My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 790: Upheaval
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Chapter 790: Upheaval

Chapter 790: Upheaval

That night, Ayan stayed at Camille's place.

Under the pretense of accompanying and protecting her.

Camille didn't refuse.

Having him around indeed brought a sense of security, relieving her from overthinking or worrying.

However, Camille was unaware of the conversation Ayan had with Kian in the afternoon, so she had no

idea what the current situation was.

The police had stopped contacting Camille, and as for Amber, they paid her a visit early the next


The police wanted to gather more information from Amber.

Amber had barely slept the previous night, looking extremely worn out. She faced the police during the

second round of questioning with no energy.

Her attitude was seen as uncooperative by the police, who issued a warning, "Miss Torres, if you

continue with this attitude and response, we'll have no choice but to bring you to the police station for

further investigation."

Amber's face darkened slightly as she replied, "I have nothing to do with this matter. Why do you keep

coming to me? I've been greatly disturbed by all of this. I'm not the only one who has issues with

Louise. Why don't you go find someone else? Are you afraid of the people behind her?"

The police officers present knew exactly whom she was referring to.

However, being police officers, they naturally followed the requirements of their supervisor and were

not swayed by her words.

One of the officers responded, "You don't need to teach us how to do our job, Miss. You should just

cooperate with us."

In the end, under the stern and firm attitude of the police, Amber had no choice but to cooperate.

After half an hour of questioning, the police left. Before leaving, they instructed Amber, "Miss Torres, we

might need your cooperation in the coming days, so please keep your phone accessible and refrain

from leaving Hance City for now."

Amber nodded absentmindedly, then immediately closed the door after they left.

Her expression was stiff, and she had no desire to stay in Hance City any longer. Being repeatedly

questioned and investigated by the police had become incredibly tiresome.

She hadn't slept a wink the previous night, all because of this situation.

She detested Louise, who continued to haunt her even after death.

It was truly exasperating.

Amber tightly pursed her lips and suddenly made a decision.

She immediately turned and headed for the bedroom to pack her belongings. She would return to her

hometown and come back after this matter was resolved.

Once Amber finished packing, she prepared to leave.novelbin

However, just before she left, she realized a problem. If she walked out with her luggage, she would

surely be noticed.

After much hesitation, she put the clothes back into the wardrobe and instead grabbed a small

everyday backpack, packing her valuable items. Then, she left.

Amber hailed a taxi and went straight to the train station, purchasing a ticket to her hometown.

She didn't want to endure this torment any longer. It was driving her to the brink of madness.

Camille learned about Amber's departure from a message in their group chat that afternoon.

Amber's colleagues couldn't reach her, but her assistant had previously visited the museum and struck

up a good conversation with one of the architects, leaving their contact information. When the people

from Amber's company went to her place, they discovered she was not there and immediately notified

the police.

The investigation revealed that Amber had already left.

Upon seeing this message, Camille unconsciously shared it with Ayan, saying, "Amber just left like that.

Is she feeling guilty?"

Ayan had gone to the company in the morning and returned at noon. In the afternoon, he stayed with

Camille to take care of some work and to keep her company.

Glancing briefly at the message on her phone screen, he calmly responded, "She met Louise on the

evening before the incident happened, but only she knows what they discussed about."

"Do you think she has a direct connection to this?"

"I don't know."

Camille put down her phone and propped her feet up on the couch, staring at Ayan with her chin

resting in her hand. She looked at him intently and asked, "So there is something you don't know?"

"Just because I'm so amazing means I know everything?"

"Yes, in my heart, you're amazing!"

"In that case, I'll take it as a compliment." He smiled lightly, reaching out to gently pinch her cheek

before continuing the conversation. He said, "She probably doesn't have the audacity to do something

like that. After all, it's not a cat or a dog but a human life. If she did it, she would have to pay a similar


Petty conflicts between women and at workplace are not enough to take away someone's life.

Given Amber's current position in the company, apart from Louise, it's only her. With the way the

company treated Louise, it's unlikely that she would continue to genuinely work for the company.

Therefore, Amber would benefit the most from this situation.

So her prospects were good. Why would she dig her own grave?

After listening to Ayan's analysis, Camille nodded along. "Yes, what you said makes sense, but why did

she still run away when the police had explicitly advised her not to? Is she scared?"

"Yes, is she scared?"

Ayan squinted his eyes slightly, his brows furrowing, and his clear eyes paused for a moment, as if he

had thought of something.

His handsome face revealed a hint of indifference, and a coldness emanated from his eyes. In a low

and deep voice, he said, "If it were you, would you sneak away despite knowing it would make you

appear guilty out of pure fear?"

"Why would I leave? I haven't done anything wrong. Leaving would only make me look guilty, wouldn't


"Then under what circumstances would someone have the idea of leaving, knowing that it would make

others suspicious, but still choose to leave without hesitation?"

Camille didn't understand why Ayan was asking this, so she didn't immediately answer the question.

She simply furrowed her brows and stared at him.

She asked, "Why are you asking this question?"

"I want to know one answer, to see if what you're thinking matches what I'm thinking."

Camille's eyes flickered with confusion, but she still answered his question. She said, "If it were me,

unless there was a compelling reason, I would never make a suspicious move for something

completely unrelated to me."

"Yes, unless there was a compelling reason. What compelling reason would force her to leave?" Ayan's

lips curled into a cold smile. His gaze met Camille's eyes again as he said, "I'll make a call to Kian."

Camille nodded, understanding that Ayan must have discovered something.

She watched as Ayan walked to the balcony with his phone, and the conversation ended after just a

few sentences.

When he came back in, Camille didn't ask.

But he brought it up on his own. "Curious about why I called Kian?"

"If you want to tell me, you will naturally."

He said calmly, "Amber's departure is likely due to fear, not guilt."

"Fear? What is she fearful of?"

"She's afraid she won't be able to withstand the police's repeated questioning and might say things she

doesn't want to."

Camille furrowed her brows slightly and instantly understood what Ayan meant.

Their gazes met, and Ayan smiled faintly. "Do you understand what I mean?"

"So you had Kian go find Amber?"

"Not to find her, just to keep an eye on her. Then I'll release some information, and naturally, someone

will come looking for Amber."

A coldness shimmered in Ayan's eyes. He hoped to resolve everything before the video Kian showed

him yesterday was exposed.

Otherwise, he would have to waste more unnecessary time and energy dealing with this matter.

Ayan didn't tell Camille. He didn't want her to worry.

On the other side, Kian arrived at Amber's hometown on the same day, a small town near Hance City.

Kian arranged for someone to keep an eye on Amber 24/7, ensuring the safety of Amber and her

family. After taking care of these matters, he quickly reported to Ayan and prepared to return to Hance


However, at this moment, a video went viral online.

The content of the video was the same as what Kian showed Ayan-the footage of a man in a black car

arriving at Louise's apartment.

It coincided with the time determined by the police regarding Louise's incident, so this man was closely

connected to Louise's death.

Netizens and media reporters who saw the video and its content didn't expect it to be related to the

man in the footage. The internet was in an uproar.

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