My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 757 Willingness
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Chapter 757 Willingness

In the quiet night, the stars in the sky were shining brightly. The moon was like a silver plate, hanging

high in the sky.

In a small courtyard, there was a young man sitting cross-legged on a stone bench. His eyes were

closed and his breathing was steady. He looked peaceful and serene.

This young man was named Li Qiye. He had been cultivating for many years and had already reached

an incredible level of power. However, he knew that there was still much more to learn and experience.

As he sat there meditating, he suddenly felt something stirring within him. It was as if his soul had been

awakened from a long slumber.

Li Qiye opened his eyes slowly and looked up at the starry sky above him. A smile appeared on his

face as he realized what had happened.

He had finally found what he had been searching for all these years - true willingness!

For so long, Li Qiye had been searching for something that would give him purpose and direction in life.

He wanted to find something that would make him truly happy and fulfilled.

Now, after all these years of hard work and dedication to his craft, Li Qiye finally understood what it

meant to be truly willing - willing to accept whatever life threw at him with open arms; willing to embrace

every challenge as an opportunity for growth; willing to love without fear or reservation; willing to live

each day with passion and purpose.

With this newfound sense of willingness burning within him like a flame, Li Qiye knew that nothing

could stop him from achieving greatness in this world!

Kian nodded in agreement, but also had some doubts: "What if the Walker family changes their mind

and allows Molly to marry Preston?"

"Do you think Luke doesn't know who Preston really is? If the Walker family is so insistent on not

allowing Molly to be with Preston, even if it means she has to get an abortion, then it must be because

Mr. and Mrs. Walker have a problem with him. Otherwise, no parent would let their child get hurt like


Ayan was a father himself and understood how much parents love and tolerate their children. If Mr. and

Mrs. Walker were willing to sever ties with Molly over this issue, then there must be something serious

that Preston did.

Ayan told Kian: "You can start reaching out to Mr. and Mrs. Walker as planned, but do it slowly and

gradually from the perspective of someone who has also been hurt by Preston's actions. Only when

they feel a connection will they believe us."

Kian understood but knew he couldn't rush things when contacting Mr. and Mrs. Walker.

Meanwhile, as one of the parties involved in this drama, Preston remained unaffected for now. He still

went about his business at the museum with Jensonandthe project managerdiscussing construction

timelinesand ceremony arrangements.

The team of architects led by Camille continued working hard, and everyone got along well except for

Louise. She was treated poorly because she was only an assistant, and Amber didn't even

acknowledge her existence. The other architects gave her menial tasks like making tea or running

errands. Louise felt extremely frustrated by this treatment, but she couldn't afford to lose her job so she

kept quiet.

One morning after lunch, the team returnedto work at themuseum. Amber asked Louise to buy coffee

for everyone except Camille. When Amber noticedthatCamille wasn't having any coffee, she

asked,"Why isn't Architect Armstrong drinking any?"

Camille smiled faintly,"I don't want any, you guys go ahead."

Amber didn't insist, but once Louise left, she said,"Is Architect Armstrong still mad at Louise? She

shouldn't bother paying attentiontoher. Louise brought all of these problems upon herself;she deserves

everything that's happening right now."

Amber knew that the company was disappointed in Louise, so it was natural for her to have a bad

attitude towards her. Especially after seeing Louise's apology to Camille online and knowing that she

had offended Camille, Amber had an even worse expression towards Louise.

However, Camille didn't like Amber because of this. They just maintained a normal working relationship

as colleagues.

Louise bought coffee for everyone and distributed them one by one. When it was Amber's turn, she

didn't reach out to take it for a long time. So Louise held it there with a stiff expression on her face and

said, "Architect Torres, your coffee."

Amber seemed not to have heard anything and raised her head to discuss design issues with others.

Louise couldn't stand it anymore and put the coffee directly on the left side of Amber's drawing paper.

But when Amber reached out to grab the paper, the coffee spilled all over the table and onto the paper.

Annoyed, Amber stood up and glared at Louise asking: "Are you blind?"

Louise also became angry: "I've called you several times already! Who is at fault if you didn't hear me?"

Amber sneered: "Assistant Holland, don't forget your identity. You are my assistant now. What's wrong

with buying me a cup of coffee later?"

"I am an assistant but not your servant."

"Is there any difference? Now please clean up here quickly without affecting everyone else's work

progress." After saying this, Amber sat back down in her chair again.

All eyes were fixed on Louise who felt hot cheeks from being humiliated but had no choice but to do

what she was told.

Nowadays Louise couldn't get in touch with any project-related things; instead she did some odd jobs

which were completely opposite from what an architect should be doing. So she began reflecting on

what continuing like this would bring herself?

The fear made her feel uncertain about future prospects; She felt that only one person could change

this situation - herself.

She followed closely behind Camille while they went into the restroom together where she blocked

Camille at its entrance.

Camille frowned asking: "What do you want?"

Louise pursed her lips and then bowed ninety degrees to Camille. "I'm sorry, Camille. I sincerely

apologize to you. My selfishness and jealousy caused you a lot of trouble before, and I'm sorry. I don't

expect you to forgive me because everything is my own fault, really sorry."

Louise kept saying sorry, making Camille wonder if she was being threatened by Ayan again.

Camille frowned slightly and asked in confusion, "Did Ayan contact you?"

Louise was taken aback for a moment but quickly denied it. "No, Mr. Simpson didn't contact me. It's my

own decision."

Camille sneered coldly and said lightly, "So the apologies in the private room at the restaurant and on

the internet weren't your own decision?"

Louise's face turned pale as she bit her teeth hard to explain herself: "I admit that some of those

apologies were because of Mr. Simpson's influence but now I am sincerely apologizing to you from my

heart. I know that my mistake has caused trouble for you, and fortunately your husband is able to solve

it for you through Mr. Simpson. So please don't argue with me anymore, I hope we can just let this go."

Camille's face remained indifferent as a hint of coldness appeared in her eyes. She said,"If I say no,

wouldn't it be moral blackmailing?"

Louise stiffened as she dared not force Camille. However, since she had already spoken, she did not

want to miss this opportunity. She said,"No, I won't do that. I know everything is my fault. I shouldn't ask

for your forgiveness. But there's nothing else I can do. My company knows that Mr. Simpson doesn't

value me anymore since offending both him and yourself. Nowadays, I'm only an assistant architect at

Amber's company. I really have no other way out. You're the only one who can help me. Please!" novelbin

As Louise spoke, she couldn't control herself any longer, and tears streamed down her face.

Throughout all this, Camille remained unresponsive, staring at Louise indifferently like a stranger.

Louise had completely abandoned all her pride. She regretted provoking Camilla. If not, she wouldn't

have ended up like this. In the beginning, it seemed like leaving this project would be fine, but now

even if she left, Ayan could make sure that she would never get ahead in this industry. Louise talked a

lot, but no matter what, she couldn't move Camilla emotionally;she still maintained an indifferent

expression throughout their conversation.

Camille said, "Louise, since you know that what you did to me caused a lot of hurt, isn't it contradictory

for you to come and ask for my help now? If it were you, would you help someone who had hurt you


Camille never thought she would speak up for Louise. What Louise did was hurtful to her, even though

she didn't suffer any direct harm because Ayan handled the situation well. But that doesn't mean she

can forgive Louise as if nothing happened, right?

This is exactly what Louise thinks. She believes that Camille hasn't really been hurt, so why can't she

forgive her once?

Louise emphasized how difficult and painful her current situation is, and pleaded with Camille, "All I

need is for you to say a few words to help me. I won't have to suffer like this anymore. Do you want me

to die before you're willing to help? If you're willing to speak up for me, I'll leave this project

immediately. Please, can you do it?"

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