My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 761: Probe
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Chapter 761: Probe

"Misleading is only temporary. What I want is to create a rift between Austin and Preston. We can't let

everyone work with Preston and silently strengthen his power, right?" Ayan knew that he would

eventually have to fight Preston, but he didn't know how.

Suddenly, he thought of something and immediately instructed Kian, "All of the company's projects

must be carefully inspected for any violations. You personally need to follow up on this."

Kian nodded, "Don't worry. We've always been very careful about this."

"Just being careful isn't enough. You need to be extra cautious and ensure that there are no such

situations," Ayan said.

"I understand," Kian replied.

Ayan looked out the window with a cold expression before suddenly asking, "I'm going to visit the

prison tomorrow. Make sure everything is prepared in advance."

"Okay, I got it," Kian said.

Kian drove Ayan back to Maple Leaves Mansion before leaving himself after receiving a reminder from

Ayan about being watched by Austin's people since they were both in Hance City now.

Ayan was right; someone was watching him although not too closely yet as there were people

stationed outside his apartment building all day long. To avoid any mishaps caused by himself or

others' mistakes due to these circumstances made him worried so Kian packed some clothes and

checked into Simpson Group's hotel while reporting this news back to Ayan who was having dinner

with Camille at the time.

Camille had ordered takeout food for them both which she found amusing when she noticed that Mr.

Simpson hadn't eaten much yet despite it being late already: "You haven't eaten yet?"

"I did eat but I'm not full," replied Ayan defensively when Camille teased him about it: "How come Mr.

Simpson can't even afford a proper meal now?"

"Are you making fun of me?!" asked an indignant-sounding Simpson who then added jokingly: "So you

want me go throw out the trash later?" referring specifically towards their takeout leftovers which

needed discarding soon anyway.

Camille laughed at his reaction before teasing him further: "You only ate two bites! How could you

complain? It's unfair!"

"I don't care, you already ate it, so you have to do something."

"So bossy?" His handsome face was full of laughter as his deep eyes stared straight at Camille. He

then reached out and gently pinched her cheek, speaking softly. "I've been pursuing you for so long

now. Is there anything you want to say to me?"

He suddenly became serious, causing Camille to be momentarily stunned.

Camille lightly pursed her lips and stared at him somewhat dazedly.

"What's wrong? Is it hard to answer?" he asked.

She lightly bit her lip and replied in a soft voice, "You pursued me?"

It wasn't any different from usual - he was just more clingy than before and treated her better. Was that

considered pursuing? The word 'Camille' left Ayan speechless.

He furrowed his brows slightly and asked uncertainly, "So you haven't felt my pursuit of you recently?"

Camille wanted to laugh but tried hard not to show it. She quickly responded with uncertainty in her

voice: "It's not like that exactly... I just..."

She didn't know how else she could explain herself; no matter what she said would probably be

unsatisfactory since this man was too sensitive. If she answered incorrectly again, he would probably

draw a heavy line on their relationship in his mind once more.

Ayan relentlessly pressed on with questions: "Just what is it then? Hmm?"

Camille lowered her gaze unable to meet his eyes directly anymore; she regretted answering the way

she did earlier because if not for that they wouldn't be having this conversation right now.

After hesitating for half a minute or so, Camille finally stuttered out: "I'm not saying I haven't felt

anything at all... It's just that the feeling isn't very obvious because I'm also unsure about what true

pursuit really entails... So maybe I lack experience? Could you tell me about it instead?"

His eyes narrowed slightly as they took on a dangerous glint.

In an instant Camille shut up completely.

The two of them looked at each other silently as the atmosphere grew quiet around them.

After almost half a minute passed by Ayan put down his utensils; the food in front of him had lost its

taste already.

Thinking he might be upset now Camilla prepared herself mentally before opening up again hoping

things could get better between them soon but instead heard him speak with low tone voice filled with

apologies: "I'm sorry for not making your feel pursued enough by me… Starting tomorrow let's start

over again shall we?"

Ayan meant every word seriously which made him seem scary rather than reassuring since these were

actual actions being taken rather than empty promises spoken aloud only without any follow throughs

His pursuit was to send and pick her up in the morning and evening, have lunch together when they

had time, even if he was busy, he would make sure someone delivered lunch to her. He knew Camille

didn't like flowers, so he replaced them with fruits and other ways to show his pursuit of her.

But that's all a story for later.

The two of them did not have any rifts because of this incident. On the contrary, Ayan told Camille: "If

you think there is anything I'm doing wrong, just tell me directly. If you don't say it, I won't know. Okay?"

Camille blinked lightly and nodded in agreement.

They continued eating their meal. After finishing their food, Ayan cleaned up the trash and left with it.

Camille was actually a little uneasy about it all. After almost an hour had passed she sent him a

message asking: "You're not really angry are you?"

Ayan replied almost instantly saying: "Nope! Don't overthink things."

"That's good then."

Only then did Camille feel at ease again.

Their current relationship status is actually quite simple and down-to-earth; there isn't much

superficiality between them - only ordinary companionship towards each other.

That night passed without dreams; the next morning Ayan personally drove Camille to work at the

museum as promised - showing her his pursuit for her.

After dropping off Camille at the museum he drove off to meet Kian at their company office.

Ayan cancelled all his morning appointments today as he mainly went over to see Elijah on prison


Kian had already arranged everything last night; with Simpson Group backing him up as well as being

such an influential figure in Hance City made everything easy-peasy regardless of whether it was black

or white operations involved. novelbin

To avoid Preston from noticing anything suspicious Kian took a detour before arriving at the prison


Elijah had already been escorted by guards into one of their meeting rooms where upon seeing Ayan

recognized him immediately but looked away shyly due to feeling weak after being locked up for so


Ayan sat down on one of chairs across from Elijah before getting straight into business by asking:

"Sean is your son right?"

Although phrased like a question what came out from his mouth sounded more like stating facts

instead which caused Elijah's expression turn grave while waves churned within his eyes akin to calm

seas suddenly turning stormy unable settle down even after some time has passed since its

occurrence .

With Elijah's reaction along with Sean's response that day confirmed everything for Ayan regarding

their relationship status .

Ayan's face was cold and indifferent, his handsome features showing a hint of aloofness. He spoke in a

calm tone, "What is your relationship with Preston?"

Elijah remained silent, not responding in any way.

Ayan continued, "Actually, it doesn't matter to me if you don't answer because I can get the answer

from Sean just as easily."

"Sean is with you?" Elijah finally gave in because as a father he couldn't ignore his child's whereabouts.

Ayan's face remained cold and unresponsive. He didn't directly answer Elijah's question but instead

Elijah himself immediately denied Ayan's statement. He said, "That's impossible! Sean can't be with

you! Are you trying to test me on purpose?"

Ayan chuckled lightly. "Do you think I'm so bored that I would come to the prison just to test this

question on you?"

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