My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 796: Shut Up
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Chapter 796: Shut Up

Chapter 796: Shut Up

After finishing speaking, the man also left.

When Mrs. Torres came out with clean fruit, she saw Amber standing motionless in the middle of the

living room. Mrs. Torres asked, "Amber, what are you doing standing there? Where did that young man


Amber looked at Mrs. Torres, who was full of hospitality, and her expression stiffened for a while before

easing slightly.

Amber took the initiative to hug Mrs. Torres, and her emotions were in a terrible state.

But she couldn't involve her parents. She knew exactly what those people were capable of.

She tightly pursed her lips and whispered, "Mom, I might have to go back to work at the company."

"Why so sudden? Didn't you say you were on a long vacation?"

"Yeah, I thought it was a long vacation too, but there's a lot of work at the company now, so I have to

go back."

"Then come back to visit when you have time. By the way, where did that young man go?"

"He had something to do and didn't eat. Please don't believe in random people and don't bring anyone

home, it's troublesome." Amber whispered, not daring to reveal too much, afraid that her parents would

get worried.

Amber had lunch at home, then chatted with her parents for a while, watched TV, and then she said,

"I'm going out for a walk. You just stay at home."

Amber's parents laughed, "Our girl is taking charge of us now."

But they were happy in their hearts.

Their daughter had grown up, and as parents, they were naturally happy.

Amber left the house, not going any where, but instead went around to a small alley about a kilometer

away from home. She knocked on the black car parked in the alley, and the window lowered in the next


Amber asked, "Can you really help me get rid of them?"

The person in the car gave a faint smile. "If we didn't have the ability, would you have come here


Amber's face stiffened, and she said, "I need to ensure the safety of my parents."

"Don't worry about that, it's the most basic requirement."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Amber didn't go home again, but directly got into the car after opening the door.

Then she made a phone call to her parents, telling them that she was going back to Hance City and not

to worry, she would come back after finishing her work.

Because Amber didn't have frequent contact with her family, her parents didn't suspect anything.

After ending the call, Amber looked at the man driving and asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Back to Hance City." The man responded and glanced at Amber through the rearview mirror. "Your

parents can rest assured. I've arranged for someone to protect them and reported to the police.

Nothing will happen."

"Okay, thank you." Amber nodded. All the arrogance she had shown in the project disappeared, leaving

only worry and anxiety.

The car left the town and entered the highway without any obstacles, smoothly all the way.

Until the car was about to exit the highway and head towards a certain intersection in the city center of

Hance City, a black car suddenly rushed out from the intersection. The car slammed on the brakes, and

Amber, who was in the back seat resting her eyes, immediately woke up.

She quickly asked the man driving, "Kian, what's happening?"

Kian's face was cold, and his brows were furrowed tightly. He gently reminded, "Buckle up."

After saying that, Kian immediately dialed a phone number with his free hand.

Amber in the back seat immediately followed his instructions and buckled up. The black car that was

blocking their way revved its engine, ready to charge forward. Kian noticed this and immediately

stepped on the gas, firmly gripping the steering wheel, and turned to the side to avoid the collision.

Then he accelerated to put some distance between their car and the black car chasing them.

However, Kian not only had to worry about the pursuers behind him but also had to navigate through

the crowded city streets, avoiding pedestrians and other vehicles.

So Kian could only focus on the front and couldn't pay attention to the rear. While evading pedestrians

and other vehicles, the car behind them directly crashed into the back of their car with a violent impact.

The car shook with tremendous force, and despite Kian's efforts to control it, he couldn't withstand the


The car lost control and crashed into the green belt on the side of the road. Both occupants were

thrown forward due to the strong force, but luckily, they were wearing seat belts, so there weren't any

serious injuries.

The black car that caused the collision didn't stay for long and immediately drove away. They chose a

location without surveillance cameras, leaving no reliable evidence.

Kian sat in the driver's seat, taking some time to calm down before turning his head to look at Amber in

the back seat and asked, "Are you okay?"

Amber hit her head, but it wasn't too serious. She held her head and replied softly, "I'm fine."

The car was stuck in the stone stairs of the green belt, and it wasn't safe to stay in the car. So Kian said

to Amber, "Are you able to get out of the car?"

Amber nodded, "Ye."

"Then let's get out first." Kian reminded Amber to be careful and opened the car door after scanning the


The two of them walked to the roadside and waited for someone to arrive. Amber asked cautiously,

"Kian, are they doing this to shut me up?"

"They probably don't want to kill you, just to remind you of what to say and what not to say."

"What about my parents?"

"They are safe. Now that you've left home, most of their attention is on you. And they have someone

taking care of them, so you don't need to worry too much."

Amber nodded, but deep down, she was still afraid.

They didn't have to wait long by the roadside before the person Kian had notified arrived. In such a

situation, it was best to keep a low profile. Kian took Amber in a business car and left, leaving others to

handle the rest.

The driver turned to Kian and asked, "Kian, should I take you home or to the hospital?"

Kian glanced at Amber. Although Amber was just a job to him, he still asked, "Do you feel

uncomfortable anywhere? Do you need to go to the hospital for a check-up?"

"I'm fine." Amber shook her head. She didn't want to go anywhere now, especially in such a public


Kian was also fine. After hearing Amber's response, he didn't insist further. Instead, he instructed the

driver to directly drive to a villa owned by Ayan.

After returning to the villa, Kian asked Amber to rest for a while. After such a major incident, she must

have been scared.

When Amber reached the guest room on the first floor, Kian made a call to Ayan.

"Mr. Simpson, I've brought Amber back."

"Okay." Ayan was in his office dealing with work and naturally heard about the crash. He asked, "Are

you alright?"

Kian was extremely touched. "Mr. Simpson, I'm fine. It was just a minor collision."

"Good to hear. Resolve this matter as soon as possible and don't waste any more time."

"Okay, I'll ask Amber right away. She just experienced such an accident. I think she understands the

severity of it and knows who can help her and who can harm her."

Ayan had no additional comments, except that he emphasized the need for quick action.

So Amber didn't rest. Kian knocked on the door of the guest room and walked in, leaving the door

slightly ajar.

Kian was quite mindful of such things.

Kian stared at Amber and asked, "Miss Torres, have you made up your mind? There are some things I

won't ask, but you can choose to speak up."

Amber raised her eyes to meet Kian's gaze, understanding the meaning behind his words.

Amber tightly pursed her lips and remained silent, full of hesitation.

Kian gave her enough time for thinking about it. After a few minutes, Amber finally spoke in a low voice,

"Kian, if you want to know something, just ask!"

"That night, you met Louise, right?"

"Yes, because I wanted her to back off and resign from the company, so that the position of the chief

architect would be mine without any changes. But she refused and even said she would take

everything back. We argued, and then she received a phone call, but I don't know who it was, only that

she seemed very eager to please the person."

Amber said that after Louise answered the call, she left. But Amber was angry and followed Louise all

the way to the apartment building where she lived.

Kian asked, "Do you know who called her?"

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