My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 795: Daydreaming
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Chapter 795: Daydreaming

Chapter 795: Daydreaming

Camille finished her meal. She got up, casting a fleeting glance at Ayan with a triumphant smile. "Since

you know you're wrong even though you won't admit it, I'll punish you by making you do the dishes!"

Camille smiled cunningly, and Ayan finally realized that she had done it on purpose. The frown on his

forehead eased, and his voice became husky as he said, "Don't scare me."

Camille walked over to the couch, taking a seat that allowed her to face Ayan's dark eyes. She said,

"It's because you always overthink things."

But it seemed like he had improved by now. It used to be worse.

After finishing their meal, Ayan went to wash the dishes.novelbin

Camille secretly took a photo of him and sent it to Sienna. "How much do you think this photo can sell


"Mrs. Simpson, can you cut it out? I'm all alone, and you're showing off your love in front of me. If you

keep doing that, I'll hold a grudge against you."

"I know you won't."

"I will!"

"Alright, maybe you will. But you still haven't told me how much it can sell for," Camille couldn't help but


Sienna didn't reply anymore and vented her anger by ordering a bucket of fried chicken.

Camille didn't bother Sienna anymore, knowing she couldn't be genuinely angry. As for the photo, she

naturally saved it and set it as the background for her chat conversation with Ayan.

Snuggled on the couch, Camille held the remote control, browsing through movies. Although she had

been at home for the past couple of days, she hadn't had the time to properly watch a movie.

She planned to ask Ayan to watch one with her later.

Just as Camille found a movie, Ayan finished washing the dishes. His hands, with distinct joints, were

slightly reddened from being soaked in water. Camille couldn't help but smile and said, "Mr. Simpson, if

the employees of Simpson Group see how hard you work at home, will they still have as much respect

for you?"

"They won't have the opportunity to witness that," he confidently replied, unperturbed.

He sat down beside Camille and watched the movie with her.

However, they didn't manage to finish the movie as Kian called around nine o'clock.

On the phone, Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, the information is out. Our people saw some strange people in

Amber's hometown. From their behavior and accent, they don't seem to be locals, so it seems like

they've started to take action."

"Okay, ensure Amber's safety."

"Understood. I'm heading there myself now."

Ayan advised Kian to stay safe before ending the call.

After Ayan put down his phone, Camille finally looked at him with concern. "Ensure Amber's safety? Is

someone going to harm her?"


"What do you mean, 'yes'? What have you done? Did Amber really know something, which is why she

left Hance City?"

"Yes, I had Kian release the information."

"You did it on purpose? To lure them out?" Camille asked instinctively. She had to admit that Ayan was

clever. There were definitely people watching him now, so he wouldn't leave Hance City for a second.

As for Kian, even if he did leave, he would find a way to do it discreetly.

Ayan didn't say much because the plan hadn't unfolded yet. Talking about it now would be useless.

That night, Kian arrived at Amber's hometown, but it was already midnight.

However, some people specifically chose this time to knock on Amber's door.

At this moment, both of Amber's parents were resting. When she heard the knocking on the door,

Amber immediately became cautious because it wasn't normal for someone to come knocking so late.

Most of the people in their neighborhood were either middle-aged or children, and they would have

already gone to bed at this hour.

So Amber's guard went up, and she quietly walked out of the bedroom without even putting on her

shoes. She walked to the door and looked outside through the peephole, but there was no one and

nothing out there.

Amber was startled.

She gasped in silence, afraid to make a sound or even take a breath.

Just as she was about to return to her room, her phone suddenly rang.

Startled by the sudden ringtone, she immediately put it on silent mode. She looked at the screen

displaying an unfamiliar number. Despite her anxiousness, she couldn't resist answering the call.

A threatening male voice came through the other end of the line: "Amber, tonight is a warning for you. If

you're smart, you'll keep your mouth shut and think twice about what to say. Otherwise, your parents'

safety might not be guaranteed. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Amber held her breath and took a silent gasp. Her face turned pale and weak. Mrs. Torres, who had

already been resting, came out of her room upon hearing the commotion. Seeing Amber standing in

the middle of the living room, she asked, "Amber, what are you doing here?"

Amber was frightened but immediately raised her hand to her lips, signaling her to be quiet. Then she

quickly returned to her room.

In a hushed voice, she responded, "I don't know what you're saying; I can't understand you. If you want

to harm my parents, then I have no choice but to call the police."

"Calling the police? Are you threatening us? Let me tell you, you better think carefully and see whether

the police can protect you for a lifetime or if we can keep an eye on you forever. If you don't believe it,

just wait and see!!!"

"What do you want? I have no idea what you're saying, so please don't disturb my life."

"Whether you understand or not, you know it yourself. I'm just kindly reminding you not to provoke

trouble when we are still nice to you."

After saying that, the person on the other end hung up the phone.

Amber was completely stunned.

She tightly grasped her phone, her heartbeat pounding loudly. Her emotions were in a terrible state.

Mrs. Torres's voice came from outside the room, "Amber, are you okay?"

Amber replied, "I'm fine. You should go back to sleep!"

Afterward, Amber remained silent. She sat on the edge of her bed, staring blankly out the window.

She knew very well who had made that call just now, which meant they were starting to suspect her.

What should she do?

Amber couldn't sleep the entire night. The matter consumed her mind, and she understood that if they

already suspected her and made that phone call, it couldn't be a simple warning. There would definitely

be a second or third time.

She could hide somewhere herself, but what about her parents?

Before Amber could figure out what to do, the person who called her started threatening her through

text messages. They even warned her that if she reported them to the police, her parents wouldn't

have an easy life.

Even if she blocked those phone numbers, they kept coming from new ones. In the end, she had no

choice but to turn off her phone.

However, turning off the phone didn't mean the situation was over. For two consecutive nights,

someone knocked on her door in the early hours, disturbing her parents' sleep. Amber could only tell

them, "It's probably some drunk person. Just ignore it. Don't open the door and get some rest."

Her parents didn't think much of it. It wasn't until the next morning when Amber's mother went out to

buy groceries and returned with a young man.

Seeing this unfamiliar young man, Amber immediately became wary and asked, "Mom, who is he?"

Amber's mother smiled and said, "This gentleman helped me a lot. If it weren't for him supporting me, I

would have fallen down the stairs. I had low blood sugar and almost fainted. It's all thanks to this young

man, so I invited him to stay for lunch."

After Amber's mother finished speaking, she happily went to prepare lunch, and she even asked Amber

to make the young man feel welcome.

When Amber's mother went to the kitchen and her father followed to help, Amber finally looked at the

man sitting on the couch. She stared at him for a few moments and then heard him laugh, saying,

"Miss Torres, as I said, turning off your phone or blocking calls won't prevent us from meeting. We have

ways to find you. Do you believe it now?"

Amber's face turned pale, and she lowered her voice to interrogate him, "What do you want? I've

already said I don't know anything. Isn't that enough? What do you want?"

"Our boss doesn't believe what you said. If you want to ensure your parents' safety, there's only one

way: pack your things and come with us!"

Amber fell silent, knowing she couldn't possibly agree to his demand.

She tightly pursed her lips and remained unresponsive for a long time.

The man stood up and leaned over, staring at her. "Think about it. Give me your answer tonight, or

don't blame us for not being polite."

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