My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 843: Tug Of War
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Chapter 843: Tug Of War

Chapter 843: Tug of War

Indeed, it was her that caused Mario to end up like right now. Sienna acknowledged this herself and

didn't need him to kindly make excuses for her. She would take responsibility for what she had done,

even if the King family came down hard on her. She had accepted it.

Her stubbornness made Mario sense the meaning behind her words. His expression grew darker and

uglier, and his voice conveyed a displeased question, "Is this how you want to distance yourself from

me? To not owe me anything and disregard yourself?"

Sienna's face remained impassive as she looked down, not meeting Mario's gaze. Her expression was

devoid of any emotion, and it was unclear whether she had even registered his words. There was no

response for a long while as she sat there motionless.

Sienna's silence made Mario's expression even more stern. He furrowed his brows tightly and his voice

deepened as he asked, "Sienna, I'm talking to you. Did you even hear me?"

Sienna lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, completely indifferent. Despite the extended silence, her

answer remained unchanged.

She said, "You're right. I really don't want to owe you anything anymore. So let things be as they are.

Besides, I didn't do anything wrong, did I? So why should I lie?"

Sienna was incredibly stubborn. Regardless of the consequences, even if the King family found out and

severely reprimanded her or if more serious consequences occurred, she didn't care. Compared to all

that, she didn't want to owe Mario anything anymore. After all, she hadn't done anything wrong, so why

should she hide or lie?

To her, it would be better if the King family knew.

It would only benefit her and cause no harm.

If the King family knew, they would only become more distant from her, right?

From the beginning, the King family would never support they two being together. Sienna's position in

their eyes had always been clear. So why shouldn't she take this opportunity to completely separate

herself from Mario with the "help" of the King family?

Sienna had already begun to plan in her mind, but could she really achieve her goal with this


While the conversation between the two grew heated, the door to the ward opened from the outside.

It was Mario's mother and cousin.

Mrs. King's expression wasn't very pleasant, but she tried to maintain a composed demeanor. Her

gaze, upon entering the room, didn't first fall on Mario in the hospital bed, but rather focused on Sienna.

The bodyguard standing outside the door also looked helplessly at Mario and said, "Mr. King, Mrs.


Mario interrupted him, saying, "Close the door."

The bodyguard nodded and immediately closed the door.

Mario's gaze shifted to Mrs. King, and he asked in a low voice, "Why did you come? Didn't I say there

was no need to come here?"

Mrs. King didn't answer his question. Instead, she stepped forward to stand in front of Sienna, who had

stood up from her chair the moment she saw Mrs. King. Sienna's lips twitched, as if she were about to

speak, but before the words could leave her mouth, a hard slap struck her face.

The crisp sound of the slap echoed in the room, and due to its force, Sienna instinctively turned her

face to the side.

Mario's face instantly turned cold, and he spoke in a low, hoarse voice, "What are you doing?"

Mario finished speaking and threw off the covers, getting off the hospital bed. Mrs. King still wanted to

continue, but Sienna remained standing there without any intention of stepping back. Her reaction

deepened the emotions in Mario's eyes. He walked over and pulled her behind him, saying, "Do you

enjoy being hit like this?"

He was angry with Sienna for not backing down or avoiding, as if she wanted to resolve this matter in

this way.

But that wasn't what he wanted at all.

Mario looked at Mrs. King, who had remained silent until now. Mrs. King's emotions were extremely

agitated. She pointed at Sienna and angrily scolded, "If I hadn't come and overheard your

conversation, were you planning to keep hiding the truth from me? My son has been injured like this,

and as his mother, don't I even have the right to know?"

Mrs. King's emotions were particularly intense. Her eyes were red, and her face was filled with

displeasure and heartache.

She pointed at Sienna and said coldly, "Sienna, we have been good to you. How can you repay us like

this? Aren't you afraid of being punished by God?"

Mrs. King's heart was filled with concern for Mario, completely forgetting that Sienna was the child she

had personally promised to adopt.

Her words made Mario's expression even more dark, and he spoke in a low, stern voice, "Enough, stop

talking. This has nothing to do with her, and besides, I'm fine now. You don't need to worry."

After speaking, he looked at his cousin and instructed her to take Mrs. King back.

But Mrs. King naturally refused to leave. Looking at Mario's pale face and the bandage wrapped

around his forehead, her worries multiplied.

She questioned Sienna, "What happened that made you do this to him? He's your brother, don't you

know? The entire King family has never done you wrong. Can't you think about the kindness the King

family has shown you? As human, you should have a conscience. Just because you are doing well

now, you can't forget about it, right?"

Mrs. King's words, followed by the cousin's agreement, continued to accuse Sienna. They didn't evennovelbin

inquire about what had actually happened; they simply directed all the blame toward Sienna and

subconsciously believed that she alone was at fault.

Sienna had no response or retort. It seemed like it didn't affect her at all, so she didn't care.

Her reaction only further solidified Mrs. King's belief, intensifying her cold and angry attitude toward

Sienna. Mrs. King even tried to pull Sienna forward, but with Mario standing in between them, he didn't

budge, making it impossible for them to do anything to Sienna.

Mrs. King became extremely annoyed. "Mario, have you gone mad? She has treated you like this, and

you still want to protect her? If she dared to harm you and put you in the hospital today, she might use

a knife tomorrow to finish off the entire King family."

Mario's expression also darkened. He said, "I told you, this has nothing to do with her. I got injured

because of myself. Let's not talk about this anymore. I'm fine now, and you can go back."


Mrs. King became emotional, but Mario didn't waver at all.

The cousin couldn't bear it and said, "Brother, how can you speak to Aunt like this? Aunt is very worried

about you. You can't hurt her for the sake of an outsider!"

"When did it become your place to interrupt in my affairs?" Mario shot her a glance, and his cousin

immediately fell silent, no longer daring to make a sound.

Only then did Mario shift his gaze back to Mrs. King and said, "This matter ends here. After leaving this

room, I hope you won't trouble Sienna anymore. She has been by your side for the longest time. Don't

you understand her temperament? How could she possibly harm me?"

Mrs. King's gaze became complicated, as if she recalled Sienna's time by her side. After all, Sienna

had been with her for many years, even though there were maids and servants in the house, she

personally took care of many matters. Although later she was ordered to keep a distance from Mario,

there were still good memories between them.

Mrs. King then looked at Sienna, and the disgust and anger in her eyes had disappeared. Her gaze

became calm as she said, "Sienna, I was too emotional just now. Don't take it to heart."

"How could I? It's because you care about Mario that you became so impulsive. I'm fine, and I'm not

concerned. Stay here with him and have a talk. I'll go out and buy you guys bottles of water."

Sienna lifted her gaze to meet Mrs. King's eyes, forced a faint smile, and then walked out of the ward

from behind Mario.

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