My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 814: Uprooting The Root
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Chapter 814: Uprooting The Root

Chapter 814: Uprooting the Root

Austin's words hit Preston like a slap to the face.

With a cold expression on his face, Austin's eyes turned icy, staring at Preston with relentless coldness.

But Preston didn't lose his temper. He simply lowered his gaze, suppressing his emotions, and when

he looked up again, his eyes shimmered with a faint, gentle smile. It was a smile so faint that it was

almost imperceptible.

Preston said, "Mr. Norman, why rub salt into someone else's wounds? Since you've guessed my

intentions, why treat Camille this way? Is it because you're afraid Ayan will trace Louise's death back to

you? Or is it because he might do something else to you?"

"You came from Campole to find Cora, but it's been so long. Have you really been actively searching

for Cora? I don't think so. If you truly wanted to find Cora, you would have tried everything. The reason

you want to find Cora is simply because you can't accept it. But do you realize what consequences you

have caused today? Now Ayan is keeping an eye on you. If you show up in Hance City, he'll make sure

you don't leave alive. But if you keep hiding like this, how long can you evade? Or you think you can

hide, but how about Norman Group and the Norman family? I've had more experience dealing with

Ayan than you have, so I understand him better. Do you think it's worth offending Ayan for a woman?"

Preston bombarded Austin with one question after another, not giving him a chance to speak. Each

sentence challenged Austin's inner emotions. But what good would anger do? What could unhappiness


There was nothing left to say now.

Because he had completely offended Ayan, and Ayan wouldn't let him off the hook.

But Preston insisted on making Austin understand that he had tried to advise him and had given him

opportunities, but Austin had never cherished them. He couldn't blame anyone but himself.

Austin remained silent for a long time, without uttering a word or responding. If earlier he had been

proud of being part of the Norman family and considered himself superior to Preston, now all of that

arrogance had completely disappeared from Austin.

Austin remained silent, and Preston smiled calmly, his voice still gentle as he said, "Mr. Norman, now

you only have one choice-to do as I say. Think about whether you want to listen to me or not."

Austin raised his gaze, meeting Preston's eyes. He asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Preston said, "I've already contacted Jeremiah and had him remove me from my position at Norman

Group and transferred all the projects I'm involved. Now, those two projects and myself belong to Chia

Tai Investment Company."

As soon as Austin heard this, he immediately understood Preston's intentions. He narrowed his eyes, a

hint of indifference in them, as he questioned, "Mr. Walker, what do you mean by this? Are you trying to

cut ties with me completely now that I'm in trouble?"

"If I really wanted to cut ties with you, do you think I would have waited until now? If I really wanted to

cut ties with you, you wouldn't be sitting here in the first place. I said, if you're willing to cooperate with

my arrangements, then do as I say. If you don't want to, you don't have to listen. It's that simple. So, do

you want to listen?"

Preston's attitude toward Austin was no longer that of a friendly collaborator. He had already corrected

everything, and even if Austin knew, it was too late. He didn't care.

He wanted to talk to Austin nicely, hoping he would follow his lead. He didn't want things to get ugly at

this moment, and he didn't want to completely offend Austin either. Perhaps he would still be useful in

the future.

Preston didn't reveal any of his thoughts. He calmly stared at Austin with warm eyes, waiting for his


With a cold expression on his face, Austin asked Preston, "You've planned all of this from the

beginning, haven't you? You've hidden your connection with Ayan from me since the beginning, and

you've never truly been honest. How many benefits have you taken from me? And now, you're just

casually cutting ties for my own good? Ha, I see, it's for your own good! Preston, you think you can

completely get rid of me? Let me tell you, it's not that easy. You want to use the Norman family as your

stepping stone, but you need to see if you have what it takes."

Austin stood up, his eyes filled with coldness as he stared at Preston. After speaking, he didn't linger

and left without hesitation. He knew he couldn't stay here anymore. He glanced deeply at Preston

before walking away.

Austin didn't dare to stay in a hotel after leaving. Although he wasn't pursued by the police like Sean,

most of his people had been caught. He needed to leave Hance City as soon as possible. Only by

leaving Hance City could he escape Ayan's reach.

After leaving the place, Austin borrowed a phone from someone on the street. At this time, there

weren't many people around.

Austin called Jeremiah and asked him to personally come to Hance City and pick him up as quickly as


After Austin left, Preston sat in his room for a while before finally getting up to return to his own room.

As for Austin's words, he didn't care at all. Austin was now in a precarious situation and still wanted to

challenge him? It depended on whether he had the ability.

One night passed.

The morning sun was brilliant. Ayan didn't arrive at the company on time as usual. Instead, he slept in

with Camille until they naturally woke up.

Kian had already packed breakfast and brought it over. The two of them ate while Kian reported today's

work arrangements. He didn't mention anything about yesterday in his words.

Camille quietly ate, listening silently to their conversation.

After they finished talking, Camille spoke in a calm voice, "Kian, did you catch Austin?"

Kian looked at Ayan, a hint of complexity flickering in his eyes, but he immediately responded, "Not yet,

but we've caught his assistant and the others. I've followed Mr. Simpson's instructions and detained


Camille nodded and then looked at Ayan, asking, "What are your plans for dealing with this?"

"I have it under control, don't worry. It's almost certain that Sean is responsible for Louise's death. The

police will arrest him, and the museum will probably resume operations in the next few days. Take this

opportunity to rest before work starts again. I'll have Aria come and accompany you, alright?"

Ayan didn't want to discuss too much about this matter with Camille, but he had already made up his

mind on how to handle it.

So, after Camille fell asleep last night, he messaged Aria. Worried that Camille would be bored at home

alone, he asked Aria to come and keep her company.

Camille didn't ask any further questions, nodding in agreement.

Ayan left only after Aria arrived.

In the car, Kian asked, "Mr. Simpson, are we going to the company or the villa?"

Ayan was reading the company project documents with his head down. Since yesterday's meeting was

left unfinished, there were still many documents to handle. So, he didn't lift his head and repliednovelbin

indifferently, "Go to the villa."

Kian acknowledged and drove towards the villa.

When Ayan arrived, the bodyguards brought several people out of the rooms. They were all bound with

ropes and sitting on the ground. Their blindfolds and gags were removed.

Ayan squinted his eyes, his face filled with coldness. He looked at Austin's assistant and asked, "I'll

give you one chance. Tell me, who attacked her?"

In just a few simple words, his voice was devoid of any warmth, and the frigid tone instantly turned the

pale faces of the people sitting on the ground even paler.

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