My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 832 Out Of Danger
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Chapter 832 Out Of Danger

Chapter 832 Out of Danger

"Okay, let's get started!" Ayan responded indifferently.

He had anticipated this outcome, so he hadn't paid much attention to Kian's progress at Campole. Mr.

Dávalos and Mr. Moya were already at an age where they didn't want any major changes as long as

they had money to take. But now things had changed.

If they didn't take action, they would be at Austin's mercy.

Not only would they lose their money and shares, but their families would also be affected and harmed.

They would end up with nothing, carrying the burden of guilt and facing criticism.

Moreover, they had been suppressed by Austin for so many years. If it wasn't absolutely necessary,

they would have endured it. But now, there was a voice telling them that it would be more satisfying to

take matters into their own hands, especially with someone guiding them on what to do. Naturally, they

would agree.

Of course, even if they didn't agree, Ayan already had a backup plan.

Ayan and Kian had discussed this matter before Kian went to Campole. They had made thorough

preparations for this arrangement. There was no way Austin could escape this time.

Austin's fate had long been sealed. Otherwise, how could Preston choose to distance himself from

Austin before everything was fully exposed?

Only Austin, in his misguided cleverness, believed he could turn the situation around. But it was just his

last-ditch effort.

Kian repeated the detailed progress to Ayan once again, not because he was long-winded or forgetful,

but to avoid any mistakes.

After the report, Ayan simply acknowledged with a sound and then told Kian, "After you wrap up this

matter, go directly to Dane City from Campole."

"Don't I need to come back and leave with you?" Kian asked in a low voice.

Ayan replied, "No need. Camille and I will first go to Flento City, and then we'll head to Dane City

directly from there to meet up with you."

Kian understood. The president wanted to have a private journey with his wife, and he naturally didn't

belong in their presence.

He hurriedly said, "Alright, alright. After I finish up here, I'll go to Dane City and arrange the work for

when you arrive."


Kian added, "Mr. Simpson, Miss Nores has been contacting me. She wants to know your itinerary, but I

refused and told her it's a confidential work arrangement that cannot be disclosed. However, Miss

Nores found out from Nores Group that you'll be attending the opening ceremony in Dane City, and I'm

concerned she might also go there."

Ayan responded with no warmth, "Don't pay attention to her. Next time she contacts you, just block her.

You're not her personal navigator or spy."

If she wanted to know his whereabouts, she would have to prove her capabilities.

The reason Ayan hadn't done anything to Alicia was simply because there was no need. After all, Alicia

was just an insignificant person who didn't deserve his attention and resources. Moreover, he was

genuinely interested in the piece of land in Nores Group's hands, as it would benefit Simpson Group.

He didn't want to strain the relationship too much. He had explained this to Camille, and as long as

Camille didn't think too much about it, he was at ease. As for everyone else, they were simply


Ayan had made plans to pick up Camille, so when she received a message from Camille, he

immediately rushed over.

It wasn't too late, and they still had time to have lunch and afternoon tea together before leisurely

returning to Maple Leaves Mansion.

It was only around three o'clock when they arrived back at Maple Leaves Mansion. Ayan got out of the

car and walked to Camille's side, holding her hand and her bag. He spoke gently, "We have an evening

flight, and after we arrive in Flento City, we can have a late-night snack with Sienna. Can you let her

know in advance?"

Camille nodded and started to take out her phone to send a message to Sienna.

But before she could unlock her phone, Horace's voice came from nearby.

Horace walked over briskly and greeted both of them. Recently, it seemed like every time they met

Horace, it was by chance in the neighborhood. It used to be in the evenings or mornings, which made

sense because of work, but at this time, shouldn't he be at the office?

Ayan also thought about this point and a faint smile appeared on his lips. He asked, "Is it just a

coincidence, Mr. Burris?"

Horace replied candidly, "Not really, I was specifically waiting for both of you here."

Camille and Ayan exchanged a glance. Ayan took the opportunity to ask, "Is there something you want

to discuss with Miss Armstrong, Mr. Burris?"

"Well, I have something I'd like to talk to Miss Armstrong about. Is Mr. Simpson available?" Horace

asked Ayan with a calm attitude.

Ayan gave him a casual glance and a faint smile played at the corners of his mouth. His voice was

unhurried as he replied, "Of course, I'm available."

After Ayan's response, he didn't let go of Camille's hand. Instead, he lightly squeezed her fingers and

said, "Mind if I smoke?"novelbin

Ayan didn't have much of a smoking habit, he only occasionally took a few puffs. So, she didn't object

and nodded in agreement.

Ayan walked to the side to smoke. He wasn't too far away from them, but it provided enough space for

Horace to talk.

Camille asked Horace, "Is there something you want to tell me, Mr. Burris?"

Horace's expression seemed a bit cold, and if she didn't know him, Camille might have thought he was

about to say something unpleasant or angry.

Horace's tone didn't reveal any emotions as he said, "Have you been in contact with Grace lately?"

Camille immediately furrowed her brow and shook her head, saying, "No."

With so much happening recently, she was already feeling restless, and her emotional state hadn't

been good since being kidnapped by Austin. So, she didn't have the mental energy to reach out to

Grace. Usually, they would inform each other if there was something important or contact each other on

holidays. Besides that, there was only Grace asking about Timmy, wanting to see him.

Now that Horace mentioned it, she realized that it had been several days since they last


Camille asked in confusion, "Why are you suddenly asking me about this, Mr. Burris?"

"She hasn't been to the office for several days, and I haven't been able to reach her. There haven't

been any updates from the Armstrong family either, so I don't know if she has been in contact with

you," Horace explained, his brows slightly furrowing. His expression showed a complex mix of

emotions, which made Camille worry as well.

"What happened?" Camille asked.

"Well, something has happened," Horace replied.

"Can you tell me?" Camille inquired.

Horace looked hesitant, but in the end, he said, "Not yet. I need her permission because this matter

involves more than just me."

"So, it's something between you and her?" Camille asked.

"Yes," Horace nodded.

Camille lowered her gaze, and she had some guesses in her mind. She didn't continue to ask, only

speaking softly, "I haven't been in contact with her. You should know that our relationship has improved

somewhat, but we are still unfamiliar with each other's circles. If you want to find her, you probably

have to start by inquiring with the Armstrong family."

"She had a disagreement with the Armstrong family over something, so I don't think she would want me

to ask them," Horace replied earnestly, making Camille smile.

Camille said, "Mr. Burris, you seem to care a lot about my sister. Every word you just said was

considerate and thoughtful towards her. Could it be that you like her?"

After Camille finished speaking, Horace didn't avoid her gaze and instead looked directly at her. He

said candidly, "Yes, I like her."

Camille was slightly stunned, her eyelashes trembling lightly, surprised by Horace's straightforward


Horace continued, "So, can I trouble Miss Armstrong to do me a favor? Can you think about where she

might be?"

Camille was a bit hesitant because she genuinely didn't know where Grace could be. But she was

willing to help and, as Horace's words gradually brought her back to her senses, she realized that he

was very direct and didn't hide anything.

After agreeing to help Horace, Camille and Ayan went upstairs.

Ayan asked, "What did you talk about?"

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