My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 778 Negligence
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Chapter 778 Negligence

Grace said, "I don't know, Mom just asked you to come back and maybe she feels like our family hasn't

been together for a long time, so please don't refuse, okay?"

Camille fell silent for a moment and did not say anything more to refuse.

So she was going back.

Camille immediately messaged Ayan to tell him not to come and pick her up from work tonight as she

had something else to do.

Less than half a minute after the message was sent, Ayan's called her directly.

She answered the call and heard Ayan's gentle voice on the other end, "Where are you going tonight?

Do you need me to accompany you?"

Camille smiled and said, "There's something going on, but I don't plan on telling you, so don't bother

asking, okay?"

"Are you not going to say where you're going?"

"Um, I don't want to say. Is that okay?"

Ayan was not speaking anymore, obviously he was a little unhappy.

Camille's smile deepened at the corners of her mouth as she asked softly, "What's wrong? You're not

upset, are you?"

"Who am I to be unhappy? What more can I ask of you now that I am no one but your suitor? When

you are happy, you will give me a smile, and when you are not happy, you will be cold to me. Of

course, I dare not say anything, and naturally I can not have any dissatisfaction, who let me just a


He really knew how to play pitiful.

Camille couldn't help but laugh more and more as she listened, especially when he spoke of his pursuit

in such a serious manner. It was simply hilarious.

Camille continued to tease him, "So are you complaining to me? Do you feel unsatisfied being my

pursuer and don't want to pursue me anymore?"

"I didn't say that."

"But I feel like you're a little emotional. Are you upset because I didn't tell you where I'm going tonight?"

Ayan said lightly, "No."

"That's good, so shall we see each other again tomorrow?"

She didn't forget to say "bye" before ending the call.

Camille laughed uncontrollably. It was rare for her to see Ayan lose an argument and be left

speechless, so she was very happy about it.

However, she still sent him a message telling him that she would go to the Armstrong family tonight.

Ayan didn?? t reply, probably because he was very angry.

Camille put down her phone and continued to work. The atmosphere in the meeting room had been

particularly harmonious and friendly recently.

Amber continued to boss Louise around to do the work as usual, and Louise cooperated well and just

occasionally argued back a few times. Apart from that, she still finished what Amber arranged to her.

This is the work mode that Camille wants, where everyone gets along peacefully. Since today's

workload wasn't too heavy, she finished work early. Ayan had sent her to the museum, so she didn't

drive herself here. Seeing that it was still early, she planned to go to Simpson Group for Ayan. They

could have dinner together before going to the Armstrong family later.

Camille stood on the side of the road, waiting for her scheduled car to arrive while glancing at her

phone's location tracker. The car was only a minute away when a white sedan pulled up beside her.

Camille tilted her head slightly and looked through the window into the back seat of the car. The

window rolled down just then and as soon as she saw who was inside, a hint of coldness flashed

across her face.

The man in the car smiled slightly with laughter in his voice: "Mrs. Simpson, don't you recognize me?"

"What do you want?" Camille asked icily.

"Want to have some coffee together?" he replied.

"No need for that. If you have something to say, then say it," Camille said coldly.

The man's expression turned chilly too as he spoke indifferently: "Mrs. Simpson isn't cooperating much,

so I don't know how else I should put this."

"Mr. Norman, if you have nothing else left unsaid then I'll be leaving now," Camille said coolly without

any warmth on her face whatsoever; never did she expect Austin would show up here but since he

managed it obviously meant he had done some research beforehand about where she would be

located at this time.

Camille didn?? t care about what was going on with Austin, nor did she know what happened in

Campole either, let alone when Austin arrived in Hance City himself.

Austin noticed how indifferent Camilla was towards him and his smile faded completely from his face as

he spoke with an icy tone: "Does Mrs. Simpson know where Cora is?"

Camilla met Austin?? s gaze with an equally cold expression on hers before replying: "Mr. Norman

shouldn?? t be asking me such questions but rather ask yourself instead! Mrs. Norman is your wife not

mine, so why would I possibly know where she is?"

"Is that so?" Austin sneered sarcastically while speaking lightly: "Since Cora is my wife after all, then

why has Mr. Simpson been keeping hold of my wife until now? What does Mr Simpson mean by doing

this? Is he planning on turning my wife into his own?"

A chill ran down Camilla?? s spine while anger surged within causing sharpness within eyes, which

were filled with icy fury before retorting back sharply: "What evidence does Mr. Norman possess

proving Mrs. Norman being held captive by him?"

"Do we still need proof? Since the Simpson family?? s incident and until now, Cora has disappeared

and I haven't been able to find her," Mr. Norman said.

"Can't find her? Isn't that your own fault, Mr. Norman?" Camille sneered, but she felt a hint of unease in

her heart.

In truth, Camille didn't pay too much attention to Cora's situation because Ayan had promised to handle

it and since Cora had mental health issues, she left everything up to Ayan.

So is Ayan still holding onto Cora now?

Camille frowned slightly and Austin could see the change in her expression clearly. He was certain that

Camille probably didn't know where Cora was at the moment.

Austin went for broke again as he said: "Mrs. Simpson, if you think I'm at fault then what about you? Mr.

Simpson is your husband and your child's father. Why does he keep holding onto his ex-girlfriend like

this? What is he thinking or does he have other intentions with her?"

Austin asked each question slowly with a smile on his face which made Camille's expression turn cold.

The two locked eyes for a moment when suddenly Camille's phone rang - it was the driver calling about

their appointment time.

Austin noticed that she wasn't going to answer it, so he smiled faintly again: "Mrs. Simpson, if you

can?? t tolerate your husband?? s lingering feelings for someone else, then ask Mr. Simpson where

they are hiding this person from us and send her back to me. I miss my wife, OK?"

"If Mrs. Simpson wants to help him out, then just forget what I've said today as being an adult means

understanding one another, right?"

"I won?? t bother Mrs. Simpson anymore." Austin finished speaking before instructing his driver to

leave immediately without waiting any longer. novelbin

Camille stood there silently with a cold look on her face while the phone kept ringing non-stop inside of

it; after nearly ten seconds passed by slowly, she finally came back around before taking a deep breath

and answering the call.

She got into the reserved car, and the driver asked, "Simpson Group, right?"

Camille did not speak, still looking as cold as ice. The driver pressed the gas pedal and drove forward.

Camille said, "Forget Simpson Group. Take me to Maple Leaves Mansion."

There are also passengers who change their address temporarily, so the driver did not ask questions,

just nodded in response.

Camille went back to Maple Leaves Mansion, not looking well all the way.

When she got back, she lay down on the sofa, unspeakably upset.

All she had on her mind was, does Ayan still keep Cora now?

Camille gave it a lot of thought, but eventually stopped thinking about it because it was Austin's side of

the story and she wanted to hear Ayan's answer anyway.

But she was not calm enough to ask Ayan right away.

Camille didn't even eat dinner because she didn't have any appetite. Grace called her and offered to

pick her up. She refused and drove over.

It was not too late, only about 7 p. m..

When Grace heard her car, she ran out to meet her. "I thought you were coming over for dinner," she


"I already had it." Camille got out of the car, her face pale and her voice weak.

Grace sensed she was in a bad mood and asked, "What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

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