My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 763: Hilarious
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Chapter 763: Hilarious

Ayan's face was cold, not because of Sean's accusations against him, but because Sean mentioned

Camille. Elijah didn't fall into a trap set by someone else when it came to Armstrong Corp. He had

planned and orchestrated the crisis himself. If it weren't for Camille discovering the truth, Armstrong

Corp. would have long been a laughingstock in Hance City's business circles.

But Sean didn't realize this and thought that what Elijah did was right.

Ayan stared coldly at Sean with an icy tone: "You should ask your father who planted the seeds that led

to this situation. Instead of arguing with me here, why don't you think about how your father is doing in


Sean heard the threat in Ayan's words and his face stiffened. He questioned Ayan: "What do you want

from me? Are you trying to use my dad to threaten me again? Ayan, what you're doing is illegal. Even

though we're in Hance City, I can still report you for all these shady things you've done."

"I'm not here to listen to your nonsense." Ayan glanced at Sean indifferently. After days without proper

hygiene, Sean looked haggard compared to Ayan's well-groomed appearance and handsome features.

With a hint of coldness on his noble expression and an icy voice he said: "You've been missing for so

many days without any information; do you really think Preston doesn't know that I have you? But he

hasn't made any moves or shown any intention of finding you or paying any price just yet - what do you

think he's thinking?"

Compared with Elijah's loyalty towards Preston, naturally Sean wasn't as devoted as him; there were

obvious signs of wavering in his eyes as he repeated Ayan's words over again inside his head.

He had been locked up here for many days now without freedom or access to phones or timepieces -

every minute felt like torture.

Based on what he knew about Preston before being kidnapped by them both, he believed that Preston

had the ability to find him easily enough if they wanted too – which gave him hope initially but after so

many days passed since then without hearing anything from anyone outside these walls – even though

they were supposedly keeping tabs on everything happening around them – doubts started creeping

into his mind.

So some thoughts were already overflowing inside Sean's heart but still struggling within himself. He

was trying hard not to give up hope…

At that moment, Ayan spoke slowly, "What is your relationship with Preston?"

Sean's face stiffened and he naturally wouldn't answer Ayan directly.

He furrowed his brows and asked Ayan in return, "Let me and my dad go, give us some money to leave

Hance City. I can tell you anything you want to know."

Ayan smirked, "What makes you think you have the qualifications to negotiate with me?"

"Don't you want to know what Preston wants with you and the Simpson family? If I don't tell you, there's

no way for you to find out. And as for my dad, he definitely won't tell you. So whether or not we make a

deal is up to your own consideration."

"Do you really think it's that important for me to know what Preston wants with me?" Ayan chuckled

lightly. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Sean and said, "If Preston is coming after me and thenovelbin

Simpson family for any reason whatsoever, I'll find out sooner or later. What's more important right now

is what kind of relationship exists between him and your father that allows both of them to go this far

against him."

The two men locked eyes in a standoff, but Sean couldn't match up against Ayan mentally. He didn't

have the same level of strength nor was he as calm as Ayan was.

Moreover, Sean had been trapped here for too many days already without anyone coming to look for

him, so who knew if anyone would ever come looking? Perhaps everyone would forget about him in the

end, which meant he would be nothing.

Therefore all things considered from Sean's perspective, getting Ayen's release was the most important

thing right now.

He remained silent while considering his options before finally lifting his gaze towards Ayen asking: "I'll

tell everything that I know but what will I get in return? You can't expect me just give away information

without receiving something back."

"If I let you go back to Preston after you've told me everything, how about that?"

"Wouldn't it depend on whether or not YOU are willing?"

"That depends on YOU because keeping hold of someone like yourself doesn't benefit ME at all! You

may be useful to Preston, but not so much to me! Why should I keep wasting resources on someone

like yourself when there's no need?"

Ayen spoke calculatingly which made Sean ponder over whether or not Ayen's words were true.

Sean wasn't sure if he believed Ayen completely; therefore remained silent while contemplating


Observing his reaction closely made Ayen smile inwardly knowing full well how his words were causing

even more confusion within Sean's mind, yet still remaining calm himself throughout their conversation.

Sean didn't stay silent for long. He looked at Ayan uncertainly and asked, "Are you really going to let

me go?"

Ayan replied, "If you don't believe me, there's no need to continue talking. Do you think it's more

reliable to put all your bets on someone else or keep control in your own hands?"

Sean's face stiffened as he hesitated.

The next second, he said, "Preston is my cousin. My dad is his uncle."

Ayan was slightly taken aback by Sean's words and a serious expression covered his eyes.

Sean continued speaking, "I told you what you wanted to know. You should keep your promise."

Ayan remained silent and just looked at Sean calmly. His reaction made Sean feel uneasy and he

asked anxiously, "Do you want to back out of our deal?"

Still not answering him directly, Ayan gave Kian a look. Kian immediately had the guards take Sean into

the house while covering his eyes.

Sean was very excited about this turn of events because he thought that Ayan wasn't planning on

letting him go but was just trying to trap him with his words.

Only after entering the room did both Sean's voice and body finally quiet down completely.

Ayan's face became gloomy, and Kian whispered softly beside him, "Mr. Simpson, Elijah is Preston's

uncle, isn't that not true?"

After all, Elijah had worked for Armstrong Corp. for many years. If Elijah really had this relationship with

Preston, wouldn't Preston have known about Camille and the Simpson Family?

Perhaps some things were farther away than they thought. So many things were beyond their

expectations now.

Instead of answering Kian immediately, Ayan remained silent for a long time without making any sound.

The expression on Ayan's face remained serious throughout. Kian also fell into deep contemplation

after hearing Ayan speak. "If what Sean said is true, wouldn't the Armstrong family already know about

Elijah's relationship with Preston?"

When Elijah was caught by Camille, Brody wasn't pleased with it either. Ayan hadn't given much

thought then. He only assumed that Brody felt like Camille stole his thunder because she seemed

smarter than him. Now combined with what Sean said, it doesn't seem like things are so simple


Kian also realized the seriousness of the situation and said, "Mr. Simpson, if the Armstrong family

knows about Preston's relationship with Elijah, do you think they might also know what Preston is

planning to do?"

Ayan glanced up at Kian with a hint of emotion in his eyes that conveyed a lot.

Kian quickly explained, "I'm sorry, Mr. Simpson. I spoke out of turn."

Of course, Ayan knew that Kian had no ulterior motives and was simply pointing out something worth

considering. He didn't stay at the villa for long, since most of his itinerary in Hance City was public

knowledge; he couldn't risk being gone for too long without arousing suspicion.

After leaving the villa, Ayan had Kian drive him directly back to Simpson Group.

On their way there, Kian asked Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, are you really going to let Sean go?"

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