I insist on

taking you back to the hotel is that we know each other and you helped my mother, so we can consider

ourselves friends, right? Regardless of our relationship, I think you should know that Mr. Simpson and I

were roommates before."

Jordan's tone remained gentle, his face soft and humble. There was even a hint of helplessness in his

smile, as if he was troubled by Camille's rejection.

He openly mentioned his relationship with Ayan and didn't wait for Camille to respond. He said again,

"Let's go, I'll escort you back."

Camille naturally knew about it because Rex had mentioned it to Ayan when they first met. However,

Ayan had also said that they had no further contact with Jordan, and their relationship had naturally

faded away.

As for the chance encounter at the airport, it was purely a coincidence, and their greeting was distant,

nothing like people who had once lived under the same roof.

But Camille didn't care about all that. With Jordan explaining everything clearly, it would be overly

dramatic to continue refusing.

She didn't refuse anymore; she simply nodded gently and followed Jordan side by side towards the

direction of the hotel.

It wasn't too far, but it wasn't close either. They walked in silence, neither of them speaking. It seemed

like Jordan was truly only concerned about safely escorting her to the hotel.

And indeed, he maintained complete silence throughout the journey, keeping a polite and safe


It had to be said that this made Camille feel comfortable. It was unlike some men who completely

lacked a sense of personal space, making women feel greasy and uncomfortable.

This thought lingered in Camille's mind. She pursed her lips slightly and spoke softly, "Mr. Bailey, how is

your mother doing lately?"

Jordan glanced at Camille sideways while they walked and answered, "Hmm, thanks for asking. She's

been doing much better lately. Her body has recovered well after the surgery, and now she's almost

back to normal. Just that she can't be left alone without care for now."

"What about her while you're here in Dane City?"

"The Simpson's mansion has been renovated, and we've already moved in. A housemaid who always

takes care of her is with her, so I'm relieved."

"I see. That's good."

Camille nodded and didn't say anything else.

Jordan continued, "But she mentioned you several times. She really liked the design you did, especially

the garden. She even urged me to invite you for dinner."

Camille smiled lightly and calmly said, "Mrs. Bailey is too kind. It was just a small favor, nothing to

worry about."

"Although it may have been a small favor to you, it's not the same for us." Jordan looked at Camille

earnestly as he said this.

Camille was taken aback, but after a momentary eye contact, she looked away. She said, "Let's make

plans to meet after I return to Hance. Is her health good enough for that?"

"Yeah, of course." Jordan understood that Camille had understood his meaning. Neither Mrs. Bailey nor

he wanted to owe anyone anything. Because of the Bailey family's situation, almost no one willingly

associated with them, fearing to get involved with the Bailey family and offend David. So, Camille was

probably the first person, even though she didn't know his identity at first. But now that she knew, Ayan

should have also reminded her, right?

After deep thought, Jordan decided to clarify things with Camille. He didn't want to cause her any

trouble or distress because of it.

He asked, "Miss Armstrong, did Mr. Simpson tell you about me and the Bailey family?"

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