My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 842: Telling Lies
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Chapter 842: Telling Lies

Chapter 842: Telling Lies

Although Camille didn't know what had happened, it seemed likely that Mario was injured. However,

the extent of his injuries remained unknown. The only thing she was certain of was that Sienna was

fine because she was the one who had helped Mario and driven him to the hospital.

Even so, Camille couldn't shake off her unease.

She furrowed her brow and anxiously looked at Ayan. "Did we get any news from the hospital?"

Knowing it was Camille, Ayan's people promptly responded, "Mrs. Simpson, our people have inquired

at the hospital, but there was no information from the emergency department. We even had someone

check the ER, and Mario wasn't there anymore. Given his status, he's probably staying in a VIP ward.

Being in Flento City makes things difficult for us since we don't have much access."

Camille's face reflected her worry, and she let out a silent sigh, feeling a sense of despondency.

It wasn't so much that she was concerned about Mario's condition, but rather about what had actually


Observing Camille's demeanor, Ayan replied in a subdued tone, assuring her, "Sienna is fine, don't

worry, hm?"

"She may be fine, but what about Mario? If Mario is truly injured or something has happened to him,

the King family won't let Sienna off the hook. Despite their benevolence towards Sienna, she's merely

adopted into the King family. If something happens to Mario while he's with her, how could the King

family possibly forgive her?"

It was this worry that plagued her. Camille had witnessed firsthand the King family's reproach towards

Sienna-a form of emotional and psychological suppression. Simply because Sienna was adopted by

the King family, they felt they provided her with a meal, a surname-King-that they believed Sienna

could never achieve on her own. The Kings used this moral coercion, leaving Sienna unable to argue.

Only Mario had treated her well within the King family, but even that kindness had started to sour,

transforming into a form of coercion that left her suffocating.

The more Camille contemplated Sienna's situation, the more concerned she became. Calmly weighing

her options, she looked at Ayan and said, "I want to go to the hospital and check on her."

Ayan didn't respond immediately. He maintained a thoughtful silence before finally adding, "Can we

wait a little longer? Let me personally contact Mario. He had lunch plans with me, but he didn't inform

me whether it could proceed. We'll act as if we're unaware of what happened and inquire proactively. If

we can't reach him, then we'll head to the hospital. If we can establish contact, it might be best not to

rush to the hospital."

"But... I'm worried about Sienna."

"I understand your concern. You know her best and are well aware of her relationship with the Kings.

After this incident, her position within the family will undoubtedly be difficult. However, you must

understand that if you rush to the hospital to find her, although the King family won't do anything to her

because of you and me, we can't always be by her side protecting her. When we eventually leave,

she'll still have to face everything alone."

Ayan was well aware of the intricacies between these aristocratic families, especially concerning

Sienna's status as an adopted daughter, which held little significance to the King family.

Compared to Mario's standing, there was an immense disparity.

Nevertheless, no matter the circumstances, it was still the King family's internal affair. Even if they were

friends, they couldn't meddle too much.

When Camille heard Ayan's suggestion, she nodded in agreement, and he immediately dialed Mario's

number in her presence.

The call connected quickly, but it wasn't Mario who answered.

It was his secretary.

Ayan had anticipated this from the start, so when Mario's secretary informed him that Mario had been

kept busy and couldn't make it to the lunch, Ayan merely smiled lightly and said, "Mr. King is being

quite insincere, isn't he? He can't even give me a straightforward refusal by himself?"

Ayan's insinuation was immediately sensed by Mario's secretary, who hastened to explain, "Mr.

Simpson, please don't misunderstand. Mr. King never meant it that way. It's just that he's currently

occupied with urgent matters, so he couldn't personally apologize to you. Once he's done, he'll surely

contact you himself. We hope Mr. Simpson can understand."

"What could be so important that Mr. King can't even spare a moment to take a phone call?" Ayan

pressed on, adopting a cold and distant tone. His powerful presence was overwhelming, making it

difficult for the secretary to respond. He continued indifferently, "Is Mr. King looking down on the

Simpson Group and me, which is why he's treating us with such indifference?"

Ayan's tone was icy, conveying his displeasure quite clearly.

Camille, who was beside him, was slightly taken aback. If she hadn't witnessed the situation herself,

she would have genuinely believed that Ayan was really pissed off.

A faint smile appeared on her face as she found Ayan somewhat amusing by pretending like this. Thenovelbin

secretary, on the other hand, felt the pressure due to Ayan's words and became quite uneasy, hastily

explaining, "Mr. Simpson, please don't misunderstand. Mr. King never meant it that way. Could you wait

for a moment? I'll get Mr. King on the line right away, and he'll personally talk to you."

Ayan agreed.

They ended the call briefly.

Ayan turned to Camille and said, "His secretary should be at the hospital. If Mario calls me back on his

own accord and says he doesn't have any issues, then you won't have to worry too much, right?"

Camille nodded.

After only five or six minutes, Mario called them back.

It was Mario's voice on the other end of the line, devoid of any discernible emotion or situation. He

spoke politely, "Mr. Simpson, I apologize for not personally informing you earlier. Something

unexpected came up, and I couldn't join you for the meal. Once I've resolved the matter, I will

personally invite you to Hance City for a meal."

Naturally, Ayan didn't actually want Mario to treat them to a meal. He exchanged a few words with

Mario before concluding the call.

Ayan didn't actively inquire about what had happened, and Mario naturally wouldn't voluntarily disclose

it either. However, the two engaged in a verbal dance, each skilled in the art of conversation, leaving no

trace and not giving anyone the slightest information.

After several rounds of conversation, the call ended.

The meal was naturally off the table, but they could at least confirm one thing-Mario didn't have any

major issues; otherwise, he wouldn't have made the call.

Ayan reassured Camille that they didn't need to worry too much. After all, they would only leave Flento

City the next day, and if anything happened to Sienna, they would be there today.

Camille stopped dwelling on the matter further, but Ayan still had some concerns. He decided to pause

their work and take Camille out with him.

Without Sienna accompanying them, Ayan planned to take Camille to explore some of the older parts

of Flento City.

Flento City Hospital, VIP ward.

After ending the call, Mario looked at Sienna, who was sitting beside him, peeling an apple. His voice

held no emotions or indications of his situation as he calmly asked, "You didn't tell them?"

Sienna naturally knew he had just spoken with Ayan on the phone. She handed him the peeled apple,

her gaze landing coolly on his face, which was covered by a white bandage around his forehead, now

pale and bloodless due to its white hue, and his overall complexion looking pale as well.

Seeing him in such a state, Sienna's brow furrowed instantly, her voice slightly hoarse as she replied,

"No, I didn't."

Mario took the apple, but he didn't rush to eat it. He simply glanced at her and spoke gently, "You

should go back first. Come back at noon. Mom and Dad will be here, and regarding my injuries, answer

as I've told you. Understand?"

Sienna's complexion paled slightly as she responded, "Why lie? I did it, so I'll admit it. I don't need you

to protect me with lies. I don't need that."

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