My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1404: Wavering
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Chapter 1404: Wavering

Chapter 1404: Wavering

Ayan's handsome face was filled with indifference, his gaze as cold as the weather that dared not be looked at for too long. Kerrywas also a bit uneasy, not sure if he had said something wrong to provoke Ayan's displeasure, but for Daisy's sake, he naturallyhad to continue to persevere.

He said, "Mr. Simpson, perhaps my words were offensive, but everyone knows Miss Daisy's feelings for you. Why continue torefuse? If Simpson Group can reach a long-term partnership with Tillery's Corporation, it would be a mutually beneficial andprofitable development for both groups in the future. It would be a guaranteed win for Mr. Simpson."

"Just a partnership, why should | involve myself?" Ayan's indifferent gaze swept over Kerry, his expression devoid of warmth ashe continued, "You must have been by Mr. Tillery's side for a long time, right? Don't you know that Mr. Tillery has manyillegitimate children? The future of Tillery's Corporation is uncertain, even if Daisy inherits it, do you think Tillery's Corporationwon't crumble?"

In this world, accidents happen every day. Even if Daisy has the ability to take over Tillery's Corporation, do you think her half-siblings would just sit idly by?

The likelihood is almost none, as people are irrational when it comes to interests and desires.

Especially for a large corporation like Tillery's Corporation, once someone owns or fully controls it, they would enjoy both fameand fortune locally.

Kerry's eyes changed after Ayan's words, as he knew this was something that would definitely happen.

He remained silent for a while, his expression low and his heart complex.

Ayan, seeing this, calmly spoke, "Mr. Kerry, do you still think | am someone who does not know what's best for them?"Kerry remained silent.

Whether it was Daisy, Mr. Tillery, or anyone who knew Mr. Tillery's intentions, they would all think Ayan should choose Daisy.After all, only by choosing Daisy could they have a strong partnership. Although Simpson Group was powerful, who wouldn'twant to climb even higher?

But at this moment, Kerry realized that Ayan had never cared for anything related to Tillery's Corporation.

Kerry looked at Ayan, his expression devoid of gloss, his voice hoarse as he asked, "Mr. Simpson, is this what you wanted to talkto me about?"

"It's somewhat related, but not entirely. What we just discussed has a certain relation to what | am about to tell you," Ayan saidcalmly as he looked at Kerry. He did not fully trust Kerry's lack of ambition, as someone with no ambition could not have stayedby Mr. Tillery's side for so long and handled many major projects. Such a position also held significant power within Tillery'sCorporation.

Being in this position naturally came with countless temptations. Kerry had not compromised for Daisy, but if there was nochance for Daisy, would Kerry still continue on this path?

It was an unknown variable.

Ayan's words were confusing, making Kerry's expression even more serious, as he did not know what Ayan was thinking. Kerry'squestion could only come out, "What do you mean by this, Mr. Simpson?"

Ayan said, "Mr. Kerry, it's no secret that you have feelings for Miss Daisy, right?"Kerry's eyes immediately widened in shock as he looked at Ayan, not understanding the implications of his question.He asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, | don't understand what you mean?"

“Mr. Kerry, you don't need to understand my meaning. Just know that I can help you achieve your goal. However, | am abusinessman, and | can't help for free. | need a favor from you, but don't worry, it won't be something difficult. | simply want thepartnership between Simpson Group and Tillery's Corporation to proceed smoothly."

Ayan was straightforward about his thoughts and intentions, with no need for secrecy.Sometimes, being honest was the best way to earn someone's trust.

Faced with Ayan's sincerity, Kerry was in a dilemma and immediately responded, "I appreciate your offer, Mr. Simpson, but | don'tthink my status is deserving of Miss Daisy. | have never entertained any improper thoughts, so I'm sorry, but | can't cooperatewith you."

Ayan didn't mind Kerry's response and simply smiled faintly, maintaining eye contact.He gently opened his thin lips and said, "Mr. Kerry, don't rush to refuse me. | haven't finished speaking yet."

Kerry fell silent, his eyes full of inquiry as he stared at Ayan.

But he found that he couldn't see through Ayan at all, so he had no way of guessing Ayan's intentions.Frowning, Kerry looked at Ayan, his face showing disbelief at Ayan's words.

It seemed unimaginable, as he hadnever dared to think of such heebefore. He insert pie aK

face sho ing

vbite anes as he shane ivSimpson, | appreciate your offer, but |may not be worthy of this. | know thedisparity between me and MissDaisy, so | cannot entertain any falsehopes." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.


"Although there is a large gap instatus between Mr. Kerry and Tillery'sCorporation, do you really Mou t

see Miss Dais yesbtnedne whodopsralvCher but only loves thepower behind Tillery's Corporation? Ifso, do you think Miss Daisy would behappy? If Tillery's Corporation nolonger existed, would her husbandstill choose to be with her?" Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

“Have you never thought about being with Miss Daisy, Mr. Simpson?"

"| have someone | love. Why would | think about such things?" Ayan replied without hesitation, looking at Kerry without a hint ofemotion.

Ayan's question left Kerry at a loss, staring at Ayan in disbelief. He was silent for almost half a minute, during which Ayanpatiently waited for him to understand.

Kerry was clearly wavering, a fact that Ayan could see, which is why he continued the conversation patiently.If Kerry had no intention of cooperating, Ayan would not have taken the time to talk to him about this matter one-on-one.

With narrowed eyes, Ayan stared at Kerry with a faint expression, as if telling him that he had no choice but to agree to thecooperation.

This face-to-face psychological battleleft Kerry's resolve crumbling. With afurrowed brow, he looked at

and aske cHowcan Gore So sure,Ni) Sifh son? Daisy is an

independent individual, not apartnership. Moreover, she clearlyhas feelings for you. Isn't thatenough? Do you not have even theslightest doubt?" Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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