My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 768 True and False
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Chapter 768 True and False

He leaned in close to Camille, his low voice ringing softly in her ear. His warm breath brushed against

her skin, making her stiffen up and unable to move.

What was he doing?

Why did he suddenly act like this?

Camille pursed her lips slightly, her expression fading. She remained stiff all over, and she said, "Don't

say that."

Her tone was unnatural and stunned, with a delayed reaction that made Ayan smile indulgently as he

watched her.

He spoke in a deep voice: "Can't you feel it when I say something inappropriate? You're always around

me every day. I'm just a normal man. What should I do with you?"

"You've had too much to drink. Go rest!" Camille pushed him away, but Ayan grabbed hold of her hand


Camille tried hard to pull back, but Ayan held on tight and said hoarsely: "If I really drank too much

tonight, do you think I would let you go so easily?"

Camille's cheeks were hot; this man's words became more inappropriate as the night went on.

Oh my god! Who can save me now?

Frowning deeply, Camille didn't want Ayan near him at all because he was like a burning ball of fire that

could ignite everything around him once approached.

She lowered her eyes without looking at him anymore and said softly: "You should leave now; I'm tired

and need some sleep."

"It's still early though," He chuckled lowly.

Knowing she still needed to chat with Timmy later on video call didn't stop him from intentionally pulling

at her hand without letting her go.

Feeling helpless about the situation she found herself in right now, Camille asked, "Do you have

anything else left unsaid?"

Ayan looked aggrieved while speaking in a low voice: "Are you already fed up with me? So soon?"


"Then why are you trying to get rid of me now?"

"I didn't. Didn't you tell me to go to bed early? So you won't let me in?"

"But now I regret it again... I brought you home safely but got no reward from it... that doesn't seem fair,

does it?"

His voice sounded gentle despite being manipulative towards getting what he wanted outta their

relationship dynamic.

He leaned closer towards Camile until his warm breath brushed against the skin nears her ears as well

as making every muscle of her tense up.

Some people say that the more beautiful a woman is, the less trustworthy she is, after all, a woman's

heart can be deadly. But the same goes for handsome men as well.

Here it is.

Camille knew his thoughts, but couldn't help responding to his words.

Camille says, "Hmm, what kind of reward do you want?"

"Do you give me whatever I want?"

"As long as you don't go too far."

"Well, I'm sure I won't overdo it, and I'm sure I'm easily satisfied, so promise me, won't you?"

Camille backs away and he moves closer, leaving her with no way out.

This kind of Ayan surprised Camille a bit, because he rarely appears so difficult, but it's not completely

never happened.

Camille didn't speak, she just stared at him without blinking for a few seconds. Instead of backing away,

she approached him and stood on her tiptoes to gently kiss his lips. The kiss wasn't just a peck, it

lasted for two or three seconds before ending.

Camille stared at him and asked, "Is this enough? Can you let me in to rest now?"

Ayan hooked his lips in a smile, then his bony hand gently hooked her chin, and the warm lips dropped.

He caressed gently and repeatedly until he was satisfied.

His deep gaze fixed on Camille as he said, "This will do."

This time, Ayan didn't make things difficult for Camille. He watched her enter the house and then

closed the door himself before turning around and taking the elevator back to his own floor.

Camille's face was flushed and hot inside the house. She raised her hands to gently cover her cheeks,

sighing inwardly that Ayan was becoming increasingly difficult to appease.

This man is really a handful.


Camille quickly took a shower and got ready, then video called Talia to check on Timmy. As it wasn't

early anymore and Timmy was also tired, the call didn't last long.

As the night grew deeper, the bustling Hance City gradually entered a state of silence.

The room where Preston lived was also quiet. He sat with his legs crossed, leaning on the leather sofa

without moving. His expressionless face stared at the man in front of him who was wolfing down

noodles and holding a braised pig's trotter in his hand.

After rushing back from Zoie, Preston had been staying in this room with the man. However, they didn't

talk much, and the man went to take a shower after a few words. Then he ordered takeout and they

only started eating now.

Preston looked up at him with little expression, his eyes showing some indiscernible emotions. He

made a low sound and asked without any emotion in his tone, "You said you've been staying with Ayan

these past few days?"

"Yes," Sean nodded and said, "Ayan kept me locked up in a villa and only gave me a small amount of

food. He only showed himself once during these few days. The rest of the time, I was stuck inside the

house with my eyes covered and ears blocked to prevent me from knowing the location or hearing

anything around me."

Preston narrowed his eyes slightly, still maintaining an indifferent tone as he asked, "Did Ayan do

anything to you?"

"No," Sean shook his head. "Maybe he was afraid that I would report him?"

"If he dared to kidnap you and keep you for so many days, do you think he would be afraid of that? If

he was afraid then, why did he hold onto you for no reason?" Preston responded to Sean's words whilenovelbin

deepening his expression. His tone remained cold without any warmth as he continued speaking,

"Since Ayan has locked you up before then why did he let go of you now?"

Sean shrugged helplessly and replied, "I don't know Mr. Walker; I really don't know."

"Did Ayan ask anything from you?" Preston didn't respond to Sean's answer but instead continued

asking what he wanted to know.

Sean's face changed slightly, as if hesitating.

Preston's tone became stern as well: "Sean, listen carefully. Are there things that are hidden from me?

You should know what kind of relationship exists between Ayan and myself! Do you think it is easy for

him just to let go like this after holding on to someone for so long?"

Sean looked serious under pressure while lowering his head hesitantly struggling internally for almost

half a minute before finally saying softly: "Ayan asked me many questions about what exactly your

plans were regarding him or the Simpson family? He also asked about my relationship with my father."

Preston glanced at Sean calmly asking: "How did you respond?"

"I didn't say anything," replied Sean firmly shaking his head. "Even if I told him everything it wouldn't

make any difference because I knew that even if I spoke out loud it wouldn't change things much


"Is that so?" Preston's face remained calm while speaking without much emotion making people feel

uncertain about how they should react towards him but leaving them feeling uneasy nonetheless.

Sean asked, "Don't you believe me? I really didn't say anything. I wouldn't say it even if I knew why

Ayan caught me and didn't do anything to me. He probably just wanted to provoke our relationship in

this way!"

Preston didn't speak again, just looked at Sean calmly.

Because Ayan had been holding Sean for so many days, it was unlikely that he would do nothing and

let Sean go. What was Ayan trying to do?

So after Sean finished speaking, Preston did not immediately respond but kept silent and looked at

Sean with a slightly probing gaze, as if evaluating whether his words were true or false.

Sean was very anxious and eager for Preston to stop pursuing these questions and trust him.

After a long time Preston finally asked, "Can I trust you?"

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