My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 752: The Wager
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Chapter 752: The Wager

In a luxurious private room in the casino, two men sat across from each other at a table. One was

dressed in expensive designer clothes and had an air of arrogance about him, while the other wore

simple clothing and had a calm demeanor.

"I propose a wager," said the arrogant man. "I bet that I can win ten million dollars in one night of


The other man raised an eyebrow. "And what do you propose as the stakes?"

"If I win, you must give me your entire fortune," replied the arrogant man.

The calm man chuckled. "And if I win?"

"You can have whatever you want," said the arrogant man confidently.

The calm man thought for a moment before agreeing to the wager. He knew he was an expert gambler

and felt confident that he could beat his opponent.

As they began to play, it quickly became clear that the calm man was indeed skilled at gambling. He

won hand after hand, steadily increasing his winnings throughout the night.

Meanwhile, the arrogant man grew increasingly frustrated as he lost more and more money with each

passing hour.

Finally, as dawn approached and their game came to an end, it was clear who had won: The calm man

had amassed over ten million dollars in winnings while his opponent had lost everything he owned.

With a smug smile on his face, the calm man collected his winnings and left without another word.

"What are my plans? I don't have any plans. If he had evidence, would he still be trying to test you? He

would have just come to me with the evidence and demanded Sean." Ayan was calm and collected as

he spoke to Camille.

"Don't worry about him. If he comes looking for you again, just tell him to come find me," Ayan


Camille nodded in agreement, her expression becoming more serious. "A living person can't just

disappear without a trace. What if Preston really does find evidence?" she asked.

"We'll deal with it when it happens," Ayan replied confidently. Whether or not Preston found anything

didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.

If Preston did find something, it would only make things easier for them all. But Ayan knew that Preston

wouldn't act until he was sure that Sean was in his hands.

Despite knowing everything that was going on, Ayan refused to reveal anything unless provoked by

Preston himself. He wanted to see who could hold out longer - him or Preston.

After dinner at a restaurant, Camille and Ayan left together in his car. They knew they were being

followed but didn't let it bother them too much.

A few days had passed since they last saw Timmy at Simpson's mansion due to recent events but now

they planned on visiting him tonight after work hours ended for both of them

As soon as they arrived back at Simpson Group headquarters, Ayan got back into work mode and

attended several meetings throughout the afternoon before returning back home where Kian updated

him on tomorrow's schedule before asking about Sean's situation.

"Don't worry, everything is fine. The people watching him have never shown their faces around us, so it

won't raise any suspicion or attention," Kian reassured.

"We can't let our guard down. We need to change personnel more frequently," Ayan replied.

"Okay, I understand," Kian nodded in agreement.

Ayan didn't say anything else. He didn't want to waste too much effort on someone like Sean.

Preston had a busy afternoon. He tried his best to find out about Ayan's properties but couldn't find

anything useful after visiting every single one of them. He believed that Ayan must have kept Sean in

one of his properties under his name, but Ayan had already thought of this and took Sean directly to a

villa under the name of the old Simpson family as soon as he captured him.

This villa was located in Hance City's famous wealthy area and was not just for show since there were

actual people living around it. Who would think that someone could hide a person inside such a

luxurious villa?

Preston couldn't find Sean anywhere and became increasingly frustrated with each passing moment.

Just then, Molly called him again: "Preston, I'm flying back to Flento City tomorrow morning. Can you

give me a ride?"

"I'll arrange for a driver to take you," Preston replied bluntly since he wasn't the driver himself.

Molly hesitated for a moment but didn't feel like there was anything wrong with what Preston said since

she only wanted to see him anyway: "Can I come see you instead?"

"Molly, I have many things on my plate right now; can you please stop being childish?" Preston

snapped impatiently at her before realizing that he sounded too harsh and added softly: "Be good and

go back home first; handle the Walker family's affairs properly."

Now that Sean went missing, he needed to find him as soon as possible.

Molly didn't say anything else except nodding obediently before hanging up the phone.

However, she wasn't ready yet to give up on seeing Preston just yet so she took a taxi alone all the

way down from her hotel room straight towards where Preston lived hoping maybe she could catch

sight of him doing something important or urgent.

She waited for what felt like an eternity until it got dark outside at 7 pm when finally saw Preston's car

pull into his garage downstairs from where she stood hiding behind safety doors leading into another

hallway nearby his apartment door without being seen by anyone else who might be walking by at this

time of night.

Soon, she saw Preston walking out of the elevator holding hands with a woman. The woman's voice

was gentle and she laughed, and the two of them had an intimate relationship as they walked into the


She also came out of the safety passage door, still smelling the fragrance left by the woman and

Preston in the air. It was a familiar scent that made her face stiffen with pain and sadness. She didn't

stay long, turned around and walked into the elevator to leave.

Molly also had some unprecedented thoughts in her mind. Originally, she always thought that if Preston

didn't love Camille he could love her instead. But now everything that appeared before her clearly told

her that it wasn't like this at all - he could not love Camille but he could love someone else; just not her.

She really wanted to ask Preston if he really couldn't spare even a little bit of his love for her?


Hance City at night is colorful; city lights are lively words.

The Simpson's mansion is located on a mountainous position in Hance City overlooking downtown

Hance City from above; surrounded by silence without being disturbed by any city smoke.

Tonight because Camille came back with Ayan, The Simpson's mansion was also very lively.

The old Simpson and Timmy were very happy; Timmy can walk now so he runs everywhere. When he

saw Camille, he stuck to her like glue. The old Simpson saw that Camille's relationship with Ayan was

getting closer every day which made him genuinely happy inside.

After dinner everyone sat in the living room chatting about various things but no one mentioned what

happened two days ago since The old Simpson didn't know about it either.

The old Simpson looked at Camille holding Timmy and couldn't help teasing: "Look at this little guy! He

usually has such a good relationship with me but after seeing his mom again, she's still his favorite."

Camille smiled as she looked down at Timmy who was snuggled up against her chest - as a mother

naturally would be happy after carrying him for ten months without any trouble or hardship!

But The old Simpson treated Timmy just as well too - gently pinching his chubby cheeks while saying:

"Timmy loves everyone too right?"

Timmy seemed to understand nodding his head while clapping his hands which caused everyone in

room to laugh happily together afterwards.

Later on, Camile gave Timy bath before handing him over to Auntie for bed time .

It wasn't too late yet, so she chatted with the old Simpson, Fletcher, and Talia while Ayan played chess

with the old Simpson. "Let's make a bet!" said the old Simpson.

Ayan couldn't help but laugh. "What do you want to bet on?"

The old Simpson thought for a moment and then said seriously, "If I win, you have to do something for


"And if I win?"

"Then you can say whatever you want."

The old Simpson was not afraid at all and didn't seem to think he would lose. After all, he had taught

Ayan how to play chess. Although they were evenly matched most of the time when they played

together as grandfather and grandson, he had eaten more salt than Ayan had eaten rice. How could he

not win once?

At this moment, Fletcher cleared his throat as if hinting at something. novelbin

But before Ayan could react, the old Simpson spoke up again. "Don't let me win just because I'm older

than you or because your father taught you how to play chess. I'm not so senile that I need someone to

go easy on me when we play chess."

Ayan glanced at Fletcher who shook his head helplessly before walking over to sit down with a cup of


"Okay," said Ayan with a smile. "Whatever you say goes. But what are we betting on?"

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