My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 833: Retention
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Chapter 833: Retention

Chapter 833: Retention

Camille shook her head. "It's about Grace."

Since Horace mentioned that it wouldn't be convenient to discuss without Grace's permission, Camille

didn't dwell on it too much. After all, it was Grace's business. So, she didn't directly bring up her

suspicions to Ayan.

Ayan didn't ask further after hearing Camille's words. He simply held her hand and entered the

elevator, going upstairs together.

Noticing Camille's troubled expression, Ayan couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Camille said, "Horace told me that we can't reach Grace. I need to find a way to contact her. So, I'm

going out for a while. Can you pack our luggage at home? Is that okay?"

"Sure, should I accompany you?"

"No need, I should be back soon. What time is our flight?"

"Around seven, we have enough time."

Camille nodded. There were still several hours until seven o'clock, so they could meet directly at the


Back at Maple Leaves Mansion, Camille changed her clothes and immediately left to find Grace.

She tried calling Grace, but her phone was switched off.

Driving aimlessly, Camille had no idea where to go. After careful consideration, she finally decided to

go to the Armstrong family.

She arrived at the Armstrong family, her first visit since their last unpleasant encounter. Camille parked

the car and sat inside for several minutes before getting out.

She pressed the doorbell, and the familiar servant opened the door, hurriedly inviting her in.

Brody was not there, only Page was present.

Seeing Camille, Page's expression showed a slight surprise and stiffness. She asked in a casual tone,

"Why are you here?"

Camille didn't pay any attention to Page's distance and coldness. She just answered in a low voice, "Is

Grace at home?"

Page hesitated for a moment, then looked at Camille and asked, "Are you looking for Grace?"

"Yes, I need to talk to her about something on our project."

Camille made up an excuse, which seemed more reasonable and didn't require her to explain too

much to Page.

Page didn't continue to inquire and simply said, "Grace went to Flento City."

"When did she leave? When will she be back?"

Camille's tone sounded slightly anxious, catching Page's attention.

"Because of some urgent matters and I can't reach her, I came here."

Page then recited a series of numbers to Camille. "She was arranged to meet a potential marriage

partner from Flento City. Your father accompanied her to meet him. If everything goes well, they might

finalize the marriage this year. You and Ayan should do your best to give her a strong backing, or she'll

be looked down upon. After all, we are a family, and Grace has always been good to you. You can't just

let her be disrespected by her in-laws, right?"

Page went off on a tangent, but Camille didn't mind. She didn't even pay attention to those words. Her

focus was solely on the mention of Grace.

So, Grace disappeared and turned off her phone because she went to meet the potential marriage


Camille cautiously asked, "Is the man from Flento City? Which family in Flento City?"

Page looked at Camille, a hint of displeasure flashing in her eyes, and then said calmly, "Nothing has

been confirmed yet between them."

It meant that she didn't need to know. Camille only needed to wait for notification and be ready to help

when needed, along with Ayan.

Camille simply pursed her lips and replied indifferently, "Then I'll call her. You can go about your

business. I'll take my leave."

After speaking, Camille turned and left, and Page naturally didn't try to stop her.

After leaving the Armstrong's house, Camille got in the car and immediately called Grace.

Since it was Brody's phone, Camille made it clear that she was looking for Grace when he answered.

Brody hesitated and said reluctantly, "If it's something important, just say it. She's not available right


Camille stated her purpose, which concerned Armstrong Corp's project, and then added, "It's Mr. and

Mrs. Bell's request, so I have to talk to her personally. If she's unavailable, should I talk to Horace?"

Regarding Armstrong Corp's matters, Brody naturally didn't hesitate and said quickly, "Hold on, let me

call her."

Camille didn't know what was happening on the other end, as the call remained silent for almost half a

minute. Then she heard Brody's calm voice, "Camille's on the phone, she wants to discuss something

work-related with you. Can you take the call?"

Then Grace's voice came through, somewhat disbelieving, "Cami?"

"Yep, it's me," Camille replied in a low voice. She asked, "Are you... in Flento City?"

"Yeah," came the response, with a hint of inconvenience.

Camille furrowed her brows involuntarily and asked, "What's wrong? Is it not convenient?"

"Yeah, I understand what you're talking about. Don't worry, I'll contact my assistant right away to

resolve it," Grace's response confirmed Camille's suspicions. It seemed that Grace wasn't willingly

going to meet the potential marriage partner.

Cutting to the chase, Camille said, "Horace wants to talk to you. Would it be better if he speaks to you


Grace didn't immediately answer, so Camille continued, "I'm going to Flento City tonight. If you need

any help, you can call me anytime. Is the man you are going to meet from Flento City? If so, I might

know his family, so you can let me know if you need anything, okay?"

After Camille finished speaking, Grace finally responded in a low voice, "Okay, I know what to do now.

Sorry for the trouble, and please apologize to Mr. Burris for me. It was my negligence."

Camille understood Grace's meaning. It seemed like she had agreed to her suggestions.

From Grace's response, Camille also gathered that Grace was currently in an inconvenient situation

and that the so-called arranged marriage was not voluntary but rather coerced by Brody and Page.

Camille took a deep breath before stepping on the gas pedal and driving back to Maple Leaves


Afterward, she informed Horace about the situation. Horace's face turned extremely solemn upon

hearing the news, and he fell into silence for quite some time without any response.

Camille looked at Horace and asked, "Didn't you always know that the Armstrong family intended to

unite you two to solidify Armstrong Corp? I remember you were initially resistant to such an

arrangement and had no interest in her whatsoever. Have you changed your mind now?"

Horace lowered his gaze and gave a faint smile, with a hint of self-mockery in his eyes. He said, "I

guess that's how the tables turn, isn't it?"

Camille couldn't help but find it somewhat amusing when she heard him say such words. It wasn't

mocking him, just that it sounded a bit funny coming from him.

Camille said, "If you truly have feelings for her, then give it your all. She's in Flento City, and I happen

to be going there too. You..."

"Let me handle this matter. I know what to do. After all, it's between her and me, and I can't always rely

on outsiders. Thank you for contacting her for me and letting me know that she's not avoiding me

because of what happened between us."

"You're welcome. If you handle it yourself, then I won't intervene anymore. If you need anything, younovelbin

can call me."


They smiled at each other, and Camille turned and headed upstairs.

Since Horace would handle it himself, Camille truly didn't pay it much attention anymore.

Her round trip took about an hour, and when she returned, Ayan had just finished packing the clothes.

Camille noticed the suitcase by the door and suddenly realized something she had overlooked-didn't

he touch her underwear?

Camille felt her cheeks flush momentarily, but she pretended to remain calm and asked, "Is everything


Ayan nodded. "Yeah, it's all packed. I only have two sets of clothes, so I borrowed a small corner from

you. I hope you don't mind."

Camille forced a smile, and of course, the answer was no.

She pressed her lips together and didn't know how to ask. It felt awkward to ask directly, so Camille

simply said, "Let me go to my room and check if I've forgotten to bring anything."

"There shouldn't be anything left behind. I've checked everything."

"I'll still take a look, just in case."

After saying that, she made a quick escape.

Watching her figure, Ayan chuckled and then got up and followed her. Camille was checking a drawer

in the wardrobe when she saw a half-empty space. She felt a bit embarrassed and pressed her lips


A deep, hoarse voice sounded, "What are you looking at?"

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