My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 799: Insults
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Chapter 799: Insults

Chapter 799: Insults

Of course, he didn't think Louise had discovered his secret and wanted to silence him this way. After

all, he had kept his matters hidden so deeply that not even Sean knew, let alone someone like Louise.

One night is brief, but a lot can happen.

Sean became the target of a full-scale police manhunt. To avoid being caught, he abandoned his car

on a road not far from Preston's place and disappeared from the surveillance cameras in a small alley.

Sean was gone, and rumors about him started spreading. Attention shifted, and even the executives of

the museum project became the focus of suspicion. Netizens believed Louise's death must have

something to do with Sean and continued to hurl insults at him online. Some "well-intentioned"

individuals even joined the team helping the police apprehend Sean.

Ayan arrived at the company early, and Kian immediately briefed him on the situation.

Kian said, "Sean is now chased by everyone, Mr. Simpson. I'm worried that if we don't reach out to find

him, he won't last long."

"That's his problem. What's it got to do with me?" Ayan snorted. The only reason he involved Sean was

to uncover Preston's true intentions. However, Sean was too cunning and had no intention of

cooperating. Not only that, he wanted to gain benefits without giving anything in return. Ayan wasn't a


Ayan continued, "If Sean contacts you voluntarily, don't get too involved. If he doesn't give us what we

want, ignore him."

"I understand," Kian nodded in agreement. They reached the office door, and Kian quickly opened it for

Ayan. After Ayan entered, Kian followed suit and closed the door behind them. He whispered, "Mr.

Simpson, we need to go to Dane City for the project in the next few days because this matter has

already delayed us for a couple of days."

"Well, you set a date," Ayan said calmly.

Louise's situation had lasted for several days now, and due to its volatility, every time the police

collected new evidence, things changed. It had already wasted a significant amount of manpower and

resources. But Ayan already had an answer in his mind. This matter was most likely directly related to

Preston, with a high probability. As for Austin, he hadn't shown up or made any moves so far, so his

involvement was uncertain.

Ayan had shifted all the blame onto Sean. He did so to continue staying in Hance City, and Ayan was

certain that dealing with the Simpson family and Simpson Group had to happen in Hance City. As long

as he was in Hance City, nothing was too terrifying.

Ayan didn't dwell on it any longer. He busied himself with work. Simpson Group had numerous projects,

big and small, and some important ones required his review and signature. Additionally, it was the end

of the month, and department heads needed to conduct work summaries.

So he was busy today.

In comparison, Camille had much more leisure time.

The museum project was on hold since the matter hadn't been completely resolved. Jenson informed

everyone in the chat group, "No need to worry. The project won't end because of this. It wasn't any of

us who made the mistake. Just stay silent and wait. Although none of you have any wrongdoing, I hope

we can avoid internal conflicts and disputes in future cooperation and work. If there's anything, let's

discuss it openly and not breed trouble behind the scenes."

This message served as a reminder to Amber and others.

The group included Amber and Preston, but neither of them spoke.

They both were implicated in this matter. While the current evidence pointed to Preston's secretary,

Sean, as the culprit, Amber knew the truth. So, she was extremely restless, despite having reported to

the police with Jenson's company. She still felt anxious and fearful.

After deep consideration during lunchtime, Amber ultimately resigned from her company. She posted a

resignation and project withdrawal statement in the group and promptly left the group.

Amber did this to let Preston know that she wouldn't say anything and hoped he would let her go.

Amber didn't stay in Hance City any longer. She left alone in her car.

As for the troublemakers, they didn't continue to harass her, but whether it was temporary or not

remained unknown.

Upon seeing the news of Amber's departure, Camille wasn't particularly surprised. Although she didn't

know Amber's true thoughts or her main reason for leaving, it was impossible for Amber to continue

working at the company after her major dispute with Louise before her death.

At the same time, Camille couldn't help but think, if she had accepted Louise's apology back then,

would none of these things have happened?

Would Louise still be alive?

She asked Sienna about these questions. Sienna replied, "As long as you have a clear conscience,

that's what matters. It wasn't you who made the mistake, so why do you such thoughts? Besides, the

errors that person committed didn't happen overnight. So, don't burden yourself with guilt."

"I'm not blaming myself. These questions just popped into my head because of recent events!"

"You should think about me more instead. So, when are you coming to see me?"

"With so many things happening right now, how can I afford to go around? "

"Sigh, in the end, your love for me isn't deep enough, right? I understand, I get it. You don't need to

explain anything. I know."

Sienna started her drama again, and Camille remained silent and just watched it.

They chatted halfheartedly for a long time, then Camille ended the call.

After talking to Sienna, Camille's phone rang again after a while.

It was a call from a delivery guy: "Miss Armstrong, I have a package for you. Since I can't enter the

gate of your apartment building, can you come down and pick it up?"

"My package? I didn't buy anything!"

"It might be purchased by someone else for you. It's food. Can you come down now to collect it? I have

other deliveries to make."

Camille didn't want to keep the person waiting, so she agreed, "I'll come now."

After hanging up, she immediately sent a short message to Ayan, "Did you buy something for me?"

Ayan didn't reply, and Camille had already left and was taking the elevator downstairs.

Since it was just a quick errand to pick something up, she was still wearing her casual clothes and had

slippers on her feet.

Following the directions given by the guy on the phone, Camille walked out of Maple Leaves Mansion's

gate, but there was no one outside. She was a bit puzzled and looked around, furrowing her eyebrows

slightly. She dialed the number back directly.

The call was answered quickly, and Camille asked directly, "Hello, where are you? I didn't see you at

the gate!"

The person on the other end said, "Miss Armstrong, could you come closer to the road? I have toonovelbin

many things in my vehicle and can't ride it up. Sorry for the trouble."

Camille didn't think much of it since that's what the person said. She agreed and cooperated, "Okay, I'll

come closer."

Camille strolled toward the roadside, but there were no deliverymen with too many items on either side.

She looked around, feeling somewhat helpless, and sighed while pursing her lips. She picked up her

phone and sent another message to Ayan, "What are you doing? Did you buy something for me? Are

you trying to surprise me? If you don't come out soon, I'm going back. Standing on the roadside is


After sending the message, Camille looked around again but still didn't see anyone.

She shifted her gaze forward when a black business car parked by the roadside suddenly opened its

door. Two men got out of the car, their eyes fixed on her. The look in their eyes made Camille extremely

uncomfortable, so she instinctively furrowed her eyebrows and intended to turn around and walk back

to Maple Leaves Mansion's gate.

The two men noticed her intentions. They exchanged a glance and their faces instantly revealed a

sense of coldness. They then lifted their feet and headed towards Camille.

When in danger, a person may have a strong sense of foreboding. Even in this moment, Camille felt it.

From their gaze, she sensed their ill intentions. She immediately turned around and ran towards Maple

Leaves Mansion, but due to the disparity between men and women, as well as her wearing slippers, a

few steps were not enough to shake off the two men.

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