My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 851: Joke
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Chapter 851: Joke

Chapter 851: Joke

Early the next morning, the two of them had breakfast at the hotel and then left.

Ayan was the driver for Camille. On the way, he had already called Kian, telling him to handle anything

on his own and not to contact him. Ayan then put his phone on silent mode, and he did the same for

Camille's phone.

Observing what he was doing, Camille couldn't help but ask with a hint of amusement, "Won't this

affect your work? What if Kian needs to reach you urgently?"

"He is the chief secretary of the Simpson Group's president. If he can't handle such a trivial matter,

then I think he might as well quit and go back to farming."

Ayan's domineering statement was undoubtedly equal to the praise for Kian. After all, receiving

recognition from Ayan meant that Kian's abilities were beyond doubt.

Camille smiled, pursing her lips. "If you praise him in front of Kian, I think he would work even harder."

"The compensation I give him will make him work harder," Ayan replied indifferently. Then, he started

the car and took Camille to the largest amusement park in Dane City.

Dane City's amusement park was famous, surpassing even the one in Hance City, which was already

quite large.

The amusement park not only had various rides, but also offered a wide range of entertainment options

and specially designed backgrounds for those who loved taking photos.

Dane City's amusement park was comparable to Disneyland, attracting a lot of visitors. Ayan had

already booked the tickets in advance while they were still in Flento.

The most popular attraction in the amusement park was, of course, the Ferris wheel. Although each

city and amusement park might have its own iconic buildings, in Dane and this amusement park, the

enormous Ferris wheel was the iconic structure.

So, as soon as they entered the amusement park, Ayan took Camille to the Ferris wheel to check it off

their list. Looking at the gigantic Ferris wheel before them, Camille couldn't help but say, "This Ferris

wheel is so huge!"

Ayan held her hand and stood amidst the crowd. The place was bustling with people, making it difficult

for him to speak loudly. He leaned in and whispered to her, "From up there, you can overlook the entire

Dane City."

Camille was intrigued. She recalled how in college, she often heard her classmates and roommates

talking about wanting to ride the Ferris wheel with their loved ones as a symbol of romance.

Thinking about this, a faint smile appeared on Camille's lips.

This is what romance is about, right?

Ayan looked at her and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I want to ride this."

"Of course, we're here now, and I brought you here specifically for this." Ayan held her hand and led

her into the crowd. Of course, he didn't tell Camille that he had already planned everything before

deciding to bring her to Dane. The Ferris wheel was their first stop.

Both of them followed the rules and stood in line with their own thoughts. Although they were wearing

masks, the dignified and captivating aura they exuded, along with the feeling they gave off, made them

look like handsome and beautiful individuals.

There were many other people in the queue as well. Some of the girls couldn't help but say to their

companions, "The guy is so tall. Even though he's wearing a mask, I feel like he's really handsome. I

really want to get his number."

"Yeah, I agree. He looks so handsome, but it seems like the girl in front is his girlfriend! She's taken, so

it wouldn't be good to ask for his contact information, right?"

"The girl is so beautiful too!"

The comments from the crowd reached Camille and Ayan's ears clearly. Ayan simply raised his hand

and gently placed it around the woman in front of him. This intimate gesture was enough to prove their


The girls who wanted his number naturally lost their courage. After all, he had a girlfriend already, so

asking for his contacts would be quite embarrassing.

Camille kept a calm expression and discreetly pinched Ayan's hand where others couldn't see. She

whispered, "You really know how to play around, don't you?"

Ayan wore an expression of being wronged. He shrugged and leaned close to her, whispering, "Then

what should I do? Lock me up at home so no one can see me? Or maybe there's another way, want to

hear it?"novelbin

Camille didn't know what idea he had in mind, so she simply asked, "What way?"

"Give me a legal title. Who would dare to think about me then?"

His gaze locked onto hers. They had to get closer to hear each other amidst the crowd, so their

distance was very close. Both of them could see each other clearly in their eyes, and neither of them

blinked, gazing at each other without interruption.

He hoarsely said, "Do you want to give me a title, huh?"

Camille's eyelashes fluttered, and she lightly said, "Are you in a hurry?"

"Yes, I am a little. A title is like an ID card. Without it, I don't feel secure." He remained calm and those

deep eyes never left Camille's face. He wasn't really forcing her; he just wanted to bring it up at the

right time.

The topic didn't continue because it was their turn to board the Ferris wheel.

In the small space, there was no sensation when they ascended at first, but it gradually increased little

by little. Camille started to panic.

She said, "Isn't this too high? Is it safe?"

When they were standing below, she didn't feel anything, and the issue of height didn't cross her mind.

It was only after they entered that she realized it.

There was a slight tremor in her voice, and concern appeared on her pale face, and her hands tightly

gripped the edge of the safety rail. Ayan reached out and embraced her, his voice low and hoarse. "Are

you scared?"

Camille didn't try to hide it. She said, "Aren't you scared?"

This was just the beginning, and the speed was slowly increasing as they went higher. She couldn't

even imagine how high it would be when they reached the top.

Camille pressed her lips together, feeling increasingly anxious. She whispered, "It won't fall, right?"

Ayan smiled helplessly and turned her body to face him. His gaze was gentle as he stared at her. "If

you're scared, don't look down. Come here and sit for a while, hmm?"

He held her hand and walked to the opposite seat, where they sat down. Camille was truly afraid, so

she instinctively held onto his arm, wanting to stick herself to him entirely.

Ayan felt gratified by this. It felt good to be needed by her.

A faint curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, out of Camille's sight. It wasn't too deep, but it was

clear enough for anyone to see.

The two of them sat quietly without saying much until they reached the top of the Ferris wheel. Ayan

then took her hand and returned to their original spot. Camille closed her eyes, afraid to look down.

Ayan whispered soothingly, "You don't have to be afraid with me here, okay?"

"The view here is beautiful. You will like it."

Encouraged by Ayan, Camille finally opened her eyes and took a glance. It was indeed beautiful,

offering a panoramic view of the whole City.

However, it was undeniably high, and it took about half an hour to reach the top.

At this moment, the Ferris wheel paused at the center to allow the visitors to take photos. However,

neither Camille nor Ayan cared about that. They weren't seeking such things.

At least Camille believed that, but she didn't expect that Ayan would take out his phone and say, "Let's

take a picture too."

He opened the camera, aligning it to capture both Camille and himself. He gently embraced Camille's

shoulder, and their faces were close and affectionate in the frame. Their cheeks showed obvious

smiles. The image was frozen in time.

Ayan immediately set it as his phone wallpaper. Camille noticed his actions and playfully teased him, "If

I don't agree to remarry you, won't you be at a loss?"

Ayan's brows instantly furrowed, and his expression became serious. He looked at Camille and said, "I

don't like joking about this."

He seemed genuinely serious, his tone firm and clear. His eyes stared directly at Camille, as if they

could see through her.

Camille immediately felt guilty and tightly pressed her lips together. She spoke softly, "I..."

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