My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1470: Thoughts
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Chapter 1470: Thoughts

Chapter 1470: Thoughts

"Hmm, the shares of Armstrong Corp are everything to the Armstrong family. The Armstrong familyis now in disarray, and I don't want Grace to be left with nothing," she said. She had Ayan, she knewAyan wouldn't betray her, but Horace was an unknown, so she was worried.

Ayan also sensed Camille's worries in her words, but from his perspective, Horace wouldn't be thatkind of person.

However, some things were uncertain, so Ayan could only say, "Don't worry, if any unexpectedsituations arise, it's okay. You are her strongest support."

As long as Camille was there, Grace wouldn't come to harm.

All of the Simpson family's resources would also be directed towards Grace, but if Horace really didwrong Grace, he would be harming Camille as a person, not her interests. Horace couldn't takeaway what Armstrong Corp had.

Camille also sighed softly, saying, "I may be overthinking things. There have been too many thingshappening recently, causing me to have too many thoughts."

Ayan reassured her softly, "You're under too much pressure. Leave the matters to others, theArmstrong family's affairs are already settled, you don't need to worry about other people or things.I'll have Kian handle them directly."

Seeing Camille distressed by these troublesome matters, Ayan felt sorry for her, especially after thelast time when they were embroiled in the Armstrong family matter and faced a frenzy of verbalabuse. The incident still weighed heavily on Ayan's mind. If Camille hadn't insisted on handling itherself, he would have taken care of those people directly.

Ayan was never afraid of trouble or escalating matters, but he feared that Camille's mood would beruined by these troublesome issues.

His words instantly soothed Camille's mood, not because they needed to do anything, but becausea comforting word made her feel happy.

She sighed, her voice filled with a clear sense of amusement as she said, "I know you are the best,but I don't plan to resolve the issues with the two uncles so quickly. I want to take it slowly, step bystep. They want to adopt their son into the Armstrong family and try to seize everything from theArmstrong family. Let them have this opportunity, but the condition is, what will be their choice?"novelbin

Of course, Camille shared every detail of the dinner conversation today with Ayan, along with herthoughts and plans.

Ayan listened and nodded lightly in satisfaction, "Your thoughts are good, but be careful when theyrealize and decide to cooperate."

"I've thought about it, honestly, I'm not afraid. Even if we cooperate, as long as Grace and Idisapprove, they won't be able to adopt."

"If they really discuss adopting a son into the Armstrong family?"

"Then let them, my condition is changing the name and surname to Armstrong, but apart from this, Ihave another condition - setting boundaries and making it public."

Ayan also thought it was a good idea. And he asked in a low voice, "You don't plan on leaving themany backdoor, right?"

"Since they have thought of this method, they must be coveting the Armstrong family's money andbenefits. In that case, I certainly can't give them a way out."

"I support you," Ayan gently held her hand, his voice still full of tenderness as he said, "If you needmy cooperation or help, just ask without any hesitation."

"You can rest assured, I definitely won't be polite with you." When there was a need, she wouldspeak up immediately.

The two of them chatted for a long time, not remembering when they had last had a conversationlike today.

After chatting, it was already late.

Camille took a bath and lay down, while Ayan went to the study to deal with company matters.

She had originally wanted to wait for him to sleep together, but while waiting, she couldn't resistclosing her eyes due to drowsiness.

When feeling drowsy, it was hard to control the eyelids from closing.

The next day when Camille woke up, Ayan was nowhere to be seen in the bedroom.

After washing up and changing into clothes, she went downstairs.

The maid saw her coming down and immediately went to prepare breakfast, saying, "You've lostweight recently, eat more. These are all left by Ayan for you."

Looking at the breakfast table that even several people couldn't finish, Camille smiled, "Okay, I'll tryto eat more."

With so many things happening recently, she hadn't eaten much, which was why she had indeedlost quite a bit of weight.

Camille smiled lightly, the smile on her lips particularly evident.

She sat at the dining table and finished breakfast alone, then looked at the time. It was still early, butAyan had already gone to the company at this hour.

The weather was nice today, she thought about whether to go to the company or take a lazy day athome. But before she could decide, her phone on the table rang.

She picked up the phone, glanced at the incoming call, it was Grace.

She answered the call, and before she could speak, Grace's voice came through the phone,"Camille, do you have time right now?"

"Yes, I do, why? What's up?" Camille asked.

"Accompany me back to the Armstrong family. It's better to bring two people with us. Uncle and auntjust called, they've made up their minds," Grace's voice sounded anxious and worried. She asked,"Camille, do you think they might cause trouble?"

Grace was worried because of her uncle and aunt's perseverance in this matter, coupled with theirargument last night, her heart couldn't help but be filled with worry and fear.

Camille was silent for a moment before speaking calmly, "Are they coming to see the Armstrongfamily?"

"It was my idea. Big Uncle's intention is for me to go to their house, but I definitely don't want to gothere. I'd rather they come to the Armstrong family. But I didn't let them know that I'm living at MapleLeaves Mansion. I said I live on your side, it'll take about an hour to return." Grace lied with a hint ofnervousness, but she had to be strong and calm to prevent her uncles from achieving their goal.

Camille praised her, "You did well. You should treat them this way. Don't let them know your truesituation. If they find out that you're with Horace, they'll have something to say."

When a person's heart has turned bad, no matter what they hear, they will subconsciously turn itinto something bad.

Camille agreed to meet Grace at a set time, then went upstairs to tidy up quickly. She asked thedriver to go to Maple Leaves Mansion to pick up Grace and then accompany her to the Armstrongfamily.

When the two arrived at the Armstrong family, the two uncles were already there.

In addition to the uncles and aunts, there were also their sons.

Six people, each driving their own car.

From their expressions, it seemed that things weren't as harmonious as before.

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