My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 815: Concern
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Chapter 815: Concern

Chapter 815: Concern

The assistant raised his head and looked at Ayan. He had seen Ayan before when he followed Austin

to Hance City to for Mr. and Mrs. Bell's project. Naturally, he knew how Ayan had kicked Austin out of

the project.

Facing Ayan now, he naturally felt extremely timid and trembling.

He dared not look directly into Ayan's eyes, and his whole body seemed to tremble secretly under his

clothes. He stammered, "Mr. Simpson, it wasn't me..."

"I didn't ask if it was you. I'm asking who it was. So do you know or not?"

Ayan lifted his eyelids, glanced at him indifferently, with no patience in his eyes, as if reminding him that

if he knew, he should speak up, and if he didn't, he shouldn't waste his time.

The assistant's eyes dodged, and his expression on his face was very uneasy. His reaction caused

Ayan to lose his patience as well.

Ayan questioned indifferently, "Who knows? Speak up! This is your only chance. I gave it to you, but

you didn't seize it. Then let someone else have it."

Ayan's gaze swept around and fixed on the other two men.

The two men seemed hesitant upon seeing this, but it was only for a moment. One of them, slightly

darker in complexion, hurriedly spoke up, "Mr. Simpson, I know. It was Mr. Norman who did it. Mr.

Norman said she didn't follow his instructions, so he did it."

Ayan did not react to the man's voice; instead, the coldness in his eyes deepened. Everyone present,

including Kian, watched Ayan, thinking that he was just angry upon hearing Austin's name.

The next second, Ayan stood up and slowly approached the darker-skinned man. He walked step by

step until he was in front of the man, crouched down, and stared at him, asking, "Are you sure it was


The man nodded firmly, "I'm sure, it was Austin, Mr. Simpson. It was him. We have nothing to do with it.

We were just following Austin's orders. We were only doing it for the money..."

Before he could finish his words, a pair of clearly visible knuckles suddenly grabbed the man's hair and

dragged him heavily towards the nearby coffee table.

The sound of the collision between the man's head and the coffee table echoed in everyone's ears.

They were all bewildered, not knowing what Ayan meant by this.

Was he venting his anger towards Austin on them?

The other two men were frightened, afraid to breathe heavily.

Ayan, however, did not stop there. He grabbed the man's hair again, the coldness in his eyes giving

him a hint of ruthlessness. He sneered, "What do you think you are? Huh? How dare you talk behind

her back? How dare you entertain such disrespectful thoughts about her? Do you want to die?"

The other man instantly understood Ayan's intention. He heard their conversation, so he quickly spoke

up, "Mr. Simpson, I'm sorry. Mr. Simpson, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have had such thoughts. Please

spare me, Mr. Simpson!"

Ayan glanced at him but didn't intend to respond. He just looked back at the man in his hand, pulling

his hair and coldly questioning, "Answer me, how dare you?"

The darker-skinned man was already terrified, still feeling the pain from the impact on his head. He

took a while to calm down before slowly regaining his senses and said in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, I

won't dare anymore. Mr. Simpson, I really didn't do anything. I was just joking. I..."

"Just joking? What do you think you are to dare speak about her? Come on, repeat what you said for

me. Huh? Let me hear what you really said."

Ayan released him, wiped his fingers on two wet tissues from the coffee table, and then threw the

tissues directly onto the man. His eyes were filled with indifference as he looked at the other man

beside him.

He raised his hand and pointed, "You start. Huh?"

Both of them had panicked expressions, and they didn't really dare to repeat their words in front of


But Ayan obviously had to make them say it again. He reminded them, "Don't try my patience. If you

don't speak up, then never speak again in your lifetime."

These words made the two men not dare to argue. The man pointed at by Ayan tried to recall what he

said back then, but he couldn't say a complete sentence even after struggling for a long time.

Ayan had already lost all patience. He kicked him hard.

In a cold tone, he said, "It seems you don't want to speak properly. Forget it then!"

Ayan viciously kicked him a few more times, each kick causing him unbearable pain. It wasn't until Kian

saw this and spoke up, "Mr. Simpson, I think that's enough."

Ayan finally stopped, took a silent breath, straightened his suit a bit, the coldness still present on his

face. He spoke calmly, "They enjoy fantasizing, so let them have their way. Let them experience the

consequences of their imagination."

Ayan had Kian take these two men to a friend's club. The club was a place with both light and dark

sides, where some things couldn't see the light of day. These two men were given a drink that would

cause hallucinations and were then locked in a room with a dozen burly men.

It was later said that these two men entered with all their limbs intact, but when they came out the next

day, they had to be carried out. They weren't beaten, but certain details couldn't be described.

They were completely ruined.

After dealing with these two men, Ayan didn't stay long. He glanced coldly at Austin's assistant and

said to Kian, "If there are no useful answers after questioning him, send him directly to Campole. From

this moment on, any cooperation with Norman Group is Simpson Group's enemy. Do you understand

what I mean?"

Kian nodded, "Understood."

Ayan left the villa and returned to the company, driven by his chauffeur. Kian stayed behind to handle

other matters.

On the way back to the company, Ayan was somewhat worried about Camille, so he sent a message to

Aria, asking, "How is she?"

Aria was currently out shopping with Camille, in a very good mood. Since the incident yesterday, they

had bodyguards accompanying them, providing continuous covert protection.

So they were safe when going out.novelbin

Aria read the message and handed it to Camille, saying, "My brother is so concerned about you, afraid

that I might neglect you. Sister-in-law, seeing you both like this, I can't help but want to fall in love."

Aria had been busy with work and didn't really have time for dating. However, she had recently met

someone she was quite interested in. But it seemed like he didn't have any interest in her, so she

naturally wouldn't fall into one-sided love.

Camille read Ayan's message and a smile appeared on his face. He said, "Your brother is so verbose."

Aria replied in the same tone, and Ayan didn't reply further, probably feeling envious.

Camille said to Aria, "If you want to fall in love, go ahead. You're beautiful, independent, and talented.

There must be many people who like you. The man for you will come quickly."

"Hopefully, I hope my true love will come soon."

Aria was envious of her brother and Camille's relationship, especially recently she felt that Ayan, her

brother, was starting to show some signs of being capable of loving someone.

Aria couldn't help but speak what was on her mind. She said, "Honestly, I can tell that my brother loves

you a lot."

Camille smiled, "Did he make you say nice things about him?"

"It's my own observation."

"That's good. I trust your judgment, so I'll consider it."

The two continued strolling hand in hand, then had lunch outside before returning to Maple Leaves


Not long after they arrived at Maple Leaves Mansion, Camille received a friend request on his phone.

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