My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 791: Distorted
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Chapter 791: Distorted

Chapter 791: Distorted

Because no one expected the man in the video to be Ayan!!!

The black Mercedes he often drove was the exact same car, with the same license plate. Even the

clothes he wore were the custom-made suits he usually wore.

That was why Ayan and Kian had such reactions when they saw the video.

Now that the video had been leaked, the media immediately tried to contact Simpson Group, but they

couldn't reach anyone.

However, Simpson Group's PR department had already received instructions from Kian and prepared a

response plan. They quickly contacted Kian while he was still on the highway, leaving him stunned.

The head of the PR department asked cautiously, "Kian, this matter has nothing to do with Mr.

Simpson, right?"

Although Ayan had great abilities and a strong background, with the rising heat of public opinion, it

wouldn't be so easy to control the situation.

Kian didn't answer the question directly, only saying, "Release the PR statement you prepared in an

hour. Simpson Group's legal team will also issue a similar statement. As for other matters, I'll let you

know after I talk to Mr. Simpson. Remember, don't discuss it casually. Focus on your tasks."


After ending the call with the PR department, Kian immediately called Ayan.

But Ayan's line was busy, and he couldn't reach him at all.

Helpless, Kian could only call Camille.

Meanwhile, at Maple Leaves Mansion...

Ayan was sitting on the sofa in the living room, answering the call from Rex. Rex had naturally seen the

news and asked, "What's going on with you now? They're accusing you of intentional murder just like


Ayan rubbed his forehead as he lifted his hand. He had only learned about the news from Rex's call, so

he didn't need to see the contents since he had already watched the video.

With narrowed eyes, Ayan replied indifferently, "So you're calling to mock me now?"

"How could I dare?" Rex replied calmly. "I'm just a little curious. Who dares to target you like this over

and over again?"

"Since you're so curious, go and find out. Then tell me the results, hmm?"

"Ayan, are you begging me?" Rex asked.

"What do you think?"

Their way of speaking had always been like this, so Camille had gotten used to it.

She had also seen what was happening online because many people had sent her messages. But

seeing Ayan bantering with Rex like everything was normal, she couldn't quite grasp what he was


Ayan always had a plan, so she wasn't too worried. It was only when he fell silent and his mood turned

really bad that she would start to worry.

Camille sat quietly by the side, waiting for Ayan to finish the call.

On the other end of the phone, Rex said, "If you can still argue with me, then everything must be fine.

Do you really want me to investigate?"

"No need, it's nothing. I'd rather not get you involved for trouble," he replied coldly, his words gentle.

Rex continued, "If you need anything, just ask. Don't feel embarrassed."


"Alright, I won't meddle into this, then you tell me, who's behind all this?"

Ayan didn't respond. Instead, he reached for the cigarettes on the coffee table, but he didn't light one

because Camille was nearby.

Before he could speak, Camille's phone started ringing as well.

She saw Kian's name displayed on the screen and handed the phone directly to Ayan.

He took the phone and calmly said to Rex, "Alright, I have another call."

"Alright, if you don't want to say, forget it. Contact me if you need anything. We're both free."

The last few words carried a hint of provocation, so Ayan ended the call without even saying goodbye.

He immediately pressed the answer button on Camille's phone and spoke in a low voice, "Hello?"

Upon hearing Ayan's voice, Kian responded immediately, "Mr. Simpson, have you seen what's

happening online? I've informed the PR department, and they will release a statement in an hour. Do

you need to contact Logan?"

"No need. Just inform the media we had previously contacted to spread the information we provided."


The news had already spread that evening, and the Simpson family contacted Ayan immediately.

However, Ayan didn't respond, only telling the Simpson family not to worry too much.

Since no one could reach Ayan directly, they could only contact Simpson Group. Even though it was

already nighttime, a crowd had gathered outside the Simpson Group building.

The architects working on the museum project were discussing privately, wondering if Ayan was behind


Because it was hard not to think that Ayan had done this for Camille.

Camille and Louise's affairs were once again brought up for discussion, and many keyboard warriors

continuously questioned, "Is Ayan bullying people by doing this?"novelbin

"Do they think they can do whatever they want, relying on the Simpson Group and the Simpson family

behind them? Do they think this matter won't be exposed and no one will know?"

"Supporting his own wife while disregarding the lives of others, is that how capitalists behave?"

"Capitalists really know how to play!"

"Now that someone has died, don't they come out and explain?"

"They must be feeling guilty, that's why they don't dare to respond. They must have silently admitted it,


"I request that the police give the deceased justice. Don't let the capitalists buy them off and confuse

the situation!"


Online comments were like a battlefield, with keyboard warriors unleashing their lifetime knowledge,

afraid that saying one less word would make them lose their sacred identity.

But where there is bad, there will naturally be good.

However, it was few and far between.

Amidst the sea of comments, a small group of people voiced their doubts, saying, "Does Ayan really

need to do this? If he truly had such intentions, would he personally come forward? I don't think Louise

is enough to make him do this. Of course, I don't disrespect the deceased, I'm just stating the facts!"

"I agree with the person above. I have the same thoughts, but I'm afraid of being criticized, so I don't

dare to speak up. If Ayan really wanted to protect his wife, there are many other ways to do it. If it were

me, I would simply kick that person out of this circle. Why would I want to be accused of causing

someone's death?"

"I agree too."


"I also agree, but please don't criticize me, I'm just a passerby, an insignificant person."


Amidst the heated discussions in the comments, the PR department of the Simpson Group issued a


"In regards to the false accusations against the President of the Simpson Group, the Simpson Group

will take legal measures to provide the public with a resolution. We hope that the rumors will stop


Following that, the legal department of the Simpson Group sent out legal letters, not just for show, but

directly holding the media and gossip accounts responsible for initially spreading these rumors.

The Simpson Group has always been like this, not playing with empty words. Therefore, when the

lawyers and PR department simultaneously released statements, the tide of public opinion slowly

turned to the Simpson Group.

At the same time, another piece of news appeared out of nowhere.

"Louise has been intimately involved with a project collaborator from the museum. They have had

multiple secret rendezvous, and witnesses can testify that they had an argument on the evening of that


This news was published by a local social news media outlet in Hance City. This media outlet had been

operating in Hance City for many years, focusing on local social news. Its popularity was naturally

weaker compared to those seeking online attention, but it enjoyed high trust within Hance City.

After this news was released, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

Because Ayan was not involved in this project, and even though he appeared at Louise's apartment

door, it didn't mean he was still with Louise.

So who could it be?

Netizens activated their Sherlock Holmes mode, and some even began to imagine complex romantic


At the same time, in a luxurious residence in Hance City.

A man stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, facing outside, his face cold and grim. A low voice sounded

beside him, "Ayan must be intentionally distorting the facts! What should we do now?"

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