My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 758 Confrontation
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Chapter 758 Confrontation

In the dimly lit room, two figures faced each other in silence. The tension in the air was palpable as

they stared at each other with cold, unyielding gazes.

On one side stood a tall and imposing man dressed in black. His sharp features were accentuated by

the flickering light of a lone candle on the table beside him. He exuded an aura of danger and power

that made even the bravest men tremble.

On the other side was a petite woman with delicate features and long, flowing hair. Despite her small

stature, she emanated an air of confidence and determination that belied her appearance.

For several minutes, neither spoke nor moved. They simply stood there, sizing each other up like

predators preparing to pounce on their prey.

Finally, it was the man who broke the silence. "You know why I'm here," he said in a low voice that

carried an undercurrent of menace.

The woman nodded calmly but did not speak.

"You've been meddling where you shouldn't be," he continued. "And now you're going to pay for it."

The woman's expression remained unchanged as she replied evenly: "I have done nothing wrong."

"Wrong or not," he snarled, taking a step forward. "You will suffer for your interference."

At this point, both parties knew that words would no longer suffice. It was time for action - time to see

who would emerge victorious from this deadly game of cat-and-mouse.

With lightning speed, they launched themselves at each other - fists flying and weapons drawn -

determined to emerge triumphant from this epic battle of wills.

Camille narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her expression remained indifferent, and her voice

lacked any warmth as she said, "I can't help you. I can't speak for you. If you really don't want to

continue with this project, then resign instead of coming to me. You should talk to your company's

leaders. I don't have that much power."

Louise felt powerless and stared at Camille as she said, "Are you really going to push me over the


"Louise, are you mistaken? It's not me pushing you over the edge; it's your own problem that has

nothing to do with me. I haven't done anything to harm you; on the contrary, every time it was you who

came looking for trouble with me. So why should I speak up for you? Are you trying to make things

difficult for others?"

Camille felt speechless; she didn't want to waste any more time arguing with Louise about this matter.

She walked around Louise and left the restroom quickly before heading back into the meeting room.

Their entire conversation was heard by a man in another restroom stall.

After Camille left, a handsome man stepped out of his stall blocking Louise's view of him in front of her

light source.

Louise turned around quickly and said,"Mr. Baxter!"

Preston ignored what Louise had just said but smiled slightly while his lips curled upwards revealing an

increasingly deeper smile as he asked,"You want out of this project? Do You also want out from your

company completely?"

Louise looked at Preston blankly like she had found a life-saving straw nodding her head eagerly,"Mr.

Baxter, Can You help Me? Can You give Me one chance?"

Preston leaned closer towards Louise while speaking neither too lightly nor too heavily,"I have one way

but it will be tough."

"I'm not afraid! I'm willing!" replied Louise confidently.

"Good then." Preston calculated everything behind his eyes which made even Louise feel shiver

involuntarily yet all she could think about now was how soon would be able get away from these people

so there wasn't much else on her mind right now.

With Preston's assurance, Louise became motivated again. She knew that soon enough, she would be

free from these people. However, could She really handle what Preston had planned next?

Everything might not be as simple as She thought...

Preston didn't stay long with Louise, nor did he tell her when he would start helping her. He simply

asked her to wait and then left.

Preston finished work early at the museum and had made plans to meet a business partner of Norman

Group's for dinner in Darkmoor. The partner was involved in foreign trade and had a new collaboration

opportunity that Austin had introduced to Preston.

The purpose of their dinner was to discuss this opportunity, but it couldn't be done openly as it involved

some illegal activities. However, the profits were high while the risks and responsibilities were equally


They chatted happily throughout their meal in a private room before finalizing the deal. When they

parted ways after dinner, Preston headed towards his car only to bump into Ayan who had just finished

his own meal nearby. novelbin

It had been a while since they met alone like this; their last encounter was during the museum project's

banquet two days ago where Ayan stole all the attention from Preston.

As they locked eyes with each other now, both could feel an array of emotions stirring within them.

They weren't afraid of each other though; instead, they stared intently at one another without breaking

eye contact even for a moment.

Ayan broke the silence by asking casually: "Should I call you Mr. Baxter or Mr. Walker?"

Preston replied nonchalantly: "Whatever makes Mr. Simpson happy."

Ayan chuckled softly before continuing: "But how can I do that? After all, Mr. Baxter is currently wearing

a mask and pretending to be someone else entirely! If I were to remove your hat right now, you

wouldn't have any face left!"

Although Ayan spoke calmly without much emotion on his face or tone of voice, every word he said felt

like an insult aimed directly at Preston's ego - implying that he was nothing more than an imposter who

couldn't show his true self in public.

Preston's face was cold and gloomy, filled with anger and displeasure. He stood there motionless, his

eyes burning with crimson fury. With a cold snort, he said, "What does it matter if it's true or not? Mr.

Simpson knows who I am. Whether or not I can hold my head up high in front of people is not for Mr.

Simpson to decide. But I hope that when the secrets of the Simpson family are exposed, Mr. Simpson

will still be as confident as he is now. I want to see if Cami will still stand by your side then."

Preston brought up the topic of the Simpson family himself, which was something Ayan had yet to

figure out because Preston had been silent on it for so long that investigating it was proving difficult.

Ayan couldn't find anything about something that had no clues or purpose.

Seeing Ayan's expression change involuntarily made Preston burst into a smug smile and his gaze

became provocative as he spoke slowly: "If Mr. Simpson doesn't believe us then let's wait and see who

has the last laugh?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly while maintaining an indifferent expression on his face; he would

naturally not be provoked by Preston's taunts but there were ripples in his heart nonetheless . He

looked at Preston without any emotion on his face before retorting coldly: "Since you have such great

abilities why don't you show them instead of hiding behind your words?"

"Don't worry Mr. Simpson everything happens for a reason; sooner or later The Simpsons Family will

pay for what they've done," replied Preston calmly.

"Oh really?" Ayan sneered with an icy expression on his face before continuing: "Do you have any

evidence? Speaking recklessly comes with consequences; haven't you learned how to speak properly

yet? Or is it because nobody around you has set a good example for how to behave like a decent

human being?"

With a cold look in his eyes Ayan warned him through these words not to follow Sean's path lest they

end up losing track of him altogether.

Preston immediately got agitated too and questioned directly: "Sean is in your hands right? What's the

point of hiding him like this? If you're really so powerful why don't we confront each other face-to-face?"

"When it comes to confrontation? You think anyone can confront me face-to-face?" Ayan sneered, his

eyes filled with disdainful mockery. His words were telling Preston that he was not worthy of confronting


Ayan had never considered Preston as an equal. If it weren't for the fact that everything he did pointed

towards the Simpson family, Ayan wouldn't have bothered with him at all. He just wanted to know what

grudge or other issues he had with the Simpson family.

The two men stared at each other like this, and naturally, Preston was struck by Ayan's words straight

into his heart. His voice became cold and harsh as he said, "Since Mr. Simpson is so confident, let's

wait and see!"

After speaking, Preston opened the car door and drove away.

Ayan stood still in place without moving. At this time Kian also walked quickly over to him and saw that

Ayan's face didn't look good. He whispered,"Mr. Simpson, what did Preston say?"

Ayan faintly narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice,"Take me back to The Simpson Mansion."

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