My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 793 Trouble
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Chapter 793 Trouble

Chapter 793 Trouble

"You mean..." Kian looked at Ayan uncertainly, but seeing no other response from him, it was clear that

he agreed. Kian quickly said, "I know what to do now."

Kian immediately made a phone call in front of Ayan.

After ending the call, he turned back to ask Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, where should we go next?"

"Take me to the club."

He had already messaged Rex when he was downstairs, inviting him for a drink.

He didn't want to show his emotions in front of Camille to avoid worrying her.

But he couldn't keep suppressing his emotions, and he couldn't keep hiding things he couldn't figure


The club was their territory, so entering and leaving it was safe and convenient.

They went to their regular private room, and Rex had already arrived before Ayan.

Rex said, "I know you're not in a good mood, so I came early to wait for you. How about that, bro?"

Ayan scoffed and had no intention of responding to his remark.

Ayan walked over and sat down, and Rex poured a drink for him and pushed it in front of him. They

raised their glasses and clinked them together. Rex asked casually, "You seem to be in a bad mood. Is

it because this matter is difficult to handle?"

Ayan didn't respond immediately. He pursed his lips, his expression calm, his voice unhurried as he

said, "Under what circumstances would you recklessly confront someone without hesitation?"

"Are you referring to Preston?" Rex guessed.

Ayan neither denied nor confirmed, but their gazes met. Rex took a sip from his drink and then said, "If

it were me, I would only do so when it's a situation where I can't move forward without making the other

person pay his price. Such things usually involve either love or family."

"So, Preston did this because you married Camille, and he became jealous and holds hatred towards


A cold glint flashed in Ayan's narrowed eyes, and he said, "I've considered this possibility. Although he

had romantic feelings for her, it's not enough for him to go to such lengths and indirectly hurt her if it's

solely for her sake. Preston is a selfish person. If he really did it to retaliate against me and the

Simpson family because of her, he wouldn't have done things that would indirectly harm her."

He had put himself in Preston's shoes, and he wouldn't have done something like that.

Of course, everyone's approach and thoughts may differ.

Rex said, "If it's not a matter of love and jealousy, then it must be about family. Could it be that the

Simpson family took over a business or a major project from the Walker family, and that's why he

harbors hatred?"

"He is an adopted son of the Walker family," Ayan said calmly.

Rex's expression turned serious as well, and he said hesitantly, "If that's the case, it doesn't seem

necessary for him to make such great sacrifices for the Walker family. Ayan, you need to find out his

true identity."

"I know, that's why I meet you, right?" Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly, a faint smile appeared on his

face as he met Rex's gaze. His eyes seemed to be saying, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Rex finally caught on and said helplessly, "Ayan, you set me up! Why didn't you just tell me directly?"

"Didn't you say I should come to you if there's something?"

"Then just say it!"novelbin

"How can I make you resonate if I say it directly?" Ayan said calmly, "Since you have a direction and

are paying attention, then follow your thoughts and investigate Preston's biological family. By the way,

Elijah, the secretary of Armstrong Corp, is his uncle. That's the only clue I can provide. The rest is up to

you. I think President of Ward Group surely has the ability."

Rex interrupted, "Alright, Ayan, you don't have to say more. I know what you want to do. Okay, I'll

personally look into this matter. But after I find out, you have to agree to one request from me."


"And don't regret it later."

"Of course not."

They raised their glasses again and clinked them. Since they were discussing business matters, they

didn't drink much before leaving separately.

Kian had been waiting in the parking lot for Ayan. As soon as he saw Ayan and Rex coming out, he

drove over to pick Ayan up.

He asked, "Mr. Baxter, would you like me to take you back?"

"No need, I'm not going back for now," Rex waved his hand, watching Ayan leave.

It had only been about an hour since Ayan entered the club. Kian originally thought he would stay for

two or three hours, as he usually did when drinking.

Through the rearview mirror, Kian saw Ayan leaning back in his seat with his eyes closed. After

hesitating for a few seconds, Kian spoke up, "Mr. Simpson, would you like me to prepare some

hangover medicine for you?"

"No need, I didn't drink much," Ayan replied calmly.

Kian acknowledged with a sound.

The atmosphere in the car fell silent.

It wasn't until the car safely stopped at Maple Leaves Mansion, the floor where Camille lived, that

Ayan's voice rang out again. He said, "For now, you don't have to focus too much on investigating

Preston's background. Let Rex help from the perspective of a third party. He might uncover more

comprehensive information than what we can find. Also, try to contact Sean these days and see if

there's any connection between him and Preston regarding the online incident."

"Alright," Kian nodded.

Ayan got out of the car and went upstairs.

Camille was already asleep, so he was extra careful when entering her apartment.

The reason he was able to open Camille's door was because he had taken the key from the entrance

before he left.

If he hadn't asked for it, she probably wouldn't have voluntarily added his fingerprint to the system.

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but smile helplessly.

The next morning, Kian waited near Sean's apartment for him to come out. He was driving a new car

without license plates today, and he chose a spot without surveillance cameras.

He sat in the car and sent a text message to Sean from a new number: "Let's talk!"

Kian had sent the same message before, so when Sean received it, he immediately guessed it was

from him.

Since the museum project was on hold, Sean was still in the apartment, so coming over would only

take a few minutes.

He walked directly over and opened the passenger door, looking somewhat nervous as he asked,

"Kian, it will bring trouble if you come to me so openly."

"Don't worry, don't be nervous. Or before anyone suspects you, you've already exposed yourself," Kian

calmly reminded him, glancing at Sean and asking, "Besides the issues with the museum project, you

should have plenty of free time, right?"

Sean furrowed his brow slightly, "I don't understand what you mean."

"Sean, don't be nervous. I don't have any other meaning. I just wanted to ask what Preston has been

up to these days."

Sean's face turned slightly indifferent as he said, "Just as usual."

"Is that so?"

"Kian, if you don't believe me, you can investigate. Since the incident last time, he has started to

distrust me. Even if there is something going on, he won't tell me. So, you won't get the answers you're

looking for from me."

Sean's reaction was a bit excessive, as if he was trying too hard.

Kian smiled faintly, "Sean, you visited your father in prison, right? So, should I trust your words or not?"

Sean's face stiffened, and a glint of cunning coldness flickered in his eyes as he said, "Since all my

actions are under your watchful eyes, why bother asking again?"

"So, you're not going to cooperate anymore? Don't forget how you guaranteed back then."

Kian's words made Sean freeze.

He sat in the passenger seat without moving, silent for almost half a minute before speaking up, "Kian,

I know you want to know if recent events have anything to do with Preston. But I truly haven't been

involved, so I don't know if it's related to him or not."

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