My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 792: Ignoring
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Chapter 792: Ignoring

Chapter 792: Ignoring

The man's face was cold, his expression extremely unpleasant.

After a brief pause, he calmly said, "He's just playing tricks. If he really has witnesses, why doesn't he

just present them directly?"

The man clearly didn't believe it.

But his secretary whispered, "Ayan is cunning and unpredictable. We shouldn't take it lightly. Shall I


"Going to investigate now is like walking into a trap," the man denied. A cold gleam flashed in his eyes,

and he said with a hint of disdain, "Ayan is just trying to divert attention from himself. Does he think this

will make the public believe him? Delusional!"

"So, should we..."

It was unclear what the secretary said, but a cold smile appeared in the man's eyes, and the corners of

his mouth grew colder and more profound.

Meanwhile, it was around 7 p. m. in the evening.

It should have been an ordinary night, but everything was different because of what happened today.novelbin

Maple Leaves Mansion.

Camille sat at the dining table, having dinner. From her angle, she could see Ayan standing on the

balcony, smoking. He said he wasn't hungry and would eat later.

But Camille knew that it wasn't that he wasn't hungry, he just had no appetite.

After all, this incident would cause significant trouble for the Simpson Group, but she knew very well

that it had nothing to do with him. He wouldn't bother doing such things, but other people might not

believe it.

Thinking about all of this, Camille lost her appetite as well.

She put down her fork and sat quietly in her chair, not going over to disturb him.

Her phone received a message at this moment, sent by Sienna.

Sienna asked, "Are you okay?"

It seemed that she also knew about the incident.

Camille replied, "I'm okay."

Sienna asked, "So, that means it's not good. I read the online content, and isn't your Mr. Simpson in a

terrible situation right now?"

"It's okay, not particularly bad. It's just that this matter involves a loss of life. He is personally fine, but

he represents the Simpson Group and the Simpson family."

Ayan's concern was actually about the latter. As long as the matter wasn't resolved, the negative

impact on the Simpson Group would continue, and the fluctuations in the stock market would persist.

This would cause considerable losses to the Simpson Group.

As for the incident itself, it was nothing worth mentioning for Ayan. However, he needed a clean

solution so as not to bring any further speculation to the Simpson Group and the Simpson family.

Sienna said, "I asked Mario about it. He said that as soon as the latest news broke out, it immediately

diverted attention. Now, with the era of the internet, the people paying attention are not only the locals

in Hance City. Moreover, due to Ayan's identity, the handling of this matter will attract even more

attention than an ordinary person."

"Yes, I know."

"So, Ayan absolutely needs to handle this matter properly. Otherwise, it's not just a matter of one life."


"Cami, don't worry. You have to trust him. He will definitely be able to handle it."

"Yeah, I believe he can."

Camille sighed silently, feeling a bit down.

Sienna added, "If there's anything I can do to help, let me know as soon as possible. After all, I'm the

secretary of the President of the King Group. I'm sure I can be of use."

Camille smiled and said, "Sure, don't worry. If there's a need, you'll be the first person I reach out to.

You can't escape."

After chatting with Sienna for a while, her mood improved slightly.

But compared to her, Ayan's mood was probably even worse, right?

Camille put down her phone, got up, and poured a glass of water and brought it to Ayan.

She walked up to him, handed him the water, and softly asked, "Isn't it tiring to stand here?"

Ayan took the glass from her hand, looked at Camille with gentle eyes, took a sip of water, placed the

glass on the nearby table, and then gently embraced Camille's shoulder. He said, "I'm not tired."

Camille leaned against his chest and whispered, "Is this matter difficult to handle?"

"It's okay!"

"Are you really okay? You didn't even have dinner!"

Ayan smiled faintly and said, "Not having dinner has nothing to do with this matter."

"Then why?"

"Because I couldn't figure out some other issues, so I reviewed everything again and found some

inconsistencies. As for this current matter, it won't cause me any trouble. The wind has already become

uncertain. For Simpson Group, it might even be a marketing opportunity that doesn't require any

money. It can be used to promote the new project."

His voice was gentle, making it hard to discern whether his words were true or false.

Camille stared at him, slightly bewildered. "Are you lying to me?"

"How could I dare to lie to you?"

There was a hint of a smile in his eyes.

She furrowed her brows lightly and said, "You give me the feeling that you're lying to me."

Ayan's smile deepened at the corner of his lips. He calmly said, "What do I have to say for you to

believe that I'm not lying to you?"

Camille pondered seriously for a moment and then replied calmly, "Just tell me the truth. Will this

matter really not cause you any trouble or consequences?"

"Of course not. I haven't done anything to deserve trouble."

Ayan smirked, a cunning warmth flashed in his eyes. "Whoever did it, I'll make sure they take back their

accusations step by step."

Camille felt slightly reassured as long as Ayan didn't feel too pressured.

They locked eyes for a moment, and Camille continued, "So, what were you thinking about earlier?

What was the difficult issue that even after reviewing it, you still found it troublesome?"

His eyes narrowed slightly. "It's some things I haven't figured out yet. I'll tell you once I understand.


Since he put it that way, Camille didn't inquire further.

Camille held his hand and accompanied him back to have dinner. Then Kian also returned to Hance

City and arrived at Maple Leaves Mansion.

Ayan put on his coat and said to Camille, "I'm going out with Kian for a while. Don't wait for me. Rest if

you're tired."

"Who said I'm waiting for you?" Camille lowered her gaze and replied casually.

Ayan smiled and pulled her into his embrace, holding her tightly for a moment before letting her go and


After he left, Camille felt like the room became empty and cold. Most of the time, they each did their

own things even when they were together, so why did the difference feel so significant?

Camille sighed helplessly, raised her hand, and rubbed her temple. This feeling was truly frustrating.

Ayan left Maple Leaves Mansion, and Kian, driving the car, glanced at him through the rearview mirror

before asking, "Mr. Simpson, you asked me to arrange for someone to investigate Louise's apartment

for clues. Her phone is in the hands of the police because it was damaged when she fell from the

building. It's currently being repaired, and it's unclear if there's anything useful inside. However, we

found fingerprints other than hers at her place, but we don't have any objects for comparison, so we

can't determine whose fingerprints they are."

Ayan leaned back on the back seat, his expression extremely indifferent. He said, "Since the other

party was able to tamper with all the surveillance cameras in the apartment, it means they anticipated

the fingerprint issue. Apart from that, is there anything unusual about her bank accounts or other

personal belongings?"

"No, everything is normal. So, we couldn't find anything useful. We also reached out to her family under

the pretext of the media, but she rarely goes home, and her family doesn't know much about what she

was up to."

"If that's the case, it's no use of continuing the investigation." Ayan looked out the window where neon

lights illuminated the streets on both sides. His mood was inexplicably complex, and in a low voice, he

said, "Did we overlook something?"

"What do you mean?" Kian asked, confused.

He continued, "We've always been actively searching for what we need, so the results aren't obvious.

Why don't we wait for someone to voluntarily reveal something to us?"

"You mean wait for the mastermind behind this to provide us with clues and evidence voluntarily? That

seems quite difficult. They probably won't do anything now."

"Don't forget, we have someone in our hands." He narrowed his eyes, a touch of indifference in his


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