My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1403: Restless
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Chapter 1403: Restless

Chapter 1403: Restless

Ayan nodded lightly, indicating his understanding, and after finishing up his work, he stood up and said, "Let's meet in theconference room!"

Kian replied, "| have already asked them to come over."novelbin

It had been several days since Daisy had seen Ayan, so when she saw him now, she immediately stood up, her eyes fixed onhim. She hurriedly spoke, "Ayan, it's been a while. Have you been busy these days?”

Ayan's expression was indifferent, his gaze never landing on Daisy but directly walking past her and finally stopping at the mainseat in the conference room. He looked at Kerry and asked, "Mr. Kerry, are you prepared with the detailed contract details?"

Kerry nodded and replied, "Yes, | am ready. Mr. Simpson, please have a look."Kerry handed the contract to his assistant to pass it to Kian, who then placed it in front of Ayan.

Ayan glanced briefly at it and then handed it over to Kian for a detailed review. He said, "Is Mr. Tillery planning to sign thecontract today or should we choose a specific time?"

Kerry replied, "It is up to Mr. Simpson to decide. Mr. Tillery is not here, so we will coordinate with Mr. Simpson's schedule.""In that case, I'll need Mr. Kerry to give me a day. After the legal department reviews the contract, we can sign it. Is that okay?"

“Of course, it is necessary." Kerry nodded, noticing in the corner of his eye that Daisy, sitting beside him, was gazing at Ayan withadmiration and adoration, something he had never seen in Ayan before.

Ahint of envy flashed in Kerry's eyes, but there was nothing he could do.

Ayan did not miss Kerry's actions, and with a faint smile, he calmly said, "Mr. Kerry, | would like to have a private chat with you.Do you have the time now?"

The mention of a private chat caught Kerry and Daisy by surprise.

Daisy was the first to speak, "Ayan, why do you want to talk to him privately? You can talk to me directly. | am in charge of thisproject, and even if there are things | don't understand, | will learn from you. Can you give me this learning opportunity? | know |caused you some trouble before, but now | genuinely want to learn from you. | fought hard for this project from the beginning and| want to learn from it. Ayan, please."

Daisy stood up, fearing that the discussion was related to the project. If that was the case, once Ayan and Kerry finished talking,the contract would likely be signed, and she would have to leave. She felt like this trip to Hance City would be fruitless, notachieving her purpose.

Despite everything, she hadn't given up on the idea of being with Ayan. She didn't believe that Ayan being married meant hebelonged to Camille forever. She felt that she and Ayan were the most compatible, the most suitable.

In her upbringing, she had seen too many relationships like this. Even after her parents were married, her father could still loveother women and have children with them without divorcing her mother. This kind of balance was acceptable to her.

Her mind was completely consumed by thoughts of being with Ayan. She had lost all reason, her eyes filled with Ayan.But her reaction seemed insignificant to Ayan, who remained indifferent, even cold, making Daisy feel powerless.Ayan didn't respond to Daisy, instead turning back to Kerry and asking, "Mr. Kerry, have you considered my proposal?"

Thinking the discussion was related to the project, Kerry glanced at Ayan and then quickly whispered to Daisy, "Miss Daisy, I'llhave someone accompany you out. If Mr. Simpson wants to talk privately, we need to cooperate. This was Mr. Tillery's specificinstruction for me to come to Hance City."

As long as Mr. Tillery was mentioned, Daisy would comply, even if she didn't want to do it.Kerry knew this, and so did Daisy.

After Kerry's words, Daisy hesitated for about thirty seconds before making a move, her eyes full of reluctance but ultimatelyfutile.

Ayan also gave Kian a look, and Kian followed Daisy out of the office.

Kian's task was to keep an eye on Daisy. She couldn't possibly buy the loyalty of everyone in the building, but she might try togather information from other departments.

In the conference room, only Ayan and Kerry remained after everyone involved in the project had left.Their eyes met, and Kerry spoke, "Mr. Simpson, | don't understand why you want to talk to me privately."

Ayan smiled faintly and said, "Mr. Kerry, you've been in Hance City for quite some time, haven't you? Do you find Hance City tobe better than your place?”

Kerry frowned, not quite understanding Ayan's question.

And then Ayan continued, "Don't you think it's better here? After all, in your place, you might not even see Miss Daisy, and even ifyou do, she might ignore you. But in Hance City, it seems like you get along well with her."

Because in Hance City, Daisy onlyhad Kerry as a familiar cenAlthough she d-agaistants'a dboniyguatdSaround her, they were allwomen. It was dull for her, especiallywith Ayan's indifference, making hereven more restless. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

So she could only share her frustrations with Kerry, who was good at dispelling her worries, always encouraging her. Eventhough he felt uncomfortable himself, he always wanted to make Daisy happy.

Ayan smiled faintly, his eyes revealing a penetrating insight that made Kerry uneasy, his face growing serious.

Kerry asked, "Is it because | am closeto Miss Daisy that you treated herthat way just now? If s Mr. COMOu mariive to. | knowvery well the difference in statusbetween Daisy and me. But treatingMiss Daisy like that just because shelikes you is unfair to her." Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Kerry believed that Ayan was upset with Daisy because of their closeness.Ayan's eyebrows furrowed subconsciously at Kerry's assumption, his expression turning even colder.

He said straightforwardly, "Mr. Kerry,do you not think it's better herebecause of your oloseselaticnsnip) |

) j isd ven if there mightbe a disparity in your status, MissDaisy's affection for you makes youtreat her with such disrespect. This isunacceptable." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Kerry thought Ayan was going to elaborate on the business aspect, but instead, Ayan pointed out Kerry's relationship with Daisy,which caught him off guard.

The situation had taken a turn neither had expected.

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