My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 762: Mischief
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Chapter 762: Mischief

Elijah's expression immediately froze because he knew that Ayan was right. Ayan wouldn't have come

to ask him this question on purpose. His face became stiff as he stared at Ayan and asked, "What do

you want to do?"

Ayan glanced at him lightly and looked calmly at Elijah. He responded slowly, "It's not about what I want

to do, it's about what you guys want to do."

Elijah instantly lowered his gaze and stopped looking into Ayan's eyes.

He was avoiding the topic.

But how could Ayan not see through it?

A cold smile appeared on his face as he said, "Are you sure you want both father and son to fall

completely because of Preston?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Elijah replied.

He acted like he wasn't cooperating with anything related to Preston. He obviously didn't want to talk

about any topics related to Preston with Ayan.

Looking at Elijah like this, naturally, Ayan understood that there must be a lot of things hidden in him.

He looked at Elijah expressionlessly and said, "So you chose Preston over Sean?"

Elijah's face instantly stiffened. Ignoring his reaction automatically, Ayan continued in a voice that was

neither cold nor hot: "Sean has been in my hands for quite some time now. Even if it is Preston today

who has no way out because in Hance City he doesn't have the ability find people from my hands."

Aya knew that if Elijah didn't see Sean then he wouldn't give up so easily; therefore directly opening the

phone video which had already been recorded earlier by himself before handing it over directly into

Elijah's eyes while saying lightly: "Since I came here specifically for this matter today I'm not here just

fooling around or playing games with you."

"You have two choices now; either choose Sean or choose Preston – decide for yourself."

Giving enough time for Elijah's thoughts without asking how would be chosen during this period of time;

instead continuing again: "Whether it is The Armstrong Family's affairs or your son Sean's actions are

actually all working for Preston right? What exactly are father and son so loyal towards?"

Elijah remained silent as if hesitating but also seemed unable make a decision.

Aya wasn't anxious either but kept silent giving enough time for him think clearly during this process

while silence filled the air around them making Elija feel like his heart was being hit by a heavy hammer

repeatedly without lightness nor heaviness

After a long while passed by quietly, Aya spoke softly,"Have you made up your mind?"

Elijah's face was very gloomy, and a thick mist shrouded his eyebrows. He hung his head and spoke in

a deep voice, "I have nothing to think about, nothing to say. My son working for Preston is just a normal

job. If you tie my son up because of me, Mr. Simpson, what you're doing is illegal and I can sue you."

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and a faint cold smile appeared on his thin lips. It seemed that the

relationship between Elijah and Preston was not as simple as mere cooperation since no one would

truly give up their own child for the sake of profit.

Since Elijah was in such a difficult position, both Preston and Sean were equally important to him.

So what exactly was the relationship between Elijah and Preston?

However, Ayan immediately dismissed the idea that they were father-son since it seemed unlikely

given their appearance or other factors.

Ayan stared at Elijah with probing eyes for quite some time without blinking. His gaze gradually

became cold and his patience wasn't as abundant as before when he said indifferently with an obvious

tone: "Alright then if you want to sue me go ahead but only if you have enough evidence; otherwise

your days with your son Sean may not be too pleasant in the future. Then we'll see whether it's Preston

who can help you or whether you can save yourself."

After finishing speaking Ayan had already stood up.

He looked down at Elijah from above; all that needed to be said had been said so there was no point in

continuing questioning him further since some people are stubborn not because they can really keep

secrets but either because it's not yet time or because threats aren't sufficient enough for them to

speak out.

However Ayan didn't come here today solely for making sure that Elijah would actually speak out; after

all given how much trouble he could get into just by helping Preston avoid jail time meant their

relationship must be quite deep so he came here only to confirm once again what hidden things existed

between them regarding The Simpson family?

He narrowed his eyes slightly while looking at him closely; there were several expressions on his face

indicating scrutiny but just when Elijah thought he would leave like this Ayan suddenly spoke again: "Is

everything you've done aimed towards The Simpson family?"

Elijah's eyes flickered momentarily; disbelief filled them completely before quickly denying: "I don't

know what you're talking about."

"Is that so?" Ayan just sneered and then lightly hooked his lips, saying, "If you have figured it out, you

can contact me anytime. But the premise is that before I figure out what you guys want to do, if you

contact me after I find out, then sorry, it's too late."

After Ayan finished speaking, he didn't linger any longer and lifted his foot to leave the reception room


Only Elijah was left sitting there, staring blankly without moving.

Kian had been waiting outside the door and immediately went up to Ayan when he saw him come out.

Kian asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, how was the conversation?"

Ayan just glanced at Kian without responding, but the dark expression on his face already indicated

what his answer would be.

Ayan thanked the prison warden and left the prison with Kian by car.

After getting out of prison, Ayan sat in the back seat and spoke calmly: "Did you get the video we just

talked about?"

"Got it."

"Then send it to Sean to have a look."

"Ayan said indifferently."

Kian nodded and drove to Sean's villa.

Ayan didn't get much from Elijah, so naturally he wants to talk to Sean.

Before Ayan arrived at the villa, Kian had already informed the bodyguards to take Sean out of his

room. Sean had been locked up here for many days, without seeing daylight and spending each day

blindfolded in his room.

At this moment, he brought Ayan to the living room and took off the eye mask that was covering his

eyes. Sean immediately became excited when he saw Ayan sitting calmly there.

He said, "Ayan, release me if you have the guts. We should fight head-on. What kind of man are you

keeping me here like this? You even don't dare to fight me alone! You're no match for Preston, and

Preston will make you and the Simpson family pay the price!"

Compared to the silence after seeing Elijah, Sean's reaction seemed too noisy.

Sean was tied to a chair, so he could only get excited verbally but couldn't do anything physically.

Seeing him, Ayan said nothing, but asked Kian to show him the video of him just meeting Elijah.

Sean became quiet and his face became serious when he saw Elijah in the video. He stared at Ayan

and asked, "What do you mean?"

Kian put away his phone and simply threatened Sean with indifference.

He snorted coldly, not taking Kian seriously at all. He said, "Who do you think you are? Is it your turn to

talk to me?"

Kian was not angry either, he just gave him a faint glance and then returned to stand beside Ayan.

Sean's gaze also fell on Ayan, and he stared at him as if he wanted to swallow him alive. He asked,

"Isn't it enough for you and your wife Camille to send my father to jail? How much more mischief do younovelbin

two have to continue?"

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