My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1280: Even Worse
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Chapter 1280: Even Worse

Chapter 1280: Even Worse

Camille spent some time looking at the art book with Timmy, and then she gave him a bath. She had

initially planned to sleep with Timmy, but the nanny mentioned that Timmy would have milk at night, so

Camille reluctantly gave up. That's a mother's love-present but not excessive.

The nanny took Timmy away, leaving Camille alone in the bedroom. Throughout the day, the only

communication Camille had was a morning message from Ayan, and since then, there had been no

further contact between them.

Camille looked at her phone, but there was no activity. She pouted unhappily and muttered silently in

her heart, cursing the man. How annoying!

Feeling upset, she grabbed her clothes and headed for a shower. As she intentionally threw her phone

on the couch, she even placed two pillows on top of it, using this method to purposefully ignore it.

During her shower, Ayan, who was thousands of miles away, had just finished a meeting.

This multinational project involved not only the Simpson Group but also other major companies from

different countries. When everyone gathered together, it naturally involved discussions about

economics and the direction of company development.

In this atmosphere, it was like a clash of titans, and one couldn't afford to let their guard down. They

had to be completely focused, using their intelligence and wit. Any slight relaxation would be noticed by

others, potentially becoming a weakness or a leverage against them.

Although it was almost dawn when they arrived at the hotel, it was already late morning in the foreign

country. So, Ayan and Kian had barely slept and had been working intensively.

This mentally demanding work was comparable to physically exhausting tasks.

By the time they finished, it was around 10 a. m. local time in their home country.

The two returned to their hotel room, but there was a dinner party organized by the project host

scheduled for later, starting around 11 p. m. local time.

Ayan sat directly on the couch as soon as he entered the room. He leaned against it, exuding a sense

of exhaustion throughout his body.

Kian quickly brewed a cup of coffee and placed it on the coffee table in front of Ayan. He softly

reminded, "Mr. Simpson, please have a cup of coffee first. We have an event coming up."

If Ayan appeared tired, it could easily mislead people or lead to a breach of etiquette when facing

important individuals.

Ayan grunted in response, raising his hand to gently massage his forehead. After a while, he finally

opened his eyes and drank the coffee in one gulp.

Meanwhile, Kian was organizing detailed information about the people they were going to meet later,

and he went through the important individuals with Ayan as a reminder.

The two of them had been so busy that they hadn't even had dinner yet. They knew they would have to

drink later at the event. So, on the way back, Kian ordered a meal, and after reporting the personnel

information, the meal was delivered to the room. The two of them quickly ate a little to fill their


Only then did Ayan realize that he hadn't had a proper conversation with Camille all day, so he

immediately picked up his phone and called Camille. The call connected quickly, but no one answered.

Ayan thought Camille must have fallen asleep, so he didn't continue calling and instead sent a

message that said, "Are you asleep? Sorry, I've been busy today, and I only have a little time now. We

have a reception later, so don't be mad, okay? If you see this message, please reply. Hmm?"

After sending the message, Ayan looked at it again several times, then put down his phone and

continued eating after about a minute.

Kian noticed Ayan's actions and, of course, knew that he was sending a message to Camille. A slight

smile appeared on his lips, and he couldn't help but speak, "Mr. Simpson, has Mrs. Simpson already

gone to bed at this late hour?"

Ayan responded with a grunt and then said lightly, "Have you contacted your girlfriend?"

Kian nodded and said, "Yes, we've been in touch all along. We even had a video call this afternoon

while you were in the meeting."

Kian's detailed response made Ayan somewhat unhappy, and his expression gradually became faint,

showing a touch of indifference. He said, "You seem to have plenty of free time!"

Kian immediately sensed the jealousy in Ayan's words. He sat up straight, looking serious, and said,

"It's all thanks to Mr. Simpson's blessings."

Ayan snorted but didn't say anything more. The food in his bowl also lost its appeal. Oh, how he wished

he had some time! But time was even more precious to him than money; that was probably the

dilemma of sitting in this position.

Ayan's face became somewhat indifferent. He felt a bit down because he couldn't contact Camille, and

Kian noticed this. Kian also lost his appetite after seeing that even the CEO had lost his appetite. If he

had a good appetite, it would only annoy him.

Kian calmly put down his utensils, walked to the side, sat down, and picked up his phone to send a

message to Yessica, saying, "It's a disaster, I messed up."

Yessica was still awake, so she replied quickly, "What happened? What did you do?"

Kian immediately explained the situation to Yessica, and then said, "Mr. Simpson got jealous that we

were in contact. From now on, I'll tell him that we had a fight and we haven't been in touch. Maybe that

will appease him?"

Yessica couldn't help but laugh and said, "By doing that, you're deceiving him. What if he finds out?

Wouldn't it be worse?"

Kian sighed and asked, "Then what should I do?"novelbin

"Don't say anything, just focus on your work!" Yessica replied. "Okay, I'll follow your advice," Kian said.

"You're such a good boy!" Yessica sent a head-patting emoji and told him to finish his tasks and rest


They didn't chat for too long since they both had work to do. However, Kian noticed that Ayan's mood

seemed off, so Yessica hesitated whether she should have Yessica contact Camille. But before Kian

could make a decision, Ayan received a message from Camille.

At that moment, the two of them were chatting, and Ayan's visibly improved mood was apparent. They

continued chatting until it was time for the reception. The reception was held at the hotel where they

were staying, so it didn't take them long to get there.

Kian timely reminded, "Mr. Simpson, we can leave now."

Ayan grunted in acknowledgment and sent Camille a voice message, saying, "I'm going to work now.

Rest early, and tomorrow will be easier after today's tasks are done. If you need anything, you can call

me directly, no matter how late it is, okay?" Read at Drам?novels.coм

His voice was filled with tenderness. Even though Kian was well aware of Ayan's gentleness towards

Camille, it was still difficult to connect this gentle side with his business demeanor.

But Kian was accustomed to it. With a blank expression on his face, he gazed ahead, waiting for Ayan

to finish his conversation with Camille. Then, the two of them left the hotel room and headed straight to

the reception venue.

Thus, he personally introduced Ayan to other business leaders, making it clear to everyone that he held

Ayan in high regard and respected him greatly.

Ayan knew deep down that the host had ulterior motives for such behavior.

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