My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 781: Calculation
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Chapter 781: Calculation

Hance City Prison.

Sean arrived at the prison around nine in the morning, having made an appointment to meet with Elijah

on his phone the day before. Upon arrival, he was directed by a prison guard to a small room

separated from Elijah by a transparent glass wall.

Sean sat outside while Elijah sat inside, their eyes meeting with emotional intensity. Although this

wasn't the first time they had met since Elijah's incarceration, Sean could see that his father had aged


Both men picked up their phones simultaneously. Sean's voice choked as he asked softly, "Dad, how

are you doing here?"

Elijah nodded and his eyes also reddened slightly as he replied: "We just saw each other not too long

ago. Why are you here again? Did something happen?"

Sean asked in a low voice: "Did Ayan come to see you?"

Elijah nodded and then recounted everything that Ayan had told him in detail, exactly what Sean had

heard earlier.

"Did he let you go?" Elijah asked next.

Sean avoided eye contact and replied hesitantly: "Yes."

Elijah pressed further: "Did Ayan ask you anything? Did he just let you go without any conditions or


Without hiding anything from his father, Sean told him about the deal that Ayan proposed to him.

Upon hearing it, Elijah's expression immediately became serious and tense. He said sternly: "Sean!

You're being foolish! How could you tell Ayan about our relationship? This will cause great harm to


Feeling agitated himself now too, Sean retorted back: "Dad! If I didn't do it this way, then neither of us

would be free right now! I was taken away by Ayan for so many days but Preston did nothing about it.

He clearly had no intention of helping me out. If he really cared about us even one bit, then surely he

would have found some way to get us both out of here already. He must have all of his connections

through the Norman Family... but look at where we are now - stuck behind bars while Preston doesn't

give any shit about either one of us!"

"That?? s enough!" Interrupted Elijah coldly before continuing on with furrowed brows and a low voice

filled with emotion:

"You know better than anyone else what Preston has been through over these years... we need to help

him no matter what happens."

"Even if it means sacrificing ourselves?" questioned Sean incredulously.

Throughout his life, his father had constantly instilled in him the idea that no matter when or where, and

no matter what he did, everything had to revolve around Preston and be in coordination with him, until

Preston accomplished what he wanted to do. But even now, he didn't know what exactly it was that

Preston wanted to do.

He also couldn't accept Elijah's words - sacrificing oneself for the sake of others seemed too selfless.

From Sean's words, Elijah could sense a lot of emotions brewing within him. He whispered to Sean:

"Sean, Preston has been through a lot over the years and has carried too much burden. He cannot fail.

If he does, he will never be able to turn things around in his lifetime. You must help him and assist him

without standing with his enemies against him. Do you understand?"

Sean remained silent.

Elijah asked excitedly: "Do I have to kneel down and beg you before you agree?"

"What is the grudge between him and Ayan? Why does Ayan seem completely unaware of it? Dad,

what are you hiding from me about what you guys are up to? Can't I even know about it?" Sean asked

as he searched Elijah's eyes.

All along, Sean had no idea about what Elijah and Preston were doing or why this matter was so

important for Preston but there were still no signs of action being taken yet.

However, Elijah did not tell Sean everything truthfully, instead saying: "You don't need to worry too

much about this matter; just remember that you must try your best to assist him by helping handle

things that are difficult for him."

"Dad, you are really nice to Preston, which is beyond the duty of an uncle to a nephew. You are asking

me to do everything for him as your own son. Now Ayan is watching me. Do you think Ayan will not

know if I do something?"

Sean sneered, his words filled with sarcasm. His father wouldn't tell him the truth, and he wouldn't ask

Ayan, either. His father got to where he was now for helping Preston. Should he follow his steps?

This is not what he wants. He can't let his whole life be ruined because of someone else. He is

incapable of such generosity.

His silence made Elijah uneasy as well, but both were his families he cared deeply for, how would he

balance their relationships?

Sean didn't want to continue the conversation any longer. He just reminded Elijah to take good care of

himself inside and assured him that he had everything under control outside. As long as Preston wasn't

too ruthless, he wouldn't do anything too extreme.

After their conversation, Sean watched as Elijah was taken away by the prison guards before finally

getting up and leaving. However, once he got in his car, he sat there for a while without starting the


His mind was filled with questions about what Preston was planning and what secrets he might be

hiding. These thoughts were uncontrollable and left him unable to find any convincing answers.

Sean sent the entire conversation between him and Elijah to Kian without leaving out a single word.

Kian played for Ayan. After listening to it all, Kian shared a knowing glance with Ayan.

Ayan spoke indifferently: "Our guess was right. Preston isn't just after me but also after the Simpson

family. So our suspicions still lie with them."

However, it seemed like neither Old Simpson wanted to talk about it. Or did Fletcher even know about


Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly as complex emotions swirled within them.

Kian whispered, "If our suspicions are correct then investigating the Simpson Family is good news for

us, because we can focus on them instead of wasting time on Preston or others."

"It makes sense, but do you think you can get Grandpa to talk? If this is really about the Simpson family

and Preston's reaction is so intense, it must be a big thing. If Grandpa wanted to hide it, it would be

better to start investigating from someone else." But the investigation was aimless and difficult, which

left Ayan stranded for a while.

Ayan sighed softly before saying emotionlessly: "Let's prepare for both scenarios then - keep

investigating while I try my best to get Old Simpson talking honestly."

Kian nodded in agreement before Ayan headed back over to The Simpsons' mansion once again - thisnovelbin

time not discussing anything in front of Fletcher or Talia but rather speaking alone with Old Simpson

under the guise of work-related matters.

He walked into the old Simpson bedroom. The old man and his grandson were sitting face to face. Old

Simpson's cloudy eyes scrutinized him as he asked, "You're not planning on asking me to be your

mediator for something you did to Cami, are you? If that's the case, don't bother. I won't agree no

matter what."

Ayan smiled helplessly. "Can't you hope for something good from me?"

"What good can come from someone who sneaks around like a thief?"

"I just want to talk with you alone. Is that not okay?"

Old Simpson didn't seem to believe him and stared at Ayan with caution. He acted coldly as if Ayan

had committed some unforgivable crime and said, "If you have something to say, say it quickly. I still

have to accompany Timmy in his online early education class later."

"Okay then." Ayan was becoming more aware of how low his status was becoming in the Simpson

family but didn't mind it too much. With a helpless smile on his lips and a hoarse voice, he asked,"

Grandpa, do you know Preston?"

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