My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 794: Expertise
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Chapter 794: Expertise

Chapter 794: Expertise

"Austin has arrived in Hance City. Maybe you can investigate him. If he suspects me, he won't tell me

or let me know about such a big matter," Sean's reaction appeared sincere, as if he genuinely didn't

know anything.

But would Kian and Ayan believe him?

His response was practically non-existent.

Kian smiled faintly, his gaze seemingly saying to Sean, "Are you sure?"

Sean avoided his gaze, looking straight ahead, and continued, "Kian, you can't force me to admit to

something I didn't do, right? Even if I give you an answer, it won't be reliable, will it?"

Kian chuckled, "Besides you, who else is worth Preston's trust? I don't need you to admit what you've

done. I just want one answer: is it related to him or not? Think about it before you give me an answer,

or else I can't deliver my job, and I can't make sure what Mr. Simpson will do next!"

Kian finished speaking and didn't bother to continue.

He reminded Sean to get out of the car and then drove away in front of Sean's eyes.

Back at Simpson Group.

He informed Ayan of Sean's reaction and shared his thoughts, saying, "Mr. Simpson, I think Sean might

be intentionally hiding something. He doesn't seem like he genuinely knows nothing. Perhaps he's

hesitant about betraying Preston?"

"He will come to you," Ayan's voice was warm.

Kian nodded, "Hmm, let's wait until he contacts me before making any further moves."

"Okay." Ayan's gaze turned slightly cold. Sitting in his office chair, his expression remained devoid of

much emotion as he spoke in a calm voice, "What's the situation online now?"

"It's divided. The media's release of the news last night has led many netizens to speculate who the

person related to Louise might be. But the negative impact from that video is still there."

"No rush, take it slow. Have they made any moves yet?"

"Not for now, everything seems normal, as if it's none of their business."

Ayan fell silent, his expression growing deeper, and his voice devoid of warmth, "If it really had nothing

to do with them, this incident wouldn't have happened."

Kian nodded, agreeing with that assessment.

Ayan continued, "Keep a close eye on it, especially ensuring Amber's safety. Don't neglect anything.

Also, when Amber was giving her statement to the police, her reaction seemed a bit excessive, didn't


"What do you mean...?" Kian looked up at Ayan, his voice low as he asked.

Ayan's lips curled into a cold smile, his expression already conveying his answer.

Kian immediately nodded and left the office.

Ayan's phone rang in the next second.

It was an unfamiliar number from Hance City.

He frowned instinctively, his eyes filled with indifference. He answered the call and put it on speaker.

A specially processed voice came through the line, "Mr. Simpson, it doesn't feel good to be wronged,

does it?"

Ayan didn't respond, only asking, "So what do you want?"

It was clear that the call came from the person causing him trouble.

The person let out a disdainful laugh, showing no interest in Ayan's inquiry, and simply said, "No need

to rush, Mr. Simpson. The show has just begun. Aren't you an expert at playing games? Let's have a

good play and see who will come out unscathed in the end."novelbin

"If that's the case, isn't this phone call a bit unnecessary?" Ayan's tone was provocative, which

annoyed the other person, but he believed that Ayan was deliberately doing this. This incident must

have caused Ayan a lot of trouble, and he couldn't afford to make any moves right now. So the person

thought that Ayan was feeling overwhelmed.

The other person sneered, "Don't get too arrogant. Although you might be able to cover this up with

money, as long as I'm around, you won't be able to completely erase it. It's only fair and just that

someone pays for murder. I want to see what Mr. Simpson can do."

"Indeed, someone must pay for murder. It's only fair and just. But if you understand this principle, why

do you have to resort to such actions? Are you planning to dig your own grave? If that's the case, why

not just tell me directly? I have a hundred ways to offer you, so you don't have to harm an innocent life

like you're doing now. It's quite pathetic that you, who have done such things, don't even dare to show

your true face. Tsk! You still have some shame left."

Ayan's voice was cold and devoid of any warmth. Every word that came out of his mouth lacked any

trace of emotion. He was deliberately trying to provoke the other person's emotions, but the other

person seemed to have anticipated this.

So no matter what Ayan said or how he said it, even if the other person was furious, he/she didn't truly


The person simply told Ayan, "Well, let's see. I want to see what you're capable of."

After speaking, the other person hung up first.

Ayan sat motionless in his chair, his expression extremely unpleasant.

The person who called him was clearly provoking him, trying to anger him in this way and make him act

in ways that would be obvious and misconstrued by the public.

But these little tricks meant nothing to him.

In the evening, Ayan finished work and returned to Maple Leaves Mansion.

Camille had already prepared dinner.

She had been relatively free these past few days, as Yessica was taking care of things at the company,

so she stayed at home, watching videos and learning to cook.

She had originally planned to return to the Simpson's mansion during the day to accompany Timmy,

but considering the current situation and all the things going on, it wouldn't be a good idea for her to go

back and be caught on camera. The Simpson family didn't want any more negative attention, so she

abandoned the idea of going back.

When Ayan came back, she was busy in the kitchen preparing a dessert after dinner.

Ayan watched her busy in the kitchen, and all the annoyance from the day at the company

disappeared. All that was left was a pleasant sense of contentment.

He took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack before walking towards the kitchen.

He directly reached around Camille from behind and pulled her into his embrace.

Camille didn't show any surprise, just a slight pause, then she glanced back at him and said, "Let's eat


Ayan made a sound of agreement but made no move to let go.

He spoke softly, "What should I do?"

"Hmm?" Camille was puzzled.

He continued, "I've gotten used to coming home and seeing you. If I go back to work and I'm not used

to it anymore, what should I do?"

"Figure it out yourself."

"You're so heartless."

"What else can I do? Should I quit my career and become a full-time homemaker?"

"How could that be? How could I bear it?" He raised his hand and gently touched her hair, his voice

husky as he said, "I just like things the way they are now, reminding you not to forget to give me a

proper status as your partner."

This man couldn't go three sentences without mentioning that.

He must be going crazy.

The two of them were having dinner, and suddenly Ayan asked, "After the incident with Louise, has

Preston contacted you?"

Camille was taken aback, looked up at Ayan, and said, "No, why do you suddenly ask?"

"Just curious."

"You're not being subtle at all." Camille didn't take it to heart, speaking calmly, "So, do you want him to

contact me or not?"

"Of course, I don't want him to."

"So, were you testing me just now? Worried that I might secretly contact him without telling you?"

Camille started set up Ayan.

He furrowed his brow and immediately explained, "I didn't mean that. It just suddenly came to mind, so

I asked without thinking."

"But deep down, that's what you think, right?" Camille pretended to shake her head, her expression

also very indifferent, and she said, "Ah, you just don't trust me!"

Ayan's brow furrowed even deeper, and his tone revealed a hint of anxiety as he said, "I'm sorry, it's my


"What's your fault then?"

"I shouldn't have had that thought."


He continued, "It won't happen again."

"What do you mean it won't happen?" Camille blinked, curious about his words.

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