My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 780: Terrible
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Chapter 780: Terrible

Camille pursed her lips and looked at him with a emotionless gaze. "Did you see it?"

"It's hard not to see it, so what were you doing in the car?" he continued to ask.

Camille pursed her lips and said, "Just sitting there bored."

Ayan snorted and laughed. "You're not even trying to lie, so are you planning on keeping something

from me again?"

His tone was accusing her of what happened at noon, but it made Camille think of something else


Camille looked up at him and said in a neither light nor heavy voice, "What about you? Are you hiding

anything from me?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't quite understand the meaning behind her words.

He asked, "So what did you do at the Armstrong family just now? Or did they say something that

caused this misunderstanding between us?"

"Just a misunderstanding?" Camille smiled lightly but there was no laughter in her eyes. She said, "It

has nothing to do with the Armstrong family. I wanted to ask this question myself. So do you want to

answer me or not?"

Camille pushed him gently with her hand before walking straight towards the door. She lifted up her

hand to verify fingerprints and opened the door before entering together with Ayan.

She had just changed into shoes when Ayan pressed her against the wall directly. Seeing that she was

obviously unhappy with heavy thoughts on her face, Ayan's expression also became gloomy as he

asked: "So are you unhappy because of me right now?"

"Sort of!" After all, part of it had been caused by him, so she didn't plan on hiding anything from Ayan


After hearing this response from Camille, Ayan tightly furrowed his eyebrows while speaking hoarsely:

"What's wrong?"

"If I ask," Camille lightly smiled without any warmth in her voice as she directly asked: "Is Cora still

under your control?"

Ayan's face slightly stiffened while his gaze remained gentle as he asked: "Did you meet Austin?"

He knew immediately that she must have met Austin, then whatever Austin had told her must be true


Camilla pursed her lips softly and blinked. Without any temperature in tone, she said: "So is Cora really

under your control? Didn't we agree earlier that you would handle things properly for Cora? Why keep

holding onto here like this?"

"She isn't under my control anymore. Didn't I tell you earlier that I sent here off to a mental hospital

where she has been staying all along."

Ayan explained in a low voice, and Camille said nothing.

Ayan asked, "Don't you believe me?"

Camille said, "I don't know."

She shook her head, a little confused.

Her response made his face turn grave, too. He frowned and his voice was deep and raspy. "I can

show you if you don't believe me, but right now Austin is watching me pretty closely, so we'll go when

we get back from Dane City, okay?"

Ayan's attitude and words were sincere, which made Camille feel herself in a dilemma.

Should she believe him? She asked herself.

But how are they supposed to go on without trust?

Camille asks herself again and again in silence. After convincing herself, she looked back at Ayan and

said, "OK."

She didn't want to give him a hard time since he felt Austin was on his back, so she waited until he had

a schedule.

If everything is what he says it is, then she is willing to apologize for questioning him.

But what if it's not what he says it is?

Camille bit her lip, not speaking.

But her every move fell into Ayan's eyes, and he stretched out his hand and gently opened her lips,

and looked at her with his dark eyes for a moment, and said softly, "Is there anything else for you to be

unhappy about? If you're not happy with what I've just proposed, just let me know. Don't keep it to

yourself. Everything will work out in a way, huh?"

Camille nodded slightly, but she did not continue to talk about it.

Ayan also saw that she was avoiding it, and in his heart, he directed all her anger and anger at Austin.

His eyes narrowed slightly out of Camille's sight with coldness and anger, and his face was full of

displeasure. Anything could be done to him, but Camille should not be disturbed.

But now that Austin has clearly violated that, how can he let it go?

Ayan stayed with Camille for a while. He could see that she was not in her mood. And when she

finished her shower and went back to her room to rest, he sat in the living room for a long time before


Ayan went upstairs to his apartment. He stood on the balcony of the living room, staring into the dark

night sky. He picked up his cell phone and called Kian.

"You said Austin introduced Preston to a client he'd been working with, right?" he whispered to Kian

without emotion.

Kian didn't know why Ayan suddenly brought up this matter, but he quickly responded, "Yes, this client

has been working with the Norman Group for many years. Austin has always been in charge of it. They

cooperate in the form of foreign trade, but in reality they do some shady deals."

"Do you have any evidence?"

"Not much, not enough to deliver a fatal blow."

"It doesn't matter. If you have it, contact the media and release these things directly. You don't need to

make it clear which company or person it is. I just need to remind Austin that he should know what he

should and shouldn't do."

His eyes were filled with coldness and his words also made Kian feel his anger towards Austin.

Kian asked softly: "Mr. Simpson, will doing this make Austin suspicious? This will also make Preston


"Whatever he thinks is his business. I just need to let Austin know that there are consequences for

doing things he shouldn't be doing."

"Okay, I understand," Kian nodded and had an idea.

Ayan's arrangement was naturally well thought out.

Kian immediately contacted Campole's media and released the news early the next morning.

Although no one was named specifically, Austin received the message immediately after its release; his

secretary had already called him.

Austin hadn't gotten up yet when he received this news; after receiving it though, he couldn't sleep

anymore. He sat silently on the hotel bed for a while before finally coming back around again.

He rubbed his hair absentmindedly with one hand then got out of bed, walked over to the washroom

sink where he splashed cold water on face. He felt much more awake now .

He asked coldly: "Did you find out who did this?"

"It's from the same source as last time. Mr. Norman, isn't Ayan behind all of this?" Jeremiah said

tentatively . novelbin

Kian's face immediately turned cold upon hearing Jeremiah's words. He narrowed his eyes slightly and

whispered: "It must be him." It must be Ayan who warned him because of what he said in front of

Camille yesterday.

Jeremiah asked quietly: "Mr. Norman, what should we do? Do we need to issue a statement clarifying


"If they didn't mention the exact name, then there's nothing we need to do about it right now. Just keep

an eye on them, and contact me if anything happens."

"Okay," Jeremiah agreed obediently.

Austin hung up phone tightly holding onto phone, his knuckles turning white. The veins on back of hand

protruded prominently as if frozen by chilliness. His face was shrouded by icy air.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Ayan!"

Receiving such terrible news early in the morning left Austin with no mood for anything else. He stayed

in the hotel all day, drinking heavily.

The news of Austin's staying in his house was immediately reported to Kian by those who were

watching him. Kian quickly passed the message on to Ayan.

Kian said, "Austin should have received the news by now."

"His reaction was too strong. It must be enough to cost the entire Norman Group," Ayan sneered with a

cold smile. "Our people don't need to watch too closely anymore. Since it's such a big deal, let Preston

handle it!"

If he watches them too closely, Preston will become cautious and won't be able to take his move.

Kian nodded in agreement before whispering again: "There's news from prison. Sean went to see


"Really?" Ayan raised an eyebrow and asked lightly: "What did they talk about?"

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