My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 779 Command
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Chapter 779 Command

Camille shook her head. "No, I'm fine. Maybe just a little tired." She looked at Grace and asked, "Is

there something going on?"

"I don't know," Grace replied. "I've asked several times but they won't say anything. They probably want

to wait for you to arrive."

Grace led Camille into the room where Brody and Page were sitting in the living room watching TV.

When they saw Camille enter, they turned off the television.

They exchanged glances before Brody said to Grace, "Go upstairs."

"Why?" Grace frowned. "Is there something I can't hear?"

"Go upstairs," Brody repeated with a commanding tone.

Grace didn't look happy about it but Page quickly got up and pulled her towards the stairs.

Then Brody turned to Camille and said coldly, as if she was a stranger: "Have a seat."

Camille sometimes didn't understand why they invited her over if they didn't like her.

She silently laughed inside while maintaining an amiable expression on her face as she walked over to

sit on the sofa where Ayan had sat earlier this day.

"What's going on? Why did you ask me here?" she asked Brody and Page calmly.

Brody asked, "What is your relationship with Ayan now? Aren't you divorced?"

"Yes we are divorced," Camille replied simply.

"If that's so, then why are you still close?" he asked harshly.

"What do you mean? Do you think that since we're divorced we should keep our distance or never

speak again?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion before continuing: "Why does it matter?"

Brody's expression changed instantly: "What do you mean by that? Are you saying I shouldn't be

concerned about your personal life?"

"Why would I say that?" Camille responded calmly yet coolly without showing any concern for his

attitude towards her whatsoever.

Page couldn't help but chime in too: "Camille, if there's no intention of you to get back together with

Ayan, then please don't create unnecessary drama which could affect the Armstrong Family."

"Unnecessary drama?" Camile lifted up gaze meeting Page's eyes directly." You invited me here today

just so that my private life could be scrutinized? If so then I think it's unnecessary because both Ayan

and myself are single now. An unmarried man meets sn unmarried woman - what's unclear about this


Camile found their behavior amusing because clearly neither one cared how she was doing yet insisted

upon meddling in matters concerning her marriage.

Camille had always been disappointed by the Armstrong family, and this disappointment accumulated

over time until it left her completely heartbroken.

Her relationship with Brody and Page was not deep, and the distance and indifference she had felt

from them since she was a kid meant that she never placed all of her hopes on her parents from the

beginning. So when she thought about it carefully, she realized that she wasn't actually very sad or

upset; rather, she just didn't understand why Brody and Page acted the way they did.

Camille's response was devoid of warmth or emotion. This made Brody and Page unable to accept her

attitude towards them, because they saw it as rude and disrespectful - especially since they were still

her parents. How could she act this way?

Brody snorted coldly before slamming his hand down on the coffee table with a low growl in his voice.

"What do you mean? What are you trying to say? Do you think you're so great now that you can fly

away alone? Let me tell you something, Camille: even if you become a big name, you're still part of the

Armstrongs - which means you have listen to me when you are still a member of us."

Camille was used to Brody's emotional outbursts by now, so there was no reaction from her end.

She sat there calmly with no emotions showing in her eyes while Brody felt like he had punched a soft

cotton ball. The powerlessness he felt made him even more flared up.

However, instead of venting his frustrations further, he simply looked at Camille with cold eyes before

ordering: "What's going on between Ayan lately? Are you guys living together? What has he been up to

these days?"

"We're not living together, so I don't know what exactly you mean by 'what has he been up to'?" replied

Camille coolly.

"Well then, find out! I want to know who Ayan is talking too lately and what exactly is he investigating

right now! You have two days tops for finding out everything about him! And remember this: even

though there may be a chance for reconciliation between you in the future, but right now the Armstrong

Family is where your loyalty should lie! If anything happens within The Armstrong Family then running

away won't help!"

Brody's every word was filled with threats and warnings. Camille's eyes grew cold, her expression

indifferent as water. She didn't respond to Brody's words, only gave him a brief glance that was just as

intimidating as Ayan's. It made them feel a little timid.

Page immediately spoke up, "What kind of look is that? You can't even do what we ask you to do


Camille replied calmly, "If Ayan doesn't want anyone else to know about his affairs, what can I find out?

Do I have to monitor him 24 hours of 7 days?"

Brody snorted coldly, "You've been with him for so long and you still can't handle this? You must give

me a result on this matter. I want to know what Ayan wants." novelbin

"If you want to know what he wants," Camille said coolly, "then you should tell me what you're worried


Naturally Brody wouldn't say anything. He just told Camille not to meddle in things she shouldn't and

focus on hat he asked her to do - finding out who Ayan is in contact with and why he's doing what he


Camille couldn't quite make sense of it all but she didn't bother asking for more details either. If she

wanted answers, she knew where to go - straight back to Ayan.

After Brody finished speaking, he didn't keep Camille around any longer than necessary before saying

flatly: "Alright then, you may leave."

The tone sounded like one used by someone dismissing an employee who had just reported their work

progress; there was no hint of affection whatsoever, which made Camille unable help but find it funny.

She smiled wryly at Brody and Page before saying: "If there's anything else in the future, please let

Grace pass the message onto me since neither of us really wants any contact with each other."

Before they could react or question her further she had already gotten up from her seat and left without

looking back.

There were questions from behind but naturally she wasn't going stop or explain herself because

everything that came out of her mouth was true – if they didn't want contact with her then why come

looking for her when something happened?

It all seemed ridiculous in Camille's eyes.

As soon as she left the villa, she got into her car parked outside and drove off immediately.

Soon enough Grace called but Camilla ignored it; instead sending a message back: "I'm fine."

She wasn't interested in talking much nor did she wish bring up tonight's events again; As for tasks

assigned by Brody or Page, well, those were never going happen anyway.

She had only been in the Armstrong family for half an hour, and now it was still early as she drove

slowly back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

Her mood had hit rock bottom within a day, so when she arrived at Maple Leaves Mansion, she didn't

immediately get out of the car. Instead, she sat inside and adjusted her emotions.

Looking outside the window, Camille couldn't help but wonder: "Don't know if Ayan has come back by


He had received her message earlier today telling him that she was going to visit the Armstrong family,

but he hadn't replied yet.

Austin's words in the afternoon made her feel indescribably uncomfortable.

Camille pursed her lips and stared blankly out of the window until she completely calmed down before

finally pushing open the car door and getting out.

It had been almost forty minutes.

She walked into the building and took an elevator upstairs.

As soon as Camille stepped off from elevator exit, a tall figure blocked her way. She exclaimed in

surprise before looking up at him with relief upon seeing who it was.

She asked softly: "Why are you here?"

Ayan didn't answer; he just looked down at her with his eyes fixed on hers before asking quietly: "Why

did it take you so long to come up?"

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