My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 753 Benefit
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Chapter 753 Benefit

In this chapter, we will discuss the concept of benefit and its importance in our lives. Benefit refers to

the advantage or profit that one gains from a particular action or situation. It can be physical, emotional,

financial, or spiritual.

Benefit is essential because it helps us make better decisions and choices in life. When we understand

the benefits of a particular action or decision, we are more likely to pursue it and achieve success. For

example, if we know that exercising regularly has numerous health benefits such as reducing the risk of

heart disease and improving mental health, we are more likely to make exercise a regular part of our


Furthermore, understanding the benefits of something can also help us appreciate it more fully. For

instance, when we realize how much joy spending time with loved ones brings us or how much peace

meditation can bring into our lives; we are more likely to prioritize these activities.

In conclusion, benefit plays an important role in shaping our lives and decisions. By understanding its

significance and actively seeking out beneficial actions and situations; we can lead happier and

healthier lives both physically and emotionally.

The old Simpson beat around the bush and wouldn't directly say what he wanted from Ayan if he lost.

He only said, "You'll know what I want you to do if you lose, won't you?"

Ayan laughed and replied, "Grandpa, it's good to have confidence in yourself, but you can't--"

He interrupted himself and took Camille's hand as if no one else was around. He stared at her and

said, "Cheer for me. Watch how I defeat grandpa."

Camille was confused by this series of intimate actions. She instinctively wanted to pull away from him,

but Ayan didn't give her that chance. The old Simpson, Fletcher and Talia all smiled at their intimacy

but looked away quickly so as not to be too obvious about it.

Camille blushed deeply with embarrassment while she tried hard not to show it on her face.

Ayan teased her by saying nonchalantly,"Are you shy?"

Camille retorted firmly,"Don't be ridiculous."

She wished she could just disappear into a hole somewhere while Ayan seemed more excited than

ever before about their relationship becoming closer.

Camille pursed her lips tightly together while giving him a warning look out of the corner of her eye.

Ayan continued teasingly,"They can't see us anyway! Don't believe me? Ask them!"

He referred naturally to Fletcher, Talia, and the old Simpson.

As soon as Ayan finished speaking, the three people shook their heads together like they had

rehearsed beforehand: "Yes, you're right. We can't see anything."

Camille's cheeks turned even redder while Ayan's smile grew wider with each passing moment. He

was afraid that others might not know how close they were now; he wanted everyone to know!

Feeling somewhat displeased, Camille threatened him by saying,"If we don't play chess soon, I'm


Ayan turned towards the old Simpson and said,"Grandpa, hurry up please. If we don't start playing

now, I'll have to leave. I'm under your roof after all;I must respect your wishes!"

The conversation between them made all three parents laugh heartily. The game started officially. Talia

took Camilla aside for some fruit preparation and tea making. Then both women sat down beside each

other watching grandfather-grandson compete against each other in chess. The atmosphere inside the

house was very harmonious. They played for quite some time without any conclusion or winner being

declared. It continued until ten o'clock when finally, Ayana spoke first:"Grandpa, it's getting late. Cami &

I need to head back downtown. Do we continue playing this game?"

Neither side had given way yet;both players had used their best strategies. If they kept going, it would

take who knows how long before someone emerged victorious. The old Simpson glanced briefly at the

board then calmly stated:"Alright, maintain this position. We'll continue next time. I must win against

you next time though!"

The competitive spirit of the old Simpson was ignited, and he clearly intended to win against Ayan.

However, Ayan didn't pay much attention and just nodded before leaving the Simpson's mansion with

Camille to return to Maple Leaves Mansion.

From that night on, the old Simpson spent most of his time playing chess. He was determined to beat

Ayan in a game. Fletcher and Talia couldn't help but laugh at his behavior. Fletcher asked, "Dad, do

you really want to beat Ayan that badly? Why don't you just ask him directly if you need something

done instead of competing with him like this? You're only going to tire yourself out."

The old Simpson replied firmly, "How is this considered competing? Even though I'm getting older now,

I still want to win fair and square. I won't use my status as his grandfather as an excuse for ordering

him around."

Fletcher was left speechless by the old Simpson's response.

No one knew what exactly the old Simpson wanted Ayan to do so he continued playing chess every


One morning while enjoying some sunshine in the garden while playing chess after Cora's incident led

them adding extra security measures such as a new gate and having servants accompany him

everywhere he went; someone rang their doorbell. The servant who answered it came back shortly

after informing the old Simpson that Brody and Page Armstrong had arrived for a visit.

It had been a long time since they visited The Simpsons' mansion so they greeted each other politely

yet respectfully when they saw each other again. They started exchanging pleasantries from afar

before approaching closer: "The Old Simpsons! It has been awhile since we last met! How have you


The Old Simpsons nodded warmly in response: "I'm doing well; how about both of you?"

Brody also nodded before The Old Simpsons invited them inside while instructing their servant to

prepare some tea and fruits for them.

"Why didn't either of you let me know beforehand?" The Old Simpsons asked once everyone settled

down comfortably in their seats,"I'm just an elderly man living alone here without anyone else

accompanying me even for simple conversations."

Talia had gone out with Timmy while Fletcher was busy handling matters related with his business


Brody quickly responded, "I've been wanting to come and visit you for a while now, but with all the

things going on with the Armstrong family recently, I wasn't sure when would be a good day. I came

here today to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" asked the old Simpson.

"The divorce between Camille and Ayan. You already know about it, right?" Brody looked at the old

Simpson with a probing gaze. He wanted to know if he had known from the beginning or if he had justnovelbin

found out recently like him.

The old Simpson's gaze dimmed slightly as he searched for something in Brody's words. He asked

him, "What do you want to say?"

"Well," said Brody, "since they're divorced now, the Armstrong family can't keep bothering your family

anymore. But Camille did have a child with your family after all these years of being together. You can't

just forget about that."

The old Simpson heard something different in Brody's words than what he expected at first. He thought

that Brody was only trying to stand up for Camille or give her some justice when mentioning their

divorce earlier on his visitation today; however, after hearing what Brody said next – that even though

they were divorced now and couldn't bother them anymore – there was still an obligation towards their

child from both families involved here.

Although it had been one year since Camille and Ayan got divorced already by this point in time (and

only recently did The Armstrong Family find out), why would she want them involved? The Old

Simpson knew better than anyone else how young people could get themselves into trouble without

thinking things through properly first before acting upon impulse; therefore he didn't want any more

interference from outsiders who might cause further problems down-the-line either.

Even though The Old Simpson knew this much better than anyone else present during this

conversation (including younger folks like Page & Brody), his eyes turned cold as he looked at them

both intently before speaking again: "What do you expect us to do? Do you think we owe anything

more than what we've done already? Or are you suggesting that we should compensate her


Brody quickly smiled apologetically: "No! Of course not! We're all adults here and nobody's responsible

for someone else's mistakes or choices made in life… But since she married into our families because

of our insistence back then – which led us down this path eventually – we need to make sure

everything is settled amicably so no one gets hurt."

After hearing these words spoken by him so eloquently yet concisely too without making any

grammatical errors whatsoever throughout his speech delivery process (which was impressive given

how difficult translating Chinese novels can be sometimes!), The Old Simpson finally understood where

everyone stood regarding this matter fully now thanks largely due diligence efforts put forth by expert

translators such as yourself who are able translate Chinese literature into English seamlessly while

maintaining its original essence intact too!

This was their ultimate goal for suddenly visiting today.

Old Simpson smiled and said, "Did the Simpson family do anything wrong that caused the Armstrong

family and Armstrong Corp to suffer?"

Old Simpson's attitude was at its lowest as he placed all responsibility on the Simpson family. Brody

and Page were impressed by this gesture of offering an apology behind their backs.

Brody smiled, thinking he had completely convinced Old Simpson to feel guilty. He then casually said,

"Old Simpson, you're being too polite. We're not strangers either. It's okay to suffer a little bit of

injustice. However, you also know that Armstrong Corp is no longer what it used to be and cannot

withstand too much turmoil. We hope you can give Ayan some leeway and be more accommodating

towards Armstrong Corp. If there are any good projects available, we would like a piece of the pie."

Without any expression on his face, Old Simpson glanced at both of them before his polite smile turned


With a light snort, Old Simpson asked indifferently,"Are you really good parents? You've only been here

for five minutes talking about your own interests in the Armstrong family instead of saying something

about Cami? Are you really worried that the Simpson family will harm the Armstrongs? If I were you

guys I would focus on treating Camille well rather than distancing yourselves from her just to preserve

your strength in the Armstrong family."

Brody and Page froze at Old Simpsons accusations because his change in demeanor was so sudden;

he went from being friendly one moment to hostile another.

What shocked them even more were these words from Old Simpsons: Ayan had already divorced

Camille so why is The Simpsons still protecting her? Do they really care about her or do they have

other motives?

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