My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 754 Tolerance
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Chapter 754 Tolerance

Tolerance is an important virtue that we should all strive to cultivate. It means being patient and

understanding towards others, even when they may have different beliefs or opinions than us.

In today's world, where there are so many different cultures, religions and lifestyles, it is more important

than ever to be tolerant of others. We must learn to respect their differences and appreciate the

diversity that makes our world such a rich and interesting place.

Being tolerant also means being open-minded and willing to listen to other people's perspectives. It

requires us to put aside our own biases and preconceptions in order to truly understand where

someone else is coming from.

Of course, tolerance does not mean that we have to agree with everything that others say or do. We

can still hold firm in our own beliefs while respecting those of others.

Ultimately, tolerance allows us all to live together peacefully in a world where everyone has the

freedom to express themselves as they see fit. So let us all strive towards greater tolerance in our daily

lives – it will make the world a better place for everyone.

After all, Brody and Page didn't believe that anyone would treat a stranger unconditionally. Even if

Camille had a child with the Simpson family, she was still an outsider in their eyes.

But Brody didn't say these words out loud, nor did he directly ask what the old Simpson was thinking.

Brody and Page exchanged glances. Brody quickly tried to explain: "Old Simpson, we don't mean

anything by it. We haven't said anything about doing anything to Camille. We know she has a bad

temper and that the divorce was her fault, but we're not blaming her for it. We just wanted to talk to you

first and make sure we weren't doing anything wrong."

Brody wasn't sure what the old Simpson was thinking about Camille or the Armstrong family.

"Yeah, Old Simpson," added Page quickly. "You can't take your frustration with Camille out on us

Armstrongs just because we're related by marriage! Although you think of us as one big happy family...


Brody gave Page a warning look before cutting her off: "Don't speak nonsense in front of Old Simpson."

Page immediately fell silent.

The old Simpson found their conversation amusing but sternly warned them: "I know what's going on in

your minds and I'm aware of everything involving the Armstrongs. If anyone messes with my

granddaughter again, there will be consequences for everyone involved."

Without another word or explanation from either party, the old Simpson dismissed them both through

his servant: "Escort our guests out; I'm tired now."

The two were left standing there without any reaction or movement for some time after hearing his

words clearly understood his threat and implication towards them regarding Camille's safety.

As they left The Simpsons' mansion looking displeased while getting into their car together afterward ,

Page asked Brody curiously:"What did Old Simpsons mean? Hasn't Ayan already divorced from

Camile? Why is he still protecting her like this? It's like he thinks she's part of The Simpsons' family."

Brody's face was extremely ugly, but he didn't respond to Page's words. He just sat there in silence,

feeling very depressed.

The two of them hadn't even started their car when Page returned with Timmy.

They drove straight into the Simpson mansion without saying hello. Talia only found out that Brody's

mother had come over and had an unpleasant conversation with the old Simpson after she got out of

the car. So Talia didn't plan on greeting Brody's mother again.

As Timmy played in the garden, his laughter echoed outside the gate and reached Brody's mother's

ears. They were cold towards Camille and naturally towards Timmy as well. Hearing Timmy laugh now,

Page couldn't help but mutter: "Camille is so heartless! She never brought her child back to Armstrong

family to show us anything! And now that he has grown up and she is divorced from him, Armstrong

family hasn't gotten anything."

Brody remained silent; he agreed with what Page said.

Page continued: "What do you think about today's attitude from old Simpson? What does it mean for

Simpson family?"

Brody snorted lightly because what old Simpson said was like a slap in his face; it hurt him badly. His

mood was not good at all right now; he replied: "What could it mean? They just look down on us

because of their status in society! As for Camille... I guess they're just saying things to our faces about

her being treated well by them... if they really cared about Camille so much why did they get divorced?"

"They may have gotten divorced but their relationship still seems good-looking though," Paige argued

back."This time Ayan solved everything online without involving Armstrong family at all... maybe Ayan

did this because their relationship isn't as bad as we think?"

Brody remained silent again; his expression was very gloomy.

After sitting in the car for a while longer, they finally asked the driver to drive away from there.

Inside Simpson mansion, Talia let Auntie take Timmy upstairs before asking old Simpson about Brody

and Paige coming over here today.

Old Simpson looked angry and dissatisfied as he spoke harshly against them:"You don't need to tell

Cami that these two came over here today… It'll only make her feel uncomfortable."

Talia nodded in agreement, also questioning the behavior of the Armstrong family's parents. She said,

"The Armstrong family only has two daughters. They love Grace so much, why are they so biased

against Cami? I even suspect if Cami is really their biological daughter."

Old Simpson didn't say anything and his expression was somewhat complex. However, he personally

called Ayan about this matter and asked him to be a little more lenient towards the Armstrong family.

This way, the Armstrong family would treat Camille a little better too.

After talking with Old Simpson, Ayan immediately had Kian check on the Armstrong family's schedule.

When he found out that Brody and Page had come to them voluntarily, his face looked very ugly.

Kian said: "The purpose of what the Armstrongs did should be because they were afraid it would

implicate themselves and Armstrong Corp., so they wanted to please Old Simpson by trying to distance


Ayan snorted lightly and said coldly: "I think their attempt at distancing themselves is fake. They want to

please Grandpa by giving some benefits from The Simpson Family for Timmy being born into The

Armstong Family."

Kian couldn't help but complain: "The Armstongs only care about their own interests; there isn't any

sincerity towards Madam in their eyes! Why is Grandpa still helping them speak up? Can you be a little

more tolerant towards Camille?"

"Grandpa is just trying not let The Armstongs trouble Camille all day long." Ayan's expression became

heavier as his tone grew colder too. He continued saying,"But this can't solve The Armstongs'

selfishness that has been fixed in their hearts for a long time now! If there are any suitable projects for

Simpson Group later on that could be handled by The Armstong Corp., we don't need direct contact

with them; just find Horace."

Kian nodded indicating he understood.

Then Kian added,"Mr. Simpson, Molly took her flight back to Flento City this morning. She should have

arrived at Walker Family's place by now."

"Did she go alone?"

"Yeah, you guessed it right. Preston didn't go back with Molly. I don't know how he convinced her into

going back alone."

"No matter how much persuasion there is, Molly will always feel a sense of distance in her heart after a

long time and many times. It just depends on how foolish Molly is and when she can see through

Preston completely." Ayan sneered lightly, then glanced indifferently at Kian. He asked, "Have you

been to the mental hospital recently?"

Cora had always been watched by someone, and with recent events, Kian hadn't had time to go. novelbin

Ayan said, "Go check it out these next few days. Make sure everything is secure before anything


"Okay, don't worry. I'll go tomorrow morning!" Kian nodded in response.

After discussing business matters with Ayan, Kian finally left the office.

Ayan began to look through files and handle other matters for Simpson Group.

Molly had already returned to the Walker family in Flento City.

Since Molly came back alone, Luke and Naomi scolded her harshly from the moment she entered the


Luke questioned Molly: "When did you two get together? Why did you hide it from us?"

Molly hung her head without saying a word; her expression was also quite serious.

Her silence made Luke even more angry as he said: "What drug did Preston give you that made you

act like this? Why won't he come back with you? He doesn't care about you at all! Call him right now

and cut ties with him! I absolutely won't allow you two to be together!"

Luke's emotions were unstable; his mental state was not good either. The more he spoke now, the

more agitated he became.

Of course Molly wouldn't agree; she blurted out anxiously: "I'm pregnant! Do you want my child to grow

up without a father?"

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