My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 800: Trampled
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Chapter 800: Trampled

Chapter 800: Trampled

She was grabbed by two men who reached out and was immediately being forced into a car.novelbin

Camille instinctively called out, "Help! Hel..."

But she wasn't given a chance to finish her sentence as her mouth was immediately covered.

The security personnel at Maple Leaves Mansion's entrance heard the cry for help and rushed out of

the security room. They saw Camille being taken into the car, which then arrogantly sped away. The

security guards chasing after them were utterly useless.

Because Camille frequently entered and exited the premises and they knew her identity, the security

guards couldn't afford any delay. They immediately returned to the security room to inform their

supervisor, who then contacted Kian.

Upon receiving the news, Kian wasted no time and knocked on the door of the conference room.

Ayan was in a meeting with the company's senior management, and the meeting couldn't be


So when Kian entered and spoke, everyone's attention turned to Ayan.

Kian quickly said, "Sorry for the interruption, everyone."

He hurriedly walked to Ayan's side and briefly explained what he had just learned.

Upon hearing the news, Ayan's face turned cold in an instant. He instinctively stood up from his chair,

his deep eyes revealing a chilling indifference. Before anyone could react, he was already walking

towards the conference room door.

The others were stunned. Kian quickly explained, "Mr. Simpson has something urgent to attend to. The

meeting will be paused here, and I'll inform everyone when Mr. Simpson is available. Thank you for

your understanding."

After speaking, Kian hurriedly caught up with Ayan.

Ayan had already reached the elevator, his head down, looking at his phone, and instantly understood.

He felt immense guilt and self-blame. If only he had seen Camille's message, none of this would have


Ayan's face was extremely grim, his brows furrowed tightly. Seeing him like this, Kian cautiously asked,

"Mr. Simpson, I had the surveillance at Maple Leaves Mansion checked. It took Mrs. Simpson about

ten minutes from leaving her house to reaching the entrance of the residential area. They clearly came

prepared. So now, should we wait for their contact or should we report it to the police?"

With a cold expression, Ayan's voice filled with a chilling tone, he said, "Take me to Preston's


Kian was slightly taken aback and asked, "Mr. Simpson, do you suspect Preston?"

Ayan didn't answer. The coldness on his face became more apparent, and his dark eyes were filled

with a sinister coldness.

Preston's residence was close to Simpson Group, but Ayan felt that the journey was incredibly long.

Accompanied by Kian, he took the elevator all the way to Preston's residence.

Austin used to live here, but Ayan had never been here nor cared about where any of them lived.

The elevator doors opened, and he walked out from inside. Kian pointed to a nearby door and was

about to ring the doorbell when Ayan bypassed him and walked directly to the door. He lifted his hand

and pounded on the door with a heavy "thud, thud, thud."

Seeing this, Kian quickly stepped forward to knock on the door in Ayan's place. As he looked at Ayan's

extremely grim expression, he whispered, "Mr. Simpson, do you suspect that Mrs. Simpson was taken

by Preston?"

Ayan didn't speak, and at that moment, the door opened.

Ayan raised his gaze to look at Preston, his expression suddenly turning icy. His deep and cold eyes

locked onto him without a moment's hesitation.

Seeing Ayan, a trace of surprise flashed in Preston's eyes. But the next second, he curved his lips into

a smile and said, "Mr. Simpson? What a rare visit. What brings you here?"

Ayan narrowed his deep eyes slightly. Preston's attitude registered as a blatant provocation to him. He

stepped past Kian and delivered a heavy punch to Preston, catching him off guard and leaving him no

time to react.

Preston staggered back several steps, and by the time he regained his balance, Ayan lunged forward

again, landing a second punch. Ayan's emotions were completely out of control, and he continued to

pummel Preston several times. When Preston finally regained his senses and attempted to retaliate,

Ayan had already pressed him against the wall.

Ayan questioned in a cold voice, "Where is she? Preston, I warn you, you better release her

immediately, or I'll make you wish you were dead."

Ayan put all his strength into each punch, causing blood to trickle from the corners of Preston's mouth.

He held Preston tightly, rendering him immobile. Faced with Ayan's questioning, Preston was filled with

anger and retorted, "Ayan, who are you talking about? You better explain yourself. What does this

sudden intrusion mean? You better let go of me right now, or I can suit you for intentional harm."

"Hah, do you think I'm afraid of you? If you have the guts, go ahead and file a lawsuit. But are you sure

you can walk out of this door?"

"Ayan, are you planning to kill me like this?"

"Stop wasting words. Tell me, where did you take Camille? My patience is wearing thin. If you dare to

harm her, everyone associated with you will pay the price. So, where is Camille? Speak!"

He clenched his fist, his eyes sharp and filled with icy hostility, his voice cold and devoid of emotion.


Preston furrowed his brow, struggling several times, but there was no response. He squinted his eyes

and coldly replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. Camille isn't with me, and I've never ordered

anyone to take her. But you, aren't you her husband? Shouldn't you know where she is? Yet, you're

asking a stranger like me, Ayan, don't you find that ridiculous?"

Of course, Ayan didn't believe what he said. The pressure on Preston's neck intensified, causing it to

turn red. Due to the lack of guard and that the force of Ayan was strong, and naturally, it caused

significant pain on him.

Their gazes locked onto each other, both filled with coldness. Ayan's eyes were filled with angry

coldness, while Preston's eyes revealed a hint of mocking smile.

As if mocking Ayan for not being able to find his wife but still questioning him.

This naturally infuriated Ayan. He interrogated, "Do you think you haven't been beaten enough? Do I

need to beat you further to make you realize your mistake?"

The feeling of being controlled and unable to resist, unable to retaliate, was extremely frustrating. It

made Preston believe that Ayan was mocking him for being useless.

Preston tightly pursed his lips, his face extremely unsightly, and he said, "Ayan, if you think I took

Camille, then please provide evidence. If there is no evidence, accusing me would be defamation. If

you don't let go, I will definitely sue you. I will make everyone aware of what kind of oppressive person

Mr. Simpson from the Simpson Group is."

Ayan snorted coldly, "Do as you please. If you have the ability, go ahead. So, until now, you still won't

admit it?"

"I didn't do anything, so why should I admit it? Blaming others for things they didn't do is something

your Simpson family always likes to do. But Ayan, I'm not one of those trampled by the Simpson family,

and I won't succumb to your oppression just because of the Simpson Group."

Each word from Preston hinted at the heinous acts committed by the Simpson Group and the Simpson

family, as if he had witnessed them firsthand. However, Ayan naturally didn't believe it. After all,

Preston had always held such attitudes towards them . There would naturally be no kind words from


But amidst Preston's words, Ayan still caught glimpses of hidden meanings. However, his mind was

filled with Camille, and he didn't have the spare mental capacity to delve deeper.

After Preston's words, Ayan's expression remained cold. His phone rang at that moment.

However, he didn't make any move and maintained his posture throughout. Kian was also astonished

by his actions, as he had followed Ayan for so long and had never seen this side of him. Because Ayan

was in the dominant position, he didn't step forward to help but stood aside, ready to intervene at any


Ayan's phone continued to ring, but he didn't react at all. Kian whispered, "Mr. Simpson, maybe you

should answer the call."

Only then did Ayan glance coldly at Preston, loosening his grip on his collar, and took a step back to

create some distance. He took out his phone and answered directly, "Speak!"

A man's voice came from the other end, "Mr. Simpson, would you like to talk to Mrs. Simpson?"

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