My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 852: Slow
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Chapter 852: Slow

Chapter 852: Slow

She wanted to explain because he had set the picture as his phone wallpaper. Actually, she never

thought Ayan would do such things. She had believed he didn't understand these small details, so she

subconsciously formed those words in her mind.

However, she didn't get the chance to explain because Ayan pressed her against the glass and kissed

her forcefully. The kiss lacked tenderness, filled with dominance and displeasure.

Afterward, his deep gaze locked onto her, and his voice was hoarse as he asked sternly, "Do you know

you were wrong? Huh?!"

She felt a faint taste of blood in her mouth, and her lips carried a lingering stinging sensation. He was

extremely fierce just now.

It was a side of Ayan that Camille had rarely seen before, so how could she dare to say she wasn't


Even though she knew she was wrong, Ayan seemed a little displeased. He simply held her in his

arms, protecting her from fear, and said nothing else.

The Ferris wheel had already started descending, passing the highest point. Camille wasn't as scared

anymore, and with the emotional atmosphere around them, she didn't have the mental space to think

about fear.

She turned to face Ayan and softly coaxed, "Don't be angry, okay? I really know I was wrong, and I

promise I won't say it again next time."

"Next time?"

Camille hesitated. She quickly added, "Of course, there won't be a next time. I mean, I promise it won'tnovelbin

happen again, so can you stop being angry?"

Ayan snorted lightly and didn't answer, but at least his face was no longer stern.

Camille continued to coax him for a while until they got off the Ferris wheel. Only then did this incident

come to an end.

After the Ferris wheel, they continued to the next attraction. They spent the entire day at the

amusement park and didn't leave until around 9 p. m.

After a whole day of playing, Camille was exhausted, and her feet felt like they weren't her own.

Ayan, on the other hand, was fine and didn't show any signs of tiredness.

Camille looked at him and asked, "Aren't you tired at all?"

Ayan looked at her and said, "Not tired."

"We've been playing all day, and you're not tired at all?"

"Not at all."

However, Camille didn't quite believe it. After all, compared to her, he had been more occupied today,

even carrying her for a while. How could he not be tired?

Camille whispered, "You don't have to feel embarrassed. I won't laugh at you. Just be honest, are you

even a little tired? Are your feet sore?"

Ayan cupped her face, and a faint smile appeared on his thin lips. He asked, "Do you really hope I'm


"It's not that I hope so. I'm just worried that you're too stubborn to admit it." With her face in his hands, it

was a bit inconvenient for her to speak. She wanted to remove his hands, but Ayan showed no

intention of letting go.

At some point, he started enjoying pinching her face.

He lightly smiled and said, "Cami, never ask a man if he's tired or not. If you really want to see me tired,

do you want me to tell you how?"

After speaking, he leaned close to her ear and whispered a few words. Camille's cheeks instantly

turned red.

The atmosphere immediately became quiet.

She didn't ask anymore. She shouldn't have meddled in other people's affairs.

Ayan looked at her shy appearance and couldn't help but smile. He casually put down his hand and

gently embraced her, his voice neither light nor heavy as he said, "Waiting for too long, I really can't

guarantee that I won't hurt you."

What won't hurt her?

Camille knew it in her heart.

Especially after what he just said.

In fact, Camille was quite slow in this aspect. All her experience came from Ayan. She was a

conservative person at heart, even though Sienna occasionally joked with her about sexual topics, she

avoided it because some things were difficult to talk about. Although she understood that it was normal,

there were still some things that were hard to say.

So every time Ayan hinted at it, she felt a bit embarrassed, even though they were open with each

other and even had a child.

But that sense of shyness still existed.

Back at the hotel, after Camille took a shower and soaked her feet, she finally had time to check her

phone. Ayan was already busy answering calls.

It was Kian calling.

There was a morning meeting tomorrow that he needed to attend because the opening ceremony was

the day after tomorrow.

So many things needed to be finalized and organized, and Ayan had to start working officially.

When Camille went to sleep that night, Ayan was still on the phone with Kian, confirming the day's

work. Apart from the opening ceremony preparations, there was also work for the Simpson Group. He

had fun with her during the day, so naturally, he had to make up for it at night.

Camille felt a bit guilty when she lay down in bed. After all, he was keeping her in company. After

having fun, she could rest while he had to work. But this guilt didn't last long, and she drifted off to


A good night's sleep.

When Camille woke up, Ayan was no longer by her side. There was a note left beside her, with the bold

and powerful handwriting of a man, showing his domineering and reserved personality. He wrote,

"There's a meeting. After waking up, have breakfast and explore around, but don't go too far. Call me if

you need anything."

Camille finished reading it and casually set it aside. Then she stretched lazily before getting up from the


After washing up and changing clothes, she left the room. She had breakfast at the hotel restaurant

and didn't feel like going back to the room. Since she was alone, she might as well go out and explore,

enjoying the sights of Dane City.

She walked straight along the hotel street to the left, leisurely strolling and taking photos, sending them

to Sienna.

It had been two days since Camille contacted Sienna when left Flento City. .

After sending Sienna the photos, Camille added, "If only you were here."

Sienna replied quickly, saying, "Then I'll accompany you next time."

"Good, I'll consider that your promise." Camille typed this message and sent it to Sienna, then she

casually asked, "How have you been these past two days?"

This message carried deep implications, and Sienna immediately understood.

She replied, "Not bad."

"Better than the previous two days?"

"Yes, much better."

"That's good." Camille didn't inquire further about what happened. When Sienna wanted to talk about it,

she would naturally say it. So she just told her, "I'll be there for you all along, you know?"

"I know, Mrs. Simpson. Don't be so gentle with me, okay? You're going to spoil me like this." Sienna

directly sent a voice message, her gentle voice sounding a bit weak, with a hint of coquetry in her tone.

Camille pursed her lips and smiled faintly. "Don't make jokes like that. If I really spoil you, won't Rex kill


"Mr. Simpson won't let him off."

"And what about you?"

"Both sides have their pros and cons. Don't make things difficult for me, okay?"

"Tsk tsk!! So, in your heart, he's still more important, right?"

The two chatted, and time passed quickly. Before she knew it, half an hour had passed since Camille

stepped out. She didn't realize where she had ended up. Looking around, she saw tall buildings

everywhere and couldn't tell which way was north or south.

Camille said to Sienna, "It's all your fault. You distracted me, and now I can't find my way back to the


"Is that so? Then I wonder who will be lucky enough to pick up this beautiful little fairy?" Sienna

laughed, completely enjoying Camille's misfortune.

Camille snorted and ignored her, instead opening the navigation on her phone and entering the name

of the hotel. She didn't want to walk too far, or else it would be troublesome to take a taxi back.

She checked the navigation, luckily it wasn't too far away, just two turns and she already couldn't figure

out the direction.

She closed the navigation and looked around. She saw a familiar bubble tea shop nearby and decided

to buy a cup of bubble tea to take away.

After buying it, just as she was about to head back, her phone rang.

She thought it was Ayan, but when she picked up the phone and saw the displayed name, she was

surprised and stunned for a moment before answering, "Hello? Mr. Bailey?"

It was Jordan calling.

What did Jordan suddenly call for?

Camille frowned slightly, inevitably feeling some questions filling her mind.

The man on the other end of the phone asked gently, "Is Miss Armstrong alone?"

Camille was completely stunned.

What did he mean by that?

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