My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 801: Betrayal
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Chapter 801: Betrayal

Chapter 801: Betrayal

As Ayan listened to its, his face instantly turned cold. However, he made an effort to control his

emotions, and his furrowed brow revealed layers of intense anger. His eyes were filled with icy

coldness as he spoke in a low, deep voice, "Who are you? Since you dare not show your true face,

why should I believe what you say?"

The other person had used voice modulation, so his true voice couldn't be heard.

Ayan's face remained cold, and his hand, hanging by his side, clenched into a tight fist. His words were

met with laughter from the other side.

"Mr. Simpson doesn't believe me, huh?" the man's voice came through, accompanied by some

movement in the background. Then, another voice spoke up, "Mrs. Simpson, say a few words to Mr.


But there was no immediate response from a woman's voice; instead, there was silence.

This silence caused Ayan to narrow his eyes, filled with a sense of coldness.

The man on the phone seemed displeased, his words laced with coldness, and his voice carried a hint

of ruthlessness, "Mrs. Simpson, don't force me to touch you. It wouldn't be good if I hurt you with my

rough hands, Mr. Simpson would feel sorry. So, Mrs. Simpson, cooperate nicely, okay?"

Still, there was silence.

The man seemed angry, and a clear sound of a slap came through.


The familiar voice of a woman followed the sound of the slap.

Upon hearing the woman's cry, though it was just one sound, Ayan clearly recognized it as Camille's


His face immediately became covered with a chilling darkness, and his voice became hoarse to the

extreme as he said, "Camille!! Is that you, Camille?"

"Who are you?" he asked coldly.

The man didn't hurry to respond but spoke with an angry tone, "Mrs. Simpson, why can't you cooperate

a little? If you had cooperated, I wouldn't have resorted to violence. Look, Mr. Simpson is worried about

you. So, say a few words to Mr. Simpson!"

"If you dare to touch her, just try...," Ayan was truly panicked, especially after hearing Camille's pained

cry, which made it difficult for him to calm down.

His expression became serious and gloomy, his whole being tense. His handsome face seemed as if it

could shed shards of broken ice as he said in a hoarse voice, "Cami, speak up, don't be afraid, I'm

here. Tell me, where are you?"

"Ayan, I'm fine, don't worry..." Camille finally spoke.

Her voice was low and hoarse because she had just been slapped hard, and her mouth was filled with

a bloody taste. But she didn't want Ayan to worry, so she tried her best to remain calm and not let him

hear any discomfort in her voice.

Ever since she was taken by someone outside Maple Leaves Mansion, Camille had lost her freedom

and ability to resist. She had been brought here, and the two men who had forced her into the car hadnovelbin

been watching her the entire time. They were unfamiliar faces she had never seen before.

But these two men made a phone call to Ayan in front of her. However, she had no idea what their

ultimate goal was.

Hearing Camille's voice, Ayan silently took a deep breath. It was rare for him to be in such a state of

mind, and his eyes were filled with helplessness.

He tightly furrowed his brows and questioned with a demanding tone, "Who are you? What do you


"Mr. Simpson, don't get agitated. What we want is very simple. Mr. Simpson only needs to say a few

words to satisfy us. However, if Mr. Simpson doesn't cooperate, tries to report to the police, or takes

any other means to deal with us, then your wife might not be treated so kindly," their words were filled

with threats, each word informing Ayan not to attempt any resistance. They made it clear that if they

were harmed or threatened, Camille wouldn't have a good time either.

Ayan's voice turned cold and gloomy as he asked, "Enough with the nonsense. What do you want?"

"Alright, since Mr. Simpson is so straightforward, I won't be beat around the bush either. Mr. Simpson,

prepare 50 million, and we'll exchange money and the person."

"Alright, I can give you what you want, but you have to agree to my conditions. If a single strand of hair

is missing from my woman, I won't spare you. It's best to avoid hurting her again. Otherwise, you won't

have the chance to enjoy your life anymore."

"Mr. Simpson is joking. As long as you do as what we tell you, I will take good care of Mrs. Simpson.,"

the man chuckled lightly and continued, "Mr. Simpson, get the money ready and wait for my message."

Before Ayan could respond, the other person had already hung up the phone.

Ayan held onto his phone tightly, standing upright without moving, frozen in place. Kian and Preston,

who were present, had heard every word of the conversation.

Seeing Ayan's extremely grim expression, Kian quickly spoke up, "Mr. Simpson, I'll prepare the money


Ayan didn't respond. Instead, he turned and looked at Preston standing beside him. The two men

locked eyes, each filled with cold indifference.

Preston narrowed his eyes, his voice accusingly resentful, "Ayan, do you think that just because Cami

is missing, you can unreasonably blame me for everything? Have you ever considered that maybe she

was taken because of you? Are you and the Simpson family truly innocent and guilt-free? Don't think

that your status and position make you invulnerable. Others may not be able to harm you directly, but

they can target those around you. If you genuinely care about Cami, let her go, so she doesn't have to

suffer because of you."

Ayan snorted lightly, "It's best if you have nothing to do with this, otherwise, today's punches will be just

the beginning."

Ayan withdrew his gaze and walked out of the room.

Kian immediately followed, pressing the elevator button for Ayan, and they left together.

Preston remained motionless, watching them leave. The door was still open. He had a cold expression

on his face as he raised his hand and lightly touched the spot where he had been struck, feeling a dull


Although he had heard Ayan's words, he hadn't heard the other person's voice. However, he could

deduce from Ayan's words that the other person hadn't used their real voice or identity. He vaguely

speculated that either the person was just an insignificant pawn, or they were truly after the money.

At this moment, he hoped it was the latter, where giving the money would secure Camille's release.

If it was the former, he didn't dare to imagine the consequences behind it.

About ten minutes after Ayan left, Preston closed the door and suddenly furrowed his brows, as if he

had realized something.

With a cold expression, he immediately walked back to the living room, picked up the phone from the

coffee table, and made a call.

Once the call connected, he immediately questioned, "Is it you? Did you do it?"

The other person responded casually, "What are you talking about?"

"Did you kidnap Camille?"

"Mr. Baxter, are you mistaken? How could I possibly have someone kidnap Camille? What benefit

would I get from that?"

Preston's face remained cold as he said, "I hope you keep your word. I've told you before, what

happens between Ayan and me has nothing to do with Camille. If you violate our agreement, then we

shouldn't continue our cooperation."

Although the other person had already explicitly denied it, Preston still harbored deep suspicions.

His face displayed a heavy mood.

Ayan, who had left Preston's place, exuded a chilling aura. Sitting in the car without any expression, he

gave a calm instruction, "Go to Maple Leaves Mansion."

Kian nodded and drove, taking Ayan back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

Since they had been living together with Camille these days, Ayan had a key to enter directly.

Everything inside the house appeared normal, indicating that Camille had come downstairs without any

defenses after receiving the phone call.

At that moment, she must have felt incredibly helpless, right?

The sound of Camille's pain-filled voice from the phone call and her faint trembling resonated in his

ears. Thinking about it made him feel unsettled.

Fury gleamed in his eyes, and his expression turned sinister.

In his heart, he repeated silently that nothing would happen to her. He wouldn't allow anything to


But the more anxious a person became, the harder it was to calm his emotions.

So he couldn't figure out who could have taken Camille.

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