My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 767 Daydreaming
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Chapter 767 Daydreaming

"Really, should I take out my heart and show it to you?" Camille couldn't help but laugh.

Honestly, Camille was afraid that Ayan would just nod and say, "Okay, then show it to me," in the next


Of course, the fact was that Ayan wouldn't say such a thing. He just looked at Camille with a gentle

gaze and said, "Whether you're angry or not, it's my fault that we're having dinner so late. So let me

make it up to you by driving you home tonight and making breakfast for you tomorrow morning. Will you

give me this chance to prove myself?"

Camille raised an eyebrow and smiled faintly. "I'll give you this chance because of your sincerity."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

The food was soon served as well. The restaurant wasn't crowded at this time since it was almost 8:30

at night.

Camille liked crabs and some seafood, so tonight Ayan chose a seafood restaurant specifically for her.

Since he was worried about Camille getting hungry later on during dinner, he didn't eat much himself

throughout the meal; instead he spent the entire time peeling shells for her.

Naturally, Camille enjoyed his treating her like a queen, since Ayan was currently pursuing her, and

such moves were inevitable. She didn't feel embarrassed about accepting his kindness, but also didn't

demand too much from him either.

After a while though she called him, saying: "You should eat too; there's no need for you to keep taking

care of me."

"How can I do that? If I don't take care of you then how will know I'm pursuing you? Who else can I cry

to if not for someone like yourself?"

"You cry too?"

"Of course! Everyone cries."

"I don't believe that."

Camile picked up a wet handkerchief and wiped both her and Ayans' hands clean before pouring water

into their glasses, saying: "Mr Simpson crying? No one would believe that."

"You don't believe me?" Ayan lifted his gaze meeting hers', with tender eyes full of misty allure blinking

gently as if they could speak themselves while speaking slowly: "I really want to take out my heart and

show it to you so maybe then will be able believe."

Well okay then... he had been waiting here all along for her reaction!

Camile laughed after hearing what he said.

They finished their meal around ten o'clock.

Ayan drank some alcohol, which meant he wasn't suitable to drive anymore, so naturally driving

became Camile's responsibility now!

They drove slowly back to Maple Leaves Mansion and walked together towards their apartment

building after parking the car. Ayan held her hand, his voice carrying a slight hint of a coquettish tone,

probably due to the alcohol: "I feel dizzy, can you help me?"

Camille couldn't help but say: "Mr. Simpson, why don't you change your name?"

"What should I change it to? Should I take my wife's surname?"

"You should be called Amy Simpson. Are you a little girl?" Although Camille was teasing him with her

words, she still leaned in towards him and said: "You've only drunk a little bit and you're not even drunk.

Why do you seem like you've had too much? Are you intentionally being cute with me?"

"Yes, I am intentional about it. So will you pamper me?" He answered honestly without any

euphemisms or embarrassment.

As they chatted and walked together, a sudden male voice interrupted their conversation: "Mr.

Simpson, Ms. Armstrong." Horace was jogging towards them head-on; this was the first time Camille

met Horace after all that happened online.

During this period of time they had no contact whatsoever; Yessica took away the computer from

Armstrong Corp that Horace used, so Camille never contacted him afterwards.

Seeing Horace now naturally reminded her of what happened before. Camille stood next to Ayan

without much reaction except for nodding slightly at Horace as a greeting.

Ayan also looked at Horace with an indifferent expression on his face as he asked in an emotionless

voice: "Mr. Burris, exercising so late at night?"

Horace stopped several steps away from Camille and Ayan and replied in a soft tone while looking at

both of them calmly: "Yes, only able to find time now, since I work during the day; plus Hance City is

unfamiliar territory for me, so there aren't many places I can go except for running."

Ayan smiled faintly as he said:" Mr. Burris is very disciplined."

"Mr. Simpson flatters me too much," replied Horace politely yet formally which made it seem overly

polite thus making it awkward but he didn't realize that fact himself. He continued speaking in the same

manner, saying:" Mr. Simpson, there's something related to work that I would like to ask about if Mr.

Simpson has some time for me."

"Please tell me, Mr. Burris!"

"Is the project starting next month at Simpson Group prioritizing the bidding company's reputation and


"Of course not, all of Simpson Group's projects are done in cooperation with competent companies."

"Thank you for your answer, Mr. Simpson. If that's the case, then I can rest assured," Horace

explained. "Because Armstrong Corp is only slightly stable now. As a decision maker in Armstrong

Corp, I naturally hope that we can take on more projects. So I took the liberty to ask you and hope you

can understand that."

"Naturally, Mr. Burris doesn't need too much pressure. If Armstrong Corp. has the confidence and

ability, then we will see about the project," Ayan responded calmly.

Ayan showed Horace respect and was polite because he had heard from Grace that Horace had given

her advice to support Camille.

After saying goodbye to each other quickly because they were not familiar with each other yet, Horace

continued running while Camille walked into her building with Ayan.

Camille knew that Ayan usually treated Horace indifferently, so if it were in previous situations like this

one where Horace asked about work-related matters, he would have just given a brief response without

any detailed explanation. But this time Ayan seemed serious with him, which surprised Camille.

Camille asked: "What's going on between you and Horace?"

As they entered into an elevator together, Ayan pressed Camille's floor number before responding to

her question by saying: "What do you mean? Is your controlling nature getting worse? Are you upset

when I talk a little more even with a man? Do you want me to explain everything clearly?"

Camille instinctively wanted to pull away from him, but Ayan didn't let go of her hand. He smiled lightly

at her reaction while speaking softly:"Okay okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Camilla asked again: "So what is it exactly?"

He said: "Nothing really. It's just that he works for Armstrong Corp. now. Just looking at that makes me

somewhat cautious, don't you think so too?"

His response was extremely serious, making it difficult for people to discern his true emotions behind

those words.

Camille glanced at him, her eyes betraying a hint of disbelief, but ultimately she didn't ask any further


Ayan continued, "So Armstrong Corp. should thank you. Because of you, my attitude has improved

slightly. After all, when pursuing someone, one must please anyone and anything related to her. So do

you think I'm a qualified pursuer?"

"You're good," Camille replied.

"That's it? Don't you think that my pursuit is serious and sincere? Are you reluctant to give me a


Camille gave him a look that conveyed her own understanding without saying anything more. The

elevator doors opened at that moment and the two walked out holding hands until they reached

Camille's door where she entered her fingerprint code to open it.

Ayan let go of her hand and said, "I won't come in. Get some rest early."

Camille didn't ask why he wouldn't come in; instead she just gave him another glance wondering if he

was upset because she didn't respond earlier.

She narrowed her eyes as she stared deeply into his gaze.

"What's wrong?" Ayan asked.

"Are... you upset?" Camille hesitated before asking this question.

Ayan smiled faintly with thin lips as he replied: "Nope! Don't overthink things too much! I've beennovelbin

drinking tonight so I don't want to risk doing something that might make you unhappy or uncomfortable

later on. Just get inside now."

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